Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Suerte grinned and said, "Thats cute.  I can't say I hate boys like that, but I could see how he might become just as big of a problem as the enemy herself.  In that case, I guess i'll try to be nice, but if she resists too much i'll put her in the ground.  In that case, would you spar with me really quick?  I want to get a feel for this other girl's abilities.  We will have to just go with your husband's abilities based on what you have told us."

She turned to Justice.  "You might want to leave the sword behind," she said, her smile fading into something more natural and professional.  "I say we come up with a plan after this little match.  Do you mind keeping a look out?  It would be bad if she were to come back or something."


"You ask a terrible thing, to separate Justice from his tools," he said, chuckling dryly. "I'll do that. Feel free to focus."

Truth is, he was already keeping lookout, and counting on his instincts to come alight if the worst happened to come upon them while they were in the middle of this. With a flick of his mind, crows manifested on his shoulders too, and flew off, keeping to the shadow of the tallest buildings were they were hardest to see.

His servants formed a spectral net of surveillance over the neighborhood, slowly spreading out.

Cherry Lover:

"Well, I was just planning on giving you a demonstration, but I suppose we could try that", Sakura replied. "I usually use my magic in support of my husband, though, it's not really that good for close-range combat. Plus, from what I saw of her, she uses her magic a little differently from me. She's a lot more powerful, but I think she has considerably less practice in using her magic than I do. And, she has Sen.. my husband's magic as well, so she is much more likely to get close than I am."

"Really, I think a demonstration would be better, but if you do want to spar, then I am willing to give it a try. You do need to be careful not to hurt me, though, whilst I can reinforce myself and I am wearing reinforced body armour, I am ultimately just a human, my body isn't particularly durable by the standards of the Nexus", she added.


Suerte sighed and said,  "Well if you want to do it the boring way I don't mind but it is more effective with sparing.  Learning through our eyes is not as good as through our muscles and eyes you know?  But ah well, the client knows best I suppose."

Suerte leaped backward, landing atop a nearby tree.  "Just don't blow me up!"

Continued from here


Having made it out of the district without much incident, Nanako took a break, nestling into a relatively quiet corner of a nearby coffee shop, having gotten her jacket back on in the meanwhile.

Soon growing bored, the squirrel girl pulled her phone out, tail flitting curiously behind her as she noticed a missed call and a voice message. It took her a couple tries to remember what she'd used for her passcode, but Nanako soon got through.

Oh hey, it's Sakura- she noted to herself with a smirk before it dropped off her face at the rest of Sakura's message.

Frowning for a moment at the strange predicament her friends had found themselves in, Nanako let out a quiet sigh before she dialed up the purplehead. The one that apparently hadn't kidnapped a handsome redhead.


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