Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Emiya's jaw tightened, he leaned into her, and down so that his face was just inches above hers.  His grey eyes were smoldering as he said, "You Traced that.  You used projection to make a goddamn gold bar to pay your bar tab.  That's abusing that power.  It's not meant to be used like that."

Rin Tohsaka

She glared back at him. "Oh, so that's what set you off? Well, maybe you understand how I feel now?"


"You're acting like Goldy and that's beneath you.  That's beneath the boy who's power you're using to do so," he said in a low voice.

He felt his senses muddling.  His control was slipping.  Anger and frustration were raising their ugly heads.

"Why don't you tell me how you feel instead of playing these fucking games, Rin?"

Lubei Sang
2:45 AM

Walking kept his mind centered, steadied. The rythmn helped him think, to unravel whatever task he had at hand. So they kept walking, through this overly busy, over-designed and (certainly) human city. Perhaps not entirely human, as the air smelled too dangerous for that. Lubei tried to place the architecture, but he only drew blanks, and it was all over the place anyway.

Pray the judge of the dead not test his child-watching skills, because he had nearly allowed Uria to be trampled by a vehicle that suddenly blared in their way. The demon gaped as he pulled Uria back by the scruff of her neck, glaring after the speeding thing larger than an ebon rhino. Who in their right mind let anyone drive that? It was good for this hike of theirs it was so late. The streets lacked people to be mindful of, though there was unnervingly little darkness due to the lanterns at every turn. Lubei just wanted to find the right windows still lit from the inside. An inn, or resting house. Perhaps eat something.

The chill of the night was sharper now, and this neighborhood's wind was unlike the temperate stillness of the white forest. It seemed like he was always drawn to the cold. Lubei was at home there. It could not harm him, and he was stronger, in his element. He could almost lie to himself that he felt safer.

He suddenly turned his head to Uria, remembering something. "Are you cold?" He asked.


--- Quote from: Elf on November 05, 2019, 02:22:34 AM ---Emiya

"You're acting like Goldy and that's beneath you.  That's beneath the boy who's power you're using to do so," he said in a low voice.

He felt his senses muddling.  His control was slipping.  Anger and frustration were raising their ugly heads.

"Why don't you tell me how you feel instead of playing these fucking games, Rin?"

--- End quote ---


Rin clicked her tongue, clenching her fist. Archer's fist. "It's my magic too, you know. Both the Tohsakas and the Matous are capable of projection magic." She glared at him with those mismatched eyes. "And what's wrong with it? I need to pay for my hobbies, and I have no money otherwise. Who am I hurting, really? Nobody. I don't do this enough for it to have an impact."

Glaring at him she stared. "I'm mad because-ahguh, I can't even word it! Ok!"


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