Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Rin blushed, but it didn't seem to appease her. "This is my body. It has been for almost a decade. I live during the night, Tsumiko lives during the day. It works well enough for me. I made some mistakes as well, and this is my punishment, same as Sakura. I have to live with the consequences of my actions."


"No, it's not your body.  It's Tsumiko's and you're sharing it," Emiya said with a shake of his head as he toyed with his empty glass.

He pointed to her and said, "No, your body is slimmer and with thighs that used to drive me crazy."


--- Quote from: Elf on November 10, 2019, 04:12:10 AM ---Emiya

"No, it's not your body.  It's Tsumiko's and you're sharing it," Emiya said with a shake of his head as he toyed with his empty glass.

He pointed to her and said, "No, your body is slimmer and with thighs that used to drive me crazy."

--- End quote ---

Rin Tohsaka

Rin shuddered. "Wow, you really are weak to alcohol." She snorted at Archer, focusing on downing more liqour herself.

She didn't like thinking about her old body. It reminded her of better times, and made her long for things she knew she could never have again.


"Well, I told you that I don't like drinking and there's a reason for that," Emiya said with a frown as he slumped forward.

He reached out and poked Rin's nose.

"And I'm going to get your body back.  And Sakura's body back.  Find away to do it so it doesn't harm Tsumiko."

Umbra of Chaos:

--- Quote from: YOLF on November 08, 2019, 08:02:18 PM ---Lubei Sang
2:45 AM

Walking kept his mind centered, steadied. The rythmn helped him think, to unravel whatever task he had at hand. So they kept walking, through this overly busy, over-designed and (certainly) human city. Perhaps not entirely human, as the air smelled too dangerous for that. Lubei tried to place the architecture, but he only drew blanks, and it was all over the place anyway.

Pray the judge of the dead not test his child-watching skills, because he had nearly allowed Uria to be trampled by a vehicle that suddenly blared in their way. The demon gaped as he pulled Uria back by the scruff of her neck, glaring after the speeding thing larger than an ebon rhino. Who in their right mind let anyone drive that? It was good for this hike of theirs it was so late. The streets lacked people to be mindful of, though there was unnervingly little darkness due to the lanterns at every turn. Lubei just wanted to find the right windows still lit from the inside. An inn, or resting house. Perhaps eat something.

The chill of the night was sharper now, and this neighborhood's wind was unlike the temperate stillness of the white forest. It seemed like he was always drawn to the cold. Lubei was at home there. It could not harm him, and he was stronger, in his element. He could almost lie to himself that he felt safer.

He suddenly turned his head to Uria, remembering something. "Are you cold?" He asked.
--- End quote ---

Nexus Time: 2:45 AM

"Nope, I feel great!" It certainly looked like it too. They seemed far more lively now that they were outside the forest, a hop in their step that took them nearly a foot off the ground as they moved forward. They were glowing, literally! The light seemed to leak out from their skin even as the shadows around them grew darker and more distinct. "What about you? Do you feel cold?"


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