Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Cherry Lover:

--- Quote from: Panda on June 22, 2019, 05:00:22 PM ---Continued from here


Having made it out of the district without much incident, Nanako took a break, nestling into a relatively quiet corner of a nearby coffee shop, having gotten her jacket back on in the meanwhile.

Soon growing bored, the squirrel girl pulled her phone out, tail flitting curiously behind her as she noticed a missed call and a voice message. It took her a couple tries to remember what she'd used for her passcode, but Nanako soon got through.

Oh hey, it's Sakura- she noted to herself with a smirk before it dropped off her face at the rest of Sakura's message.

Frowning for a moment at the strange predicament her friends had found themselves in, Nanako let out a quiet sigh before she dialed up the purplehead. The one that apparently hadn't kidnapped a handsome redhead.

--- End quote ---


"I understand but, whilst she can use most of my magic, the way we fight is very different. The tactics which work well against me will not work so well against her", Sakura replied. "I can spar with you if you want, but I'm not sure it would teach you much, I suspect you would defeat me easily."

With that, Sakura prepared to begin her demonstration, only for her phone to begin to ring. Taking it out of her pocket, she saw that it was Nanako.

"Oh, sorry, I need to take this", she said, answering the phone.

"Hi Nanako", she said, "thank you for calling me back. I really need your help, Senpai has been kidnapped by someone much stronger than me and I don't know where she's taken him."


"Yeah, I listened to the message," Nanako said, the hubub of the coffee shop audible in the background, "So where are you right now? Wait, I can just ask the squirrels. Alright, I'll see you in a minute or two."

With that, Nanako took her pecan tarts, gave the barista a smile and a generous tip, and left the coffee shop. The squirrel girl zipped through the streets, heading for the nearest park, munching on her snacks as she went.


He blinked out of the muted senses of his shades. Fortune had always had a weird sense of occasion with him, but this was something else, he thought, hearing the name and the hazy echo of the voice on the phone. Justice had only barely begun filling in a new journal since arriving, but if today kept going like this, he would soon have enough material to cover the space in entries that usually took him weeks.

Though the lines of his forehead, hidden under his hat's shadow, were even, the rider glanced uncomfortably at Suerte, lips pursed under his scarf. Her advice had been one thing, but with the squirrelgirl here, would she be able to resist acting adversarial? Justice didn't want to see that.

At least on the job it could possibly be avoided.


Suerte waved at her from atop the tree.  She could tell her that she has trained to take someone down with plenty of non lethal methods.  After all, with just a thought, she could change her bullets to rubber ones, but the girl seemed set on demonstrating.  Arguing with a client just isn't professional unless it is for the good of said client.  That was her thought at first.

"Another one?" she asked, hopping off the tree and landing back on the ground.  "Sweetie.  I know you are worried about your husband but have a little faith.  Me and Justice here are more than enough to save your man."

Cherry Lover:

Sakura was about to answer Nanako when the girl decided instead to come up with a solution for herself.

"OK, see you in a minute, Nanako", she said, before hanging up.

As soon as she'd done so, the girl jumped down in front of her and spoke, questioning her choice to call another person.

"I called her before I even met you, actually", she said. "But I don't see how having extra help can hurt. Plus, she seems to be good at tracking people, which we will need."

"In any case, she'll be here in a couple of minutes, so it's probably not a good idea to attempt sparring, in case she gets the wrong idea. But I can demonstrate some of my magic now, whilst we're waiting", she added.

With that, she began her demonstration.

"Erschaffe Hornissenschwarm!" she shouted, and a swarm of hornets began to form behind her, before moving quickly in the direction of a nearby lamp-post.

"First of all, I can create various insect familiars with my magic. Personally, I make a lot of use of these hornets. They act a lot like normal hornets, but their stings are deadly. Alternately, if I wish, they can instead knock their target unconscious", she said. "As for her, I'm unsure exactly what she uses. I mostly came up with the specific uses of this magic myself, so she might well have come up with something slightly different. Although, I did see her create hornets in battle, at least."

"Verschwinden!" she shouted, causing the familiars to disappear.

"Next, I will demonstrate my shadow magecraft. Vertraute Schatten einsetzen!" she stated, creating a moderate-sized shadow familiar.

"These familiars can be used to shield me and to attack my enemies. Also, they can vary in size depending on how much magical energy I put in to them. Our opponent seems to have considerably more magical energy available to her than I do, so her familiars are far, far larger than I can make mine. As such, they are also far more dangerous."

As she spoke, Sakura sent the shadow creature to stand over near to a wall behind her.

"It might also be a good idea for me to demonstrate their abilities a little better. If you wouldn't mind, could you take a few shots at that shadow? It should absorb them without taking any damage", she added, before waiting for the girl to make her move.


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