Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138080 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1515 on: May 08, 2020, 02:26:31 PM »
Zeke - Arena 2


His body was pummeled. Again. And again. And again. Without mercy, without doubt, that woman was clawing at her victory with all she had. How exquisite.  The joy and bliss ZEKE felt right now was beyond description. Your body... let me experience it a while longer.

And thus, his body launched backwards and upwards, punished with every strike of Seras's. Yet, Zeke didn't fly up the way she wanted. He used the momentum of her kick to quicken his own attack. Instead, his hand touched the ground and gripped it.


What came next was an unseen flurry of kicks and leg wipes. It was almost like he was dancing, swirling, turning and shiftping his body from every angle to drag Seras into this danxce of blows and kicks. This was... this was...

"No way..." One of the fighters looking was shocked to witness this. He was a public performer who didn't make the cut, but wh was famous for his own dance-like technique and sharp, upredictable kicks. These movements, this dance. It was like his own style!

"Capoiera!? Has that monster learned it so easily!?" He turned pale, sweating at the sight below. His movements were still far from a master's, but like a martial artists, they shared the same goal. To break their opponent and catch them for a one hit kill.

"No, this isn't mere Capoiera. The way he sways his body is almost as if he's intoxicated! It can't, this is impossible! Is this style....?"


Using the momentum of Seras's strikes, and taking advantage of her superior speed, he now swirled and turned his body to strike from every angle. This was a martial art taking his very opponent in consideration. Her pattern, her breath, her movements, her heartbeat. Experiencing them and growing closer and closer to fully predicting her-

"If you believe in yourself and keep following your dreams..."

The bastard was learning as he fought. A bumpkin who had never walked into a dojo, whose style was a blank slate, was now being colored and painted anew with his and her blood! He was like a black sun. Until he died, he'd just keep burning those around him.

"Then your dreams will surely come true one day!"

ANd yet-
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 02:48:05 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1516 on: May 08, 2020, 10:02:20 PM »
In the waiting room

"So you went to all that trouble to steal a relic but you couldn't even look for cute master for pointers? Heavy flapping cut through the air in tune with the voice that was scolding Coconut. But before even the gust of wind that signalled her approach could be felt, a wall a of almost oprressivr heat slammed into her. It was comparable to suddenly being flung into a sauna without warning, unlike before tho there was something else to that oppressive heat.

A sensual and almost addicting quality, the pheromones of a succubus.

"But I like my students to be ballsy so I think you deserve a reward..." She landed in front of Coco, still dressed in her form-fitting uniform. Her tail was anxiously waving behind her, giving away her excitement. "You really should listen more to me tho, it makes claiming bitches like that squirrel way easier."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1517 on: May 09, 2020, 01:38:41 AM »
Almight Sethrol the Calm

Arena 1

"Your right."

A fist flung past Sethrol's face, disintegrating a falling cherry blossom petal.  Sethrol kept just out of range, allowing him to move past her punches with ease.  That stinging sensation screamed at him every time he moved a limb.  His face, chest, arms: they all demanded he surrender, actively hindered him from fighting.  He was slowing down.  At this rate, he would fall.  Even if he used this strategy to stay in the ring long enough, he couldn't beat Mira this way.  She was young and her will was strong.  There was no way in hell he could outlast her.

Even so, he had to get through to Mira.  If he couldn't stop her, he had to make her stronger, strong enough to survive in this world without him, strong enough to keep her heart from getting cold.

"But even so, it won't be that easy, because I am..."

The aura around him burst into a massive aura that practically engulfed the entire stadium.  Mira herself would have been swallowed in it if it weren't for her own aura.  However, it wasn't coming from the outside world.  It was radiating from inside himself.  His very soul was screaming.


Backed against a tree, Sethrol flew directly into Mira's wave of fists, each one landing right where they needed to. With each strike, Sethrol's body jumped, as if it was going into shock, yet he continued to move.  If the earlier barrage of fists could be compared to missiles, these would be a nuclear warheads.  Each strike targeted a major pressure point on Mira's body.  Solarplexes, armpit, temple: it wasn't just a mindless barrage but a targeted assault.


Arena 1

Every word that left his mouth seemed to sink Mira deeper into her state of cold, singular focus. Every punch he dodged, every precision strike he landed and she sought to push through, to turn into an opening with which she could retaliate, saw her retreat deeper into the teachings of Sethrol the Calm. Only the most trained of eyes could recognize the flaw in this response to it, to the fierce glare of concentration in the young martial artist's eyes-

Tunnel vision

The first of Sethrol's counter strikes hit its true target, threatening to interrupt the flow of chi through her body. But her muscles tensed, tightening almost like armor partially visible through her ripped clothes, to alleviate the risk. "Damn, you...!"

The thunderous crack of her fists against him couldn't make up for the pain as more than just momentum struck home into her body. Mira felt her mentor's ki blasting its way through to her chakras, every blow sending it coursing through her in a cleansing surge that left her stumbling back.

Her combination was interrupted -

It was strange.  Sethrol could feel it.  The damage done to his body from Mira's fists, the damage to his budda like reputation with that declaration, even the scorn from his own daughter for daring to smack talk her new girlfriend, