Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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The squirrel girl didn't back down as the blonde puffed her chest up, Nanako doing the same and pushing her chest out against the cowgirl's. Even like this, she couldn't help but notice feeling Suerte's nipples stiffening through both of their tops.

What she'd said was of greater concern, however, Nanako briefly going still before leaning in as well.

"Looks like you haven't known him long then," she whispered back, "He's been keeping me warm every night since we met."

With that, Nanako exploded into motion, not moving any further away from Suerte, but instead slipping around to the cowgirl's back. She wrapped her arms around the blonde's toned belly, pulling her in close and pressing her chest up against her back before bridging back sharply, fully intent on slamming the girl back in a textbook german suplex, though she managed to hold back on the force of the slam. Somewhat.


The hair on the back of his neck stood up like a hissing cat before his eyes recognized the immediacy in their belligerent body language. He was stepping forward the instant before Nanako grabbed Suerte, and crashed to the ground under both, too late to separate them. Justice's body broke their fall with a loud bang and gruntle.

"You're not sleeping with anyone either way if you land yourselves in the hospital," he growled, forcing himself to pull both girls to their feet by essentially the scruff of their neck. "We have a job to do."

Not for the last time today, he wondered where he had gone wrong. People fighting over his company was so bizarre as to send a queasy shudder through his lower back. Normally they fought to get away, and very occasionally the lone dalliance would have fought to keep him around, but he always left first.

He probably couldn't run from these two.

Cherry Lover:

Sakura nodded at the man's reply, before watching on as Nanako walked towards the girl, pressing their chests together in what was obviously a show of dominance as they whispered to each other. Then, without warning, Nanako suddenly grabbed the other girl and attempted to slam her into the ground, only for the man to jump in and attempt to stop them. Sakura watched on with astonishment and confusion at the sudden fight, wondering momentarily what, exactly, might have brought it on, until she heard the man's words.

Oh, I see..., she thought, realising that they were fighting over him.

"Yes, he's right, can we please just focus on finding my husband", she said.



Before she knew it, she felt arms wrap around her waist and suddenly she was looking at the sky.  From the tip of her vision, she heard Justice's angry gruff voice.  Then, he felt those familiar muscles pressed against the back of her head.



Though the impact was softer than she'd expected, Nanako wouldn't stop there. Keeping her grip around Suerte's waist, Nanako flipped up and over the downed cowgirl, keeping the blonde's legs spread with her own as she came down ass-first on Suerte's face, smothering the cowgirl for a brief moment.

The gruff voice from beneath Suerte cleared things up quickly though, Nanako gasping a little as Justice yanked her up and off of Suerte. Despite herself, the rough treatment sent sparks running through her body before looking over at Justice with a bit of a pout.

"Hmph. Alright then," Nanako said, fairly sure this wasn't over yet.


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