Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138059 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1140 on: March 17, 2020, 01:59:34 AM »

Forest laughed at that and shook her head as Thorra stroked the back of her hand.

"I bet," the vampire said with a grin, "Well, the Norse always did have a way about them."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1141 on: March 17, 2020, 02:26:50 AM »

Lily bit her lip as the teasing continued, her whole being focused on calming herself and then, her cock begun shrinking slowly, with every tug from Malicia it got less and less hard.

"Aww, can't even keep a little girl hard? Maybe you're the one who nerds training hahahah-" She was never gonna enjoy being on the giving end as much as receiving, no she was way too used to that. Just to make a point to the other succubus, she moved her fingers down to tease her opening slowly, like her own hand was the only thing here capable of pleasing her.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1142 on: March 17, 2020, 03:08:19 AM »

Forest laughed at that and shook her head as Thorra stroked the back of her hand.

"I bet," the vampire said with a grin, "Well, the Norse always did have a way about them."


Thorra intertwined her fingers with Forest's, holding her tightly against her. It didn't hurt, but the sheer mass of the larger woman made her feel-calmer. Contained. "I just, well, a place like this, where sex is the norm... It's a bit overwhelming, even for a playgirl like me."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1143 on: March 17, 2020, 03:52:56 AM »

She shivered as he put the collar, her collar on her as it should be. The anticipation she felt kept growing and growing as she awaited the treatment she was due. Excep-

Uhmpfhhh... Harder-  You hit like a little girl, if you're gonna spank my ass then do it like you own it! Her blue eyes glared at him with disappointment, those slaps were way too half hearted. [ยก] I like men of action not words. Her voice carried over to his mind.

Then she turned to Liz. "What kind of stakes?"



His expression sparked, in a bit of a cute manner honestly speaking. At that moment, his hand froze away from her rear.

"Oh, I was just testing the material. It's addicting, really. Are all Archangels this soft?" He sounded casual as ever. However, she had made a crucial mistake. See, Vega was just enjoying himself until now. He really just wanted to have a nice drink, toy a little with her body, and have her warm him up before the match. However, Lucy had affronted his pride directly. His hand tensed, a shocking amount of energy emerged from it. No, it was just wind pressure. He-


Her ass rippled like an ocean, then her whole hip, and finally the force concussed straight to her brain before ripping all her clothes to shreds. But before she could even realize the punishment, the hand that was stroking her moved to clasp her chin, and brought it closer to his.

"If your mouth has room for insolence, put it to better use."

He smiled before Lucy's challenge, like something you'd expect from a demon lord whose hot lewd body was even closer to hers. Before she could even answer, another slap smacked her rear and jiggled her body even more fiercely. Scalding red marks appeared on her ass, marking her as his forever. But he didn't stop there. He kept going, again and again. The force wasn't just hitting her lewd, wet body, it was traveling straight into her womb. His arm, his movements, everything flowed deliberately with little waste. This was a man who had slapped thots many times. And just before it looked like he'd have enough and relent, he grabbed her coal-hot cheek and pulled it to his face, flipping her over so she'd be face-first with his zipper.

"Come on, the least you could do is call me daddy. What's wrong? Have I left you speechless? Your ass really is wonderful by the way." Suddenly, he turned to glance at the demon, still litterally grabbing the archangel by the ass with one hand. "What a greedy masochist, she thinks you're worth my 100%. So what's this all about? What do you have in mind?"
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 04:28:32 AM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1144 on: March 17, 2020, 03:42:09 PM »

Elizabeth slowly clapped at the show of dominance worthy of her potential minions, faintly smiling at Vega with an obnoxiously superior air. "Oh, nothing much, really. Just a little trifle to spice things up. If I win, I wish to bed your archangel myself. I'm quite curious as to how her tight, smooth body feels. And if I lose, well, name your price."

Her gaze gave the impression that his theatrics were beneath her, but belayed an honest respect for him. If he were just another fool, then she'd have no interest in this nonsense. But when the king of fools appeared out of the woodworks, well, she felt it was only proper to face him with the respect he deserved.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1145 on: March 17, 2020, 07:46:19 PM »

The final slap tore through her soft body like a hurricane, there wasn't a single part of her that wasn't wobbling like a a hot piece of jelly. Her black velvety dress shattered under his might and revealed her pure body to the both of them, no to everyone in the club.

Her face twisted into the visage of a woman hitting the absolute peak and left the mortal realm behind, and if anything it only made her beauty even more heavenly to gaze at.

"Yes Daddy, tell your little Lulu what do to-" Her opened again, revealing a shade of blue swirling with maddening lust. And as she gazed upon him, her body began glowing faintly as she worked towards her heavenly commandment, and her essence flowed into him already refreshing him with the power of her blessing.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1146 on: March 17, 2020, 09:03:22 PM »

"Ha! Vain, deluded demon god, you must jest! My possessions aren't as worthless as to be gambled away like rubbish."

Of course, this had nothing to do with Lucy herself. Its not that he was worried about losing either, and even a commodity like an archangel was nothing before his pride. But this was his archangel, the one he chose to have by his side. He was far too greedy to simply gamble something of his away, to do so would be to lessen their worth. And it's not that Lucy was particularly valuable on her own to begin with. Simply put, trading her would be like trading his own avarice, and that had true value in his eyes. This was his way.

"You can borrow her mouth or her ass if you win. If I win, hmm... oh, of course. You have such fine vintage, I would like to have a bath in it, and your finest maidens to scrub me clean with their mouths while wearing skin-tight swimsuits of the finest quality. That includes you of course. Oh, and one nice red apple."

So why would he compromize? It was laughably simple really. Of course, he desired many other things as well, and he could definetely have asked for something like this entire district, or the world. But why in the world would he ask something he could attain himself? This, on the other hand, was way more fun. So fun his shaft was thickening even more under his zipped pants, right before Lucy's eyes. Wether it was the holy essence or just Vega's own lust for more... who knows? But since he was looking at Elizabeth, one thing was clear.

Her body... he desired it.

"Must I tell you everything to do?" He glared down at the Archangel. "I told you to put your mouth to better use. Don't bore me now."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 09:05:21 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1147 on: March 17, 2020, 09:22:07 PM »

Elizabeth's eyes raked over Lucy's own, the demon radiating sexual appeal. However, she laughed at his suggestion. "Why should I wager such lopsided odds? You're demanding myself, my wives, my children, and so much more! While I'm quite interested in your cute little pet, it isn't enough for me to wager all that just for a lay. No, you'll need to offer me more-such a grand prize isn't something you can win so trivially."

She turned to face him, clapping her own pet's cheeks with two well placed strikes by her throbbing erection. It oozed precum, dripping a clear liquid onto the floor in front of him. Crossing her legs, she smirked.

"If you desire my body so much, you must offer up an equivalent prize for myself, human."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1148 on: March 17, 2020, 09:30:07 PM »

Lily bit her lip as the teasing continued, her whole being focused on calming herself and then, her cock begun shrinking slowly, with every tug from Malicia it got less and less hard.

"Aww, can't even keep a little girl hard? Maybe you're the one who nerds training hahahah-" She was never gonna enjoy being on the giving end as much as receiving, no she was way too used to that. Just to make a point to the other succubus, she moved her fingers down to tease her opening slowly, like her own hand was the only thing here capable of pleasing her.


Malicia ground her heel against her full testes, smirking at Lily. "A demanding little vixen, huh? Is this how you tricked her into knocking you up?"

She kicked Lily in the balls, but her magic made it feel more like an intense spike in arousal and pleasure than actual pain. As if the two sensations were mixing together. The much taller woman lifted Lily up with her tail, and planted the girl atop her cock.

"If you want it so bad, show me that you're serious."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 02:09:16 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1149 on: March 17, 2020, 09:55:51 PM »

The Archangel glared up at him and then smacked his exposed balls and the popped in right behind the demon God and hugged her tightly, making her naked breasts squish into Liz' back.

"Why not just offer yourself freely? Lucy spke directly into her mind so no one else could hear. Just think about all the profit you'll make if everyone comes here thinking they have a shot at you. And besides... Being a submissive bitch can be fun every now and then-- Can you truly call yourself a sex demon if you just take and take?"
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 09:57:11 PM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1150 on: March 17, 2020, 11:13:32 PM »

His eyes blinked, his nuts bounced, and as Lucy popped away, so did the dream. Yet even he had to laugh, his cock hanging free so indecently.

