Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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--- Quote from: Elf on November 04, 2019, 02:54:59 AM ---Emiya

Emiya eyed the clear shot before him with much trepidation.

He looked at Rin and said, "Well you didn't specify.  You just asked how many languages I spoke.  I did separate the two though."

Sighing he grabbed the shot and downed it.  It tasted like literal burning.  Vodka on its own was mostly tasteless.  Which meant it was good to make extracts and the like out of.  Or in some cases like making sorbet to keep ice crystals from forming in the fruit mix.

As a drink by itself it just sort of burned going down his throat and he grimaced as he placed the now empty shot glass on the table.

--- End quote ---


The man silently poured Archer another as Rin downed her own, gasping with pleasure as she felt the burning sensation fill her up. "Wonderful, as alwash..." She began to slur her words, and then leaned against Archer, bursting out in a fit of giggling.


Emiya sighed as he heard Rin's words become increasingly slurred as she drank.

"Yes, fermented potato water is delicious," he said in a scathing tone as he glared at the next shot.  He lifted it in his hand and downed it, almost gagging at the fire pouring down his throat.


"Shtap that sarcasm, I can hear it..." She muttered. The bartender continued pouring them both shots as Rin suddenly slammed a brick of gold on the counter, leaning against Archer.

He could feel the magic that she'd used to create it.


"You should know better than anyone that I really can't stop my sarcasm," Emiya said before jumping as a literal gold brick was slammed upon the table.

Rin leaned on him and he stared at the block of gold, feeling the remnants of very familiar magecraft in it's making.

He pointed and said, "Rin, what did you do?"

He knew what she did, but he wanted to hear the words out of her mouth before he passed any further judgement.

I think I'm going to need another shot of this, as he grabbed his latest shot and downed it.

Rin Tohsaka

"Fufufu~" Rin chuckled, handing the heavy bar to the bartender, who grabbed it with greedy eyes.

"I paid my tab, what does it look like I did?"


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