Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Cherry Lover:

--- Quote from: Sinib on May 19, 2019, 08:07:29 PM ---Sakura

Sakura had no interest in talking to either of them, really. She fully acknowledged how stupid and foolish this assault was. She just didn't care about that right now.

She felt betrayed by the world, and she needed to vent out her feelings on something, someone. She felt like she was going to explode if she didn't do something.

And she'd rather vent it out on these two sickening lovebirds than her sister.

So, shadows wrapped themselves around her body tro provide some protection, reinforcing her skin to be as tough as iron. Her own hornets came back to protect her, but with a thought, she directed them towards the other her. The bugs buzzed loudly as they shit towards Sakura, mandibles outstretched, ready to tear into her.

Sakura frowned at this version of her lover, hatred boiling up inside of her. "How, why, how dare!" She yelled at him, choking down her own sorrow.

"Steel is my body, and fire is my blood." The image of a great noble phantasm began to materialize in front of Shirou's eyes, before it crystalized into an immediately recognizable form. The holy sword, gram, materialized in her hand, and she charged forwards with vengence in her eyes.
--- End quote ---


Shirou's head began to throb even more as the girl continued to chant the weirdly-familiar chant. Somehow, he recognised that allowing her to continue was dangerous, so he reinforced his body armour before charging past the shadow that was protecting him and towards the girl. As he did so, he saw the sword materialise in her hand, and his eyes widened with surprise. The shadows wrapped around her body and the swarm of insects she'd sent towards Sakura, coupled with the distinctive ribbon in her hair, made it obvious that the girl was some kind of alternate version of his wife, but he instinctively knew that she had traced the sword in her hand in the exact same way as he would have. And he knew the sword, too. Gram, the ancestor to Caliburn.

"Sakura, what's going on?" he shouted as he ran towards her, swords at the ready. "Why are you trying to kill us?"


Sakura sighed momentarily as Shirou ran past the shadow that she had created to defend him, but she didn't make any comment. She trusted that he knew what he was doing and, besides, she had her own movements to worry about. Unlike Shirou, Sakura wasn't particularly worried about the girl's motivations. She just wanted to protect herself and, more importantly, her beloved. If the girl survived, then that was good, but if not, then so be it.

"Angriff!" she shouted, sending her own swarm of hornets towards those the girl had sent in her direction.

"Erzeugen Schattenigel!" she shouted, causing a small shadow blob covered with many small spikes to appear in the middle of the swarm.

"Schießen!" she added without a pause.

In response, the spikes fired out from the shadow blob, sending many small spines firing out into the swarm, each one capable of destroying an insect.

"Wiederholen! Wiederholen!" she continued, creating several more such blobs and immediately detonating them.

Sakura followed this with more of the same, continuing to focus on the swarm until her own swarm arrived to destroy whatever remained. Then, she would turn her attentions to their opponent.


A dark shadow emenated from around Sakura's feet, expanding outwards in a circle around her. She clutched gram tightly, grimacing at Shirou, and through the pain of Rin trying to wrestle some control back. Her face contorted into agony after he asked her question.


She didn't respond to Shirou, uninterested in attempting to justidy her actions. She just burst forwards with a thunderous leap, sword bearing down on Shirou.

Cherry Lover:

Shirou reacted to the alternate Sakura's attack instinctively, parrying it with his own swords before jumping backwards and throwing the two swords in the girl's direction, his head still throbbing. Noticing the shadow beneath her feet and wary of what she might be able to do with it, he was careful to keep his distance.

"Sakura, stop!" he shouted. "You don't need to do this!"


Sakura, meanwhile, watched the girl with anger and determination.

"Angriff!" she shouted, sending her swarm of hornets towards the girl, intending to have them use their tranquilising ability to send her to sleep.

Then, in co-ordination with Shirou's attack, Sakura made one of her own.

"Erstelle Schattenball!" she shouted, pointing in the girl's direction. "Und anderer!"

In response, a blob of shadow appeared just behind and to the side of the girl, out of her sight, followed by another on the opposite side.