"Fuhahahahah! See? This is what I was talking about. Even if you did include her in a bargaign, in the end she will obey her own heart regardless of the outcome- no matter how leashed. It was an equivalent price though, I would trade no less for my greatest treasure. But I understand your point, it is sensible and I had not considered it." Vega pouted and crossed his arms. So much for the collar, what an unruly vixen. Yet even a king grows bored of constant praise and reverence. This defiance... it made him feel quite happy, in a weird way.

But the way she was slithering with his competitor did not. It was rude.

"Lucy, should I take that as rebellion? You should know punishment will be harsh. Interrupting a game between gentlemen is simply unsportsmanlike."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1151 on: March 18, 2020, 01:55:35 AM »

"Somehow I'm not surprised that you're not a devil, teasing a guy like that," Emiya replied, a smile lessening the sharp scolding of his words.

He frowned as he looked at Coconut sleeping soundly in his arms, even quietly snoring at this point.  He had the urge to kiss her awake, even though there were parts of her that admittedly terrified him.  She's got some natural attraction magic.  It's just like a stronger version of Mata Hari's charm.  Since it's still working when she's asleep, that means she probably isn't in control over it.  I can resist it, especially to keep from hurting Sakura, he thought.

He tilted his head, frowned, leaned closer, and asked, "So, you weren't running from demon hunters were you?"

Goddamn Winchesters, they're such amateurs with their salt rings and archaic symbols, he thought with a scowl over the dysfunctional demon hunting brothers he'd ran across a couple of times.


The cambion giggled a bit at that, leaned forward while walking backwards, and fluttered her eyes innocently at Archer while folding her hands behind her back, bag beneath her plump ass. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Em-i-ya-san~."

Hannah had no shame in continuing to try getting his interest, that much was clear, but then she winced at his next question.

"I wish it were just demon hunters." Hannah shuddered at that. "She's just a menace!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1152 on: March 18, 2020, 03:06:36 AM »

"Well, you don't want to meet the owner then, she's . . . pretty intense," Forest said as Thorra pulled her close.

Oddly enough, the normal claustrophobic like panic that came with a stranger touching her like this never came.  She wondered if it was the magic that Elizabeth had on this place or if it was the Child of Asgard herself.  Maybe a little of Column A and a little of Column B, she thought dryly.

"She's great, but she's very intense."


Emiya shifted Coconut in his arms so instead of carrying her like a bride, he had her so he was carrying her like a child.  It meant that more of her unique anatomy was pressed up against him, but it also seemed less romantic.  Which was exactly what he was going for.

"I think you know exactly what you're doing, Hannah-chan" he replied with a smirk.

Then at her words he frowned and asked, "And who's a menace?"

Maybe Emiya couldn't deal with this potential menace, but he was confidant his alter ego garbed in burial cloth could.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1153 on: March 18, 2020, 02:05:04 PM »

Thorra gently kissed the top of Forest's head. A few passerbys gave them the occasional glance, but despite Thorra's beauty and near nudity, most people just walked by them.

"I don't need to meet her to know that, silly! I can feel it! The air is heavy with her presence, and it gets denser the closer you get!" Thorra's high pitched, feminine voice got a bit squeaky, as if she were genuinely worried. But then, the giant relaxed her body, and Forest sank further into her soft curves.

The girl shuddered. "Do you want to get something to eat? Maybe play a game or something? I feel a little lost, wandering the city all alone like this."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1154 on: March 18, 2020, 04:00:50 PM »

The Archangel glared up at him and then smacked his exposed balls and the popped in right behind the demon God and hugged her tightly, making her naked breasts squish into Liz' back.

"Why not just offer yourself freely? Lucy spke directly into her mind so no one else could hear. Just think about all the profit you'll make if everyone comes here thinking they have a shot at you. And besides... Being a submissive bitch can be fun every now and then-- Can you truly call yourself a sex demon if you just take and take?"


Elizabeth sighed in contentment as her cloud-like orbs squashed themselves against her back, billowing outwards and poking her in the back. "Ahhh, how nice. YOu really need to train her better, Vega~" She moaned. Her tail slithered around Lucy's thigh, squeezing it tightly and slapping its tip against her ass.

"You act like I'm lacking for profits! Elizabeth retorted, pressing her own mind up against Lucy's own. Even in telepathy, she managed to make the feeling erotic. I would, but such prideful humans are so hard to come by, and so much fun to play with. I'll enjoy your little morsel alongside yourself. Still, I must compliment you on how well trained he is. He's a fitting consort for one such as yourself, Lucy."

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