Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Emiya gritted his teeth as Rin clung to him.

It was wrong.  Not that Rin was trying to seduce him; that had happened multiple times in his escapades across the multiverse in the Fifth Grail War, but Rin's body was wrong.

It didn't belong to her.

Parts of it belonged to another version of himself.

There was a brief flash of lust, but it was quickly suppressed when he reminded himself of that.  This body was mainly Tsumiko's; the girl he was currently fostering and caring for.  It would be like lusting after Ilya, Jack, Nursery, or even Little Jeanne Lily Alter.  Tsumiko was a child under his care.

Yet he made no move to pry him off of him.  She was already hurt.  She was already unstable.  He didn't want to push her any farther, but he didn't do anything other than help stabilize her.

It was cold here, but the cold had long since stopped bothering him.  For once he actually felt comfortable as little puffs of steam escaped his lips and even seemed to rise from his body.  He shrugged and said, "Reminds me of a place I used to run around in Russia actually.  I can speak a few words conversationally, but I have the worse accent."

He had traveled a lot in his life, going to battlefield to battlefield.  For a while Russia was a constant stomping ground for him.  He could read it better than he could speak it (which was the opposite of him and Arabic). 


--- Quote from: Elf on November 04, 2019, 02:24:40 AM ---Emiya

Emiya gritted his teeth as Rin clung to him.

It was wrong.  Not that Rin was trying to seduce him; that had happened multiple times in his escapades across the multiverse in the Fifth Grail War, but Rin's body was wrong.

It didn't belong to her.

Parts of it belonged to another version of himself.

There was a brief flash of lust, but it was quickly suppressed when he reminded himself of that.  This body was mainly Tsumiko's; the girl he was currently fostering and caring for.  It would be like lusting after Ilya, Jack, Nursery, or even Little Jeanne Lily Alter.  Tsumiko was a child under his care.

Yet he made no move to pry him off of him.  She was already hurt.  She was already unstable.  He didn't want to push her any farther, but he didn't do anything other than help stabilize her.

It was cold here, but the cold had long since stopped bothering him.  For once he actually felt comfortable as little puffs of steam escaped his lips and even seemed to rise from his body.  He shrugged and said, "Reminds me of a place I used to run around in Russia actually.  I can speak a few words conversationally, but I have the worse accent."

He had traveled a lot in his life, going to battlefield to battlefield.  For a while Russia was a constant stomping ground for him.  He could read it better than he could speak it (which was the opposite of him and Arabic).

--- End quote ---

Rin Tohsaka

"Ka-ka-ka~" Rin made a strange drunken laughing noise, running her fingers down his strong chest. She was oblivious to his resistance through her drunkenness, and pulled him inside. "How many languages do you shpeak, Aachaa..."

He felt the Sakura scarf tighten around his neck, as if to comfort him in his unease.

The threshold was warm and cozy, and he could see a quaint traditional fireplace in the middle of the bar with a wood fire burning, providing heat and light to the scattered patrons.


Emiya wished he could have pet the Sakura scarf around his neck at that moment.  He did make sure that Rin didn't stumble as she pulled him in.

He answered, "English, which is kind of hilarious in hindsight because I realized just how wrong Fuji-nee was with most of her pronunciations.  I read Russian better than I speak it.  I speak Arabic better than I read it.  I know some Mandarin too; enough to get me into trouble.  At least when I was alive.  As a Servant I know . . . it would take a while to actually count them out.  I actually know ancient Gaelic, much to that Blue lancer's chagrin."

He chuckled at that, a slight smirk crossing his lips.

"I even know German."


--- Quote from: Elf on November 04, 2019, 02:42:53 AM ---Emiya

Emiya wished he could have pet the Sakura scarf around his neck at that moment.  He did make sure that Rin didn't stumble as she pulled him in.

He answered, "English, which is kind of hilarious in hindsight because I realized just how wrong Fuji-nee was with most of her pronunciations.  I read Russian better than I speak it.  I speak Arabic better than I read it.  I know some Mandarin too; enough to get me into trouble.  At least when I was alive.  As a Servant I know . . . it would take a while to actually count them out.  I actually know ancient Gaelic, much to that Blue lancer's chagrin."

He chuckled at that, a slight smirk crossing his lips.

"I even know German."

--- End quote ---

Rin Tohsaka

"Thashts cheating, Archer. I only want to know what you knew while you were alive."

She lead the two to a bar in the middle, and the bartender immediately perked up when he saw her sit down, walking over and pouring two enormous shots for the two of them.

"Company tonight, Miss Tohsaka?"


Emiya eyed the clear shot before him with much trepidation.

He looked at Rin and said, "Well you didn't specify.  You just asked how many languages I spoke.  I did separate the two though."

Sighing he grabbed the shot and downed it.  It tasted like literal burning.  Vodka on its own was mostly tasteless.  Which meant it was good to make extracts and the like out of.  Or in some cases like making sorbet to keep ice crystals from forming in the fruit mix.

As a drink by itself it just sort of burned going down his throat and he grimaced as he placed the now empty shot glass on the table.


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