Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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People were starting to give them weird looks even from the other side of the street, weirded out by the group even beyond giving them a wide berth. This was why being conspicuous was tiring.

"Keep your personal problems for later, I'm not going anywhere," Justice said to the girls. He shook his head, but still laid a hand on Nanako's hair, ruffling between her ears, and lightly hit Suerte's shoulder with the back of his hand, strangling out a smile behind his scarf.

The rider whistled, and Punishment whinnied in displeasure but approached. He turned to Sakura, "You should get on when we go, we don't want you to get exhausted on the search." She was seemingly the most mortal among them in this way.

Cherry Lover:

Sakura nodded.

"Yes, that probably makes sense. Whilst I'm reasonably fit and used to travelling long distances, I am still fundamentally human. I am sure all of you can move faster than me and tire out less easily", she said.

Then, she had a thought.

"Hmm.... If I give you all a shadow familiar to carry, then I can teleport myself to you if necessary. And I can see, hear and speak through them, too, so we could all communicate", she said.

With that, she generated three small shadow familiars, each of which walked up to one of the three companions and stood in front of them, waving cutely.

"If you don't mind, could you please pick them up and keep them somewhere, perhaps in a pocket. They're reasonably autonomous, so you shouldn't need to do much with them, as long as they're able to stay in place."



Suerte could feel it, the luck flowing into her body.  The odd part was that this bimbo wasn't getting any more unlucky.  That shouldn't be possible.  It wasn't like she could generate new luck by touching someone.  But if she was immune to the luck draining, then why was the cowgirl getting luckier?

"Aww," Suerte said, returning Justice's friendly smile.  She turned away from him, grabbing the shadow and placing it in her cleavage.  "You do care!"

Turning back to Nanako, she reached out and grabbed her by the bottom of her top, her fingers pushing up against Nanako's underboob directly.  They were still warm from all the running she did earlier.  "Well, you heard the man.  No more fighting or neither of us get anything, so lets make out."

Her wrist yanked Nanako in, pressing their breasts together once more.  Suerte closed her eyes, locking her soft lips with the squirrel girl.  Her muscular arms wrapped around Nanako, pressing her biceps into her back, palms wrapped around her round barely covered ass.  At first, she focused her tender kisses on the top lip, enveloping them with her own.  Then, she switched to the bottom lip, biting down hard, just to let the girl know it wasn't over.

After all, Suerte realized who she was now.


Nanako leaned into the petting eagerly, letting out a pleased little hum, only able to keep her eyes on the cowgirl for a moment longer before the petting distracted her too much for that, Nanako looking back at Justice instead. The squirrel girl gave the cute little shadow familiar she was offered a curious look, pulling away from Justice's hand with great reluctance to pick the creature up and look it over curiously before stuffing it into the same pocket as her phone.

Before she could put Justice's hand back on her head, however, the blonde was already speaking up. Though she was a little surprised by the conclusion the cowgirl had come to, the squirrel girl didn't resist as she was pulled into a sudden kiss, sighing into it as Suerte wrapped her arms tight around her, pulling them closer together, their chests squishing up against each other and her hands quickly finding Nanako's ass. Her curiosity about what had driven the blonde bimbo to this was soon answered as Suerte bit down on her lower lip, drawing a gasp from Nanako as the sudden jab sent another rush through her, here eyes popping open to meet the cowgirl's.

Instead of backing down, however, heat sparked in her cheeks and sparks lit in her eyes as a switch seemed to be flipped in the squirrel girl. Not willing to take that lying down, Nanako pried Suerte's mouth open with her tongue, pressing forward as one hand wrapped tight around her back and the other reached up to pull down on her silky smooth hair, her tail swishing faster as she leaned forward, bending the cowgirl back. She pressed forward relentlessly, plundering the blonde's mouth for a brief moment before pulling away just as suddenly, freeing herself from Suerte's grasp and letting her go to fall or stand on her own two feet.

Nanako didn't say anything to the cowgirl, there wasn't much that needed to be said, really. Maybe they wouldn't be beating each other up just yet, but the lines had been drawn.

"Sakura's right, we should get going," the squirrel girl said, moving back over to Justice's side and gently putting his hand back on her head with a smirk betraying just a hint of smugness.

Rin Tohsaka

Rin hiccuped as she clung to his body, as much an attempt to seduce him as it was to help the drunken mess of a woman to hold herself up. The first thing he noticed was the frost emenating from his mouth, and how much colder it was here than where he lived. "Fufufu. Archah-hic-it's pretty high class, isn't it?"

Nothing about the building was high class-it was an average, run of the mill brick and mortar building lit up by a neon sign. Street lights lined the street, keeping it well lit even at this late hour. While it didn't evoke a feeling of class or wealth, it did seem to be a safe place without much fear of crime or getting mugged. "These Russians, they have, they have the best vodka around. You're going to have your socks blown off."


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