Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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The rider rubbed the bridge of his nose. He responded with obvious firmness. "Just keep your eyes open and ears sharpened then. If we're dealing with someone who can vanish on a whim and have a swarm watching every inch of a map, then we're going to need a lot of luck."

Justice closed his eyes. Distant and close rats and ravens stirred, red gazes looking for unnatural reactions from any insects they saw.


"Well only one way to find out," she said.  Her words were followed by that same mechanical noise.  Then, she fired another shot.  The bullet that sailed into the familiar was one designed to harm magical beings.  Basically, an anti magic bullet.

Without bothering to see the result, she turned to Justice and said, "I wouldn't worry too much about that.  I'm more worried about the teleporting.  I hope your ready to lose some sleep tonight.  By the way, how does Punishment mix with magic?"

Cherry Lover:

To Sakura's surprise, instead of the familiar simply absorbing the shot, the bullet pierced straight through, leaving a massive hole in the middle of it. Then, with its integrity compromised, the shadow quickly disintegrated. With the surprised look on her face, Sakura turned back to the girl.

"What was that?" she said. "It destroyed the shadow pretty easily."

"And, yes, I agree, her teleportation is very problematic. I've got myself and my husband out of trouble using it enough times, and I'm much less proficient than she seems to be. And, whilst she can only travel to locations where she has a shadow familiar, if she has any sense, she'll have familiars dotted around the city in convenient locations, like I have, so it won't be difficult for her to escape."

"Our only option is to find a way to keep her distracted and seperated from my husband until we can evacuate him safely. If she can't grab him, she can't escape with him. Even if she does run, we'll still have got what we came for", she added.


Justice shook his head non-committingly to his tentative partner. "He'll take it just as well as us," he said. Perhaps not as well as Suerte, if the effectiveness of that last experimental round held. He didn't have anything to censure of their conclusions, however, and turned to Sakura firmly.

"We will take care of that," he responded. He had his ways to help distract her, so long as her senses could be clouded. "It'll be up to you to get your husband out, and away."


Nanako sailed through the air, cutting a silhouette that might have been majestic if not for the fluffy tail whipping behind her and the way her jacket was flapping in the wind. From the roofs to the ground and back again, the squirrel girl making good time as she followed the tips she'd gotten from her squirrel friends. Her mind whirled with idle musings of snacks and mild worry for the handsome redhead who'd managed to get himself kidnapped. She certainly hoped this wouldn't be a regular occurrence, but with how squishy those two were...

Nanako shook her head before looking out over the scene before her. She should be close enough to...ah, there! The squirrel girl grinned as she she leaped from another roof, leaving sluggish sound and a slower cloud of dust and debris behind as she cut through the air like a fluffy knife. The group she was headed for was a little unexpected. She knew Sakura would be there, but she hadn't expected Justice to show up too. Maybe he'd just happened to be in the area? The busty strawberry blonde near them was unfamiliar though, though she certainly wasn't hard on the eyes. Her time to wonder about that was at and end though, Nanako coming in for a sudden landing a safe distance away from Sakura, kicking up a cloud of dirt and dust with the impact.

There was a moment of silence, before suddenly the squirrel girl zipped out of the rising cloud, popping up right next to Sakura and looking over her, concerned.

"Heya, came as soon as I could!" she said before zipping over to Justice, "And fancy seeing you here!"

The smell was obvious. Justice had a fairly distinctive smell after all, so it was easy to tell that there was something else there. Frowning, Nanako turned to look at the cowgirl suspiciously.


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