Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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He leaned closer and whispered so the bartender wouldn't hear, "And what's that bartender going to do when that bar stops existing?"

Emiya took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said, "Try to explain it to me then."


--- Quote from: Elf on November 09, 2019, 03:25:02 AM ---Emiya

He leaned closer and whispered so the bartender wouldn't hear, "And what's that bartender going to do when that bar stops existing?"

Emiya took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said, "Try to explain it to me then."

--- End quote ---

Rin Tohsaka

"It won't, not for decades, at least. Nothing mundane Tsumiko's ever made has disappeared. Ever."

She dodged his second question, instead focusing in on the first.


Well, she would have Sakura's absurd mana output backing her Tracings up, Emiya reasoned with a frown.

He did notice that Rin dodged his second question.

"Is this because I had sex with Sakura?" he asked, his gray eyes glassy from the alcohol.

Rin Tohsaka

Rin took another shot, silently glaring at him. The bartender silently continued filling their glasses, as if he were oblivious to the details of the argument.

She slammed her glass down on the table.


Emiya stared at Rin slamming her glass down at the table.

"That's what I thought," Emiya said before rubbing his forehead.  "Rin . . ."

He took a deep breath and stared her straight in the eye.  "I'm not sorry that what happened happened.  I am sorry that it's upset you.  But, I am sorry that I couldn't do the same to you in your own body."


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