Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Little, etheral mice shifted in the shadows. They had instincts, but they did not hunger, and so they did not find any interest in bugs or smaller animals. Small as they were, however, something about the perfecty still, silent insects in the vicinity could not escape their notice when they passed by. A pair of them stopped and sniffed, but then crawled away as they were.

"What kind of magic? What are you and your husband's skills that you saw her use?" Justice asked. With the cowgirl and the anxious wife, his eyes refocused as he kept them on track.

Cherry Lover:

"I just want my husband back. I don't really care what happens to his kidnapper, but I am sure my husband would not want us to kill her if we can avoid it. He's a very kind and forgiving person", Sakura replied, smiling briefly at the thought of her beloved's kind nature.

Then, she turned to the man.

"Well, my husband has the ability to create copies of almost any sword that he has ever seen, and he can turn them into exploding arrows and shoot them at people. He's really amazing", she said, again briefly smiling before switching to a wistful look.

"As for my magic, well, it'll probably be easier if I just show you, really. Everything I can do, she can do, only better."


Suerte perked up a little bit, but her eyes narrowed at the girl as she went on her gushy rant.  The girl sounded like a teenager who just started dating her crush after years of pining.  It stirred a jealous fire in her belly that quickly twisted into a headache-inducing annoyance.  The idea of fighting someone with exploding arrows sounded like a fun spectacle at least.

"Can he create copies of any weapon or just swords?" she asked, putting a hand on the holster at her hip.  It would be a problem if he could copy her guns.  Maybe it would be smart to use the sniper rifle for this job.  "More importantly, are you willing to pay extra for non lethal force?  Bounty huntin is especially tough without lethal force."

She looked at Justice as if to say, do you want to spar with her, or should I?


Almost any sword. Justice grumbled, the idea of having Absolution turned against him or detonated like a bomb in his face, a bitterly amusing one. But he turned to Suerte and nodded placidly. She could handle this.

He turned his gaze away and into his shades, running through and scanning the shadows.

Cherry Lover:

Sakura sighed.

"You seem to be misunderstanding. The bounty would be for the return of my husband, alive and unharmed. I would not ask you to put yourself in extra danger to spare her, but nor do I have any particular desire to see that bitch dead", Sakura replied. "But, you should be warned, my husband is a very kind and forgiving person, if you attempt to kill her unnecessarily he is likely to try to stop you. So, I would not advise attempting to harm her once you have rescued him."

"As for his magic, well, he can create copies of most kinds of weapons, but not explosives, or anything highly complicated like a gun", she added.


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