Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Suerte folded her arms at the comment and grumbled, "Whatever.  Lets just get this boring part over with."

Watching the coordination between the hornets and her, she felt a little uneasy.  These sorts of enemies required a lot of quick thinking and creativity to deal with.  Moreover, someone smart who could coordinate them well could give even her a good run for her money.  Considering they seem to require orders from the master, it might be best simply to snipe the user and be done with it.  However, that means she would have to take a life to deal with this particular threat safely.

"Got it," she said, watching the hornets move.  "I think I already know how to deal with something like that."

The shadow looked far less threatening.  Really, the idea that the shadow got bigger and stronger was even less threatening.  The fact of the matter was big stupid familiars like this did poorly against her own powers, at least in terms of actually landing a hit.

"I suppose I could," she said with a shrug.  Following the client's directions, she reached into her holster and grabbed her gun.  Two loud bangs filled the air as the gun lazily fired at the shadow.  They were regular bullets, so nothing to be too worried about.

Cherry Lover:

As the bullets hit the shadow, they simply disappeared without trace, leaving no apparent damage.

"As you can see, the shadows absorbed the bullets without a trace", Sakura said. "In fact, they can absorb almost any attack that hits them straight-on. Aside from maybe a powerful anti-magic spell, the only way to destroy them is to cut them from the edge. Do you have anything in particular that you think might work on them? If you do, it might be a good idea to test it out now."


He stared, fingering the handle of Absolution. The edge was tempered to sunder illusions, not all magic, but it could likely endure cutting through the border of these shadows fine, if it came to that.

"The insects. How far could they operate, and how easy would it be to make more on a long-term basis?" Justice inquired, voice thrumming. Poison wouldn't be a concern for him, but the other two's possible vulnerability worried him. He could think of a few ways to make use of that, but other gears were turning in his head.

He continued, after a pause, "Can you sense or follow her magic, if it's like your own?"


A mechanical noise could be heard from her gun, like cogs grinding against each other, trying to rub one another out of existence.  Still looking down the barrel of her gun, she fired another shot.  The bullets exploded just before it reached the shadow, coating it in oil.  The noise repeated itself and this time when she fired, regular looking bullets came forth from the barrel of her gun.  However, if they were able to strike the oil, they would light it ablaze.

Cherry Lover:

As the man spoke, the girl made another attempt to attack the shadow. However, the droplets of oil from the exploding bullet were simply absorbed into the shadow just as the bullets before them had been, the same fate befalling the follow-up attack. Seeing this, Sakura turned to the girl.

"As I said, they can absorb almost anything. The only chance you might have of destroying them with a frontal attack is if you have some kind of anti-magic bullet, and even then I'm not sure if it would work", she said.

Then, the turned to the man and began to answer his questions.

"My insects are familiars, so they can operate at any distance. They also have some limited level of autonomy. If I give them an order, they will attempt to fulfill that order even if they are not able to be directly controlled. Of course, their intelligence is only on the same level as that of an insect, so they can be outwitted easily enough. As for their creation, it is a relatively quick process. The limiting factor is mostly my magical energy supply, both in terms of creating them and also supporting them", she said.

"And, no, unfortunately I do not have any special attunement to her magic. I can detect the use of magical energy by any magus, if they are close enough, and the fact that I am so familiar with her magic means that I might be able to pick up on subtle things that I might miss from anyone else, but overall my ability to detect her is not significantly better than my ability to detect any other mage."


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