With that, several spikes shot out from the two balls of shadow, intending to pierce the girl from behind just as Shirou's swords approached her from in front.


--- Quote from: Cherry Lover on May 21, 2019, 11:41:06 PM ---Shirou

Shirou reacted to the alternate Sakura's attack instinctively, parrying it with his own swords before jumping backwards and throwing the two swords in the girl's direction, his head still throbbing. Noticing the shadow beneath her feet and wary of what she might be able to do with it, he was careful to keep his distance.

"Sakura, stop!" he shouted. "You don't need to do this!"


Sakura, meanwhile, watched the girl with anger and determination.

"Angriff!" she shouted, sending her swarm of hornets towards the girl, intending to have them use their tranquilising ability to send her to sleep.

Then, in co-ordination with Shirou's attack, Sakura made one of her own.

"Erstelle Schattenball!" she shouted, pointing in the girl's direction. "Und anderer!"

In response, a blob of shadow appeared just behind and to the side of the girl, out of her sight, followed by another on the opposite side.


With that, several spikes shot out from the two balls of shadow, intending to pierce the girl from behind just as Shirou's swords approached her from in front.

--- End quote ---


Sakura felt the immesurable skills of the great hero sigurd channeling through her as she trivially deflected the two swords that had been thrown at her. She at once felt extrodinarily nostalgic, extreme longing, and a sickening feeling that sank into her gut at once. Tasting bile in her mouth, she burst forward towards Shirou, dodging the shadows behind her and closing the distance with what seemed like a single step. She smacked him in the shoulder with the flat of her blade, hard enough to dislocate it and to break bones.

"Why shouldn't I, Senpai?" She seemed to be spitting out the word as if it were a distasteful, bitter pill she was being forced to swallow. An impossibly fast kick came hurtling at his gut.

Cherry Lover:

--- Quote from: Sinib on May 23, 2019, 07:54:16 AM ---Sakura

Sakura felt the immesurable skills of the great hero sigurd channeling through her as she trivially deflected the two swords that had been thrown at her. She at once felt extrodinarily nostalgic, extreme longing, and a sickening feeling that sank into her gut at once. Tasting bile in her mouth, she burst forward towards Shirou, dodging the shadows behind her and closing the distance with what seemed like a single step. She smacked him in the shoulder with the flat of her blade, hard enough to dislocate it and to break bones.

"Why shouldn't I, Senpai?" She seemed to be spitting out the word as if it were a distasteful, bitter pill she was being forced to swallow. An impossibly fast kick came hurtling at his gut.

--- End quote ---

Sakura and Shirou

Having fully expected the girl to deflect his rather simple attack, Shirou immediately traced another pair of swords. However, whilst he had not planned on his attack succeeding, he was not remotely prepared for what happened next. As soon as she'd dodged the swords, the girl launched herself at him. Somehow, he knew what she would do before it happened but, even so, he was unable to react in time, and the sword slammed directly into his shoulder, causing him to let out a scream of pain. Before he could react to the first blow or even react to the fact that she had struck him with the flat of her blade, he felt her foot crash directly into his stomach, winding him and sending him flying backwards.

Sakura, meanwhile, was watching with horror as the girl moved far faster than she thought was possible and struck Shirou directly on the shoulder. Unable to see that the strike had not pierced the skin, she screamed desperately.

"Senpai, no!" she shouted, her voice full of anguish.

"Schattencluster erstellen!" she shouted, glaring angrily at the girl as multiple shadow balls appeared behind and to the side of her.

"Aufladen! Explodieren!" she continued, straining her magic to its limit as tears filled her eyes.

With that, the shadow balls all exploded like grenades, the wave of magical energy hopefully crashing into the girl along with shards of shadow.

"Erschaffe Hornissenschwärme! Angriff!" she continued, creating several more swarms of hornets and ordering them to attack the girl, her face contorted with rage, hatred and fear.

 Shirou, meanwhile, began to attempt to desperately scramble to his feet, too winded by the kick to call out to his distressed wife.


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