Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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The smoke on Suerte's gun was snuffed out, blown away by the simple blow of her soft lips.  "Anti magic bullet," she said with a proud grin.  "Nice thing about my weapons is their versatility.  Back in my world, I was a bit of a mage killer, so having an anti-magic bullet was key."

Then, she showed up.

A busty girl who looked like the product of bestiality came rushing over to Justice.  She was astoundingly fast as well, probably one of the fastest things hse had seen here.  That kind of speed wasn't uncommon in her world, but in this city?  Yeah it was odd.  Would have to watch out for that.  Still, that kind of speed could be useful...

"Ah so this is your friend?  I can see why you called this gal.  She's pretty cute too.  How about you come over here hun?  I have an idea."

Cherry Lover:

Sakura smiled back at the cowgirl.

"Ah, OK", she replied. "Those bullets could really come in handy."

Then, she turned to the man but, before she could speak, she was interrupted by the sound of a squirrel girl crashing into the ground at great speed, before running over to her.

"Hi Nanako!" she said. "Thank you for responding to my call, I need all the help I can get here."

Then, she addressed the man.

"I'm not sure if that is the best strategy. I certainly can evacuate him, but my teleportation isn't as quick as hers, and I would have to get into range first. That would be difficult for me to do in the middle of a battle", she said. "It might be better if Nanako was to rush in and grab Shirou, and then bring him to me so that I can teleport us to safety. She's much, much faster than I am."


It begins, he thought grimly, as his suspicion was confirmed by the timely arrival of the bubble of excitement that was Nanako. He should have a lot to say, but lately he'd been surrounding himself with people so willful any edge word-wise he wished to get was quickly swallowed up. It took more to worry him, but... But was it just him that she seemed to be a little lighter now, in some unseeable way? He sent Nanako an acnowledging, comfortable glance.

"We know each other. I can vouch for her speed," he chuckled dryly. "That will do."

What he could not exactly vouch for were Suerte's intentions towards Nanako once she made the connection. Licentious ideas would probably be the least of them.


Her suspicion grew with the way the cowgirl called her over, Sakura's suggestions to Justice barely registering, his response only getting slightly more attention, a quick look back before she honed in on her new target. The squirrel girl's eyes narrowed as they met the busty blonde's, Nanako staring at her for a long moment before she relaxed. Slightly.

"Hm, alright then," Nanako said, making her way over. One hand reached up, unbuckled her jacket, and tossed it aside, leaving her in her ring outfit, her tail flicking agitatedly behind her as she strode right up to Suerte, chest bouncing slightly in time with her steps yet remaining within her top by some miracle. The squirrel girl didn't stop until she was right in Suerte's face, her generous breasts pressing against the cowgirl's through their tops as she kept her gaze locked with the other girl.

"What'd ya have in mind?" she asked, her suspicions now confirmed as she smelled Justice's distinctive scent on the girl.


"Oh a feisty one," she said, eyeing the girl's bouncy breasts.  "And a bouncy one.  You are really popular Justice.  I hope this girl isn't a past lover..."

Suerte could feel her nipples hardening, before being smooshed by the squirrel girl's breasts.  Still, Suerte did not move an inch.  In fact, she puffed her chest up, compressing her boobs into the newbie's chest.  Her hazel eyes glimmered with a silent fire.  She started the process the moment they came in contact, draining whatever protection fate granted her, the power known as luck.

She leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Because I already fucked him."


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