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Little Russia

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--- Quote from: YOLF on December 13, 2020, 07:40:55 PM ---Lubei

He let his head tilt to the side. The angle didn't make her appearance any more or less unusual, but it felt strangely fragile to Lubei's eyes.

"We sleep and eat as mortals, but the mightiest more out of want than need," he replied. Pushing stagnant air out of his lungs with the heaving of his chest, he tapped at his temple with a weary swing of the wrist. "There's no end to what troubles me. And what of you?"

--- End quote ---


"Angels are a superior existence who do not require mortal convivences nor possess their weaknesses. We are perfect beings who act as the arms, eyes, and ears of God, and sometimes, even his voice. I am one of the highest grade of angels, serving directly beneath Lord Michael himself. I know all that there is to know, my existence is an immutable fact of the universe."She turned her head and looked straight into his eyes at the same angle. Despite her words, there was a bitter and hurt tone to her words which was not typical of how she usually spoke. It was almost as of she were jealous? Bitter? Angry?


That wasn't what he was asking. Was his shortness of words to blame, or did she choose her answer on purpose? If it was true, then truly her ilk sat beneath the very heavens. But it didn't sit right. Even gods lived within the roads of karma, and immutability and omniscience were not freedom from it. Was that what crawled with familiarity in Lubei's stomach, listening to her?

The demon king raised a hand, slow and deliberate, and it hovered an inch from her head. Gnarled tension furrowed his brow, and he shut his eyes before patting her hair.

"Your purpose makes you bitter?" He asked.


--- Quote from: YOLF on December 14, 2020, 03:53:36 PM ---Lubei

That wasn't what he was asking. Was his shortness of words to blame, or did she choose her answer on purpose? If it was true, then truly her ilk sat beneath the very heavens. But it didn't sit right. Even gods lived within the roads of karma, and immutability and omniscience were not freedom from it. Was that what crawled with familiarity in Lubei's stomach, listening to her?

The demon king raised a hand, slow and deliberate, and it hovered an inch from her head. Gnarled tension furrowed his brow, and he shut his eyes before patting her hair.

"Your purpose makes you bitter?" He asked.

--- End quote ---


Her hair felt soft and silken as he ruffled his large fingers against her small head. It felt perfectly soft in a supernatural manner which couldn't simply be explained with good hair care.

"H-hey." Ivanna muttered, a rare redness painting her cheeks a rosy color. "Maybe." She responded after a few flustered moments that felt like an eternity for the small angel, before she settled into this rare show of affection for her. She hadn't felt like this in millennia, not since the War in Heaven...

"I mean, ahem. Maybe it's the lack of purpose, too." Ivanna bit her lower lip and averted her gaze. She hadn't heard from Him. Not once. "I feel-" Her words fell off into silence. She wasn't sure if she really should even be voicing such thoughts.


How strange. Was his host the kind who looked strong, but kept all weaknesses to herself? He could relate, but that didn't feel accurate. His younger sibling was an audacious, shameless girl, but she hid away her frailties behind a remonstrative glare. She did not enjoy being gazed upon or comforted in such a state, yet needed it. That was closer, but Ivanna did not snap at his touch in disregard of her dignity. No, there was... someone else. A cousin? A child. Sun-kissed skin red with unspilled tears. His daughter? Lubei didn't have children.

A child whose blood lay on his hands. A thousand reasons burning in the fires of hell, none of which could answer for the lives on his back. A tomb of ice for a living soul.

He pulled his feathered touch away, curling his hand into a fist, and squinted at the seraph through the pain that creased his forehead. "Sinking." He finished in her stead.

"You feel... Afloat, adrift, oceans apart from land? Forced to wear down your feet and to tear your legs, told that forward is the only way to go, when you can't see where the end lies. Though you must make choices to proceed, and none will tell you whether they were right or wrong, and you know not whether you were entitled to make them. Entrusted with determining goodness when you are alone because you didn't know it in the first place, and only ever desired to execute it."

The stinging in his brain receded as he spoke, and he exhaled in relief. It turned to silent trepidation as his own words sank.


--- Quote from: YOLF on December 15, 2020, 01:00:59 AM ---Lubei

How strange. Was his host the kind who looked strong, but kept all weaknesses to herself? He could relate, but that didn't feel accurate. His younger sibling was an audacious, shameless girl, but she hid away her frailties behind a remonstrative glare. She did not enjoy being gazed upon or comforted in such a state, yet needed it. That was closer, but Ivanna did not snap at his touch in disregard of her dignity. No, there was... someone else. A cousin? A child. Sun-kissed skin red with unspilled tears. His daughter? Lubei didn't have children.

A child whose blood lay on his hands. A thousand reasons burning in the fires of hell, none of which could answer for the lives on his back. A tomb of ice for a living soul.

He pulled his feathered touch away, curling his hand into a fist, and squinted at the seraph through the pain that creased his forehead. "Sinking." He finished in her stead.

"You feel... Afloat, adrift, oceans apart from land? Forced to wear down your feet and to tear your legs, told that forward is the only way to go, when you can't see where the end lies. Though you must make choices to proceed, and none will tell you whether they were right or wrong, and you know not whether you were entitled to make them. Entrusted with determining goodness when you are alone because you didn't know it in the first place, and only ever desired to execute it."

The stinging in his brain receded as he spoke, and he exhaled in relief. It turned to silent trepidation as his own words sank.

--- End quote ---


Yes, this felt good. Liberating. The brief feeling of his hand against her head brought a momentary sense of peace to her mind. It didn't feel like she was so alone. Like he was able to empathize with her fears, her worries. Of course, this was a fancy. She knew this. There was so much more, so much he couldn't possibly understand, because his world was so different from her own. They were both aliens, desperately trying to find their ways in this brave new world. Ivanna sighed. "It sounds like you're feeling the same way that I am-funny." She chuckled, and then turned back around. "Let us walk. The best way to experience the cold patter of snow is to remain in motion through it. Praise the lord."

Through her selfish use of power, the sky suddenly grew overcast, and a light flurry began to fall onto them as the wind howled around them. "There's a peacefulness in the cold, don't you agree?"


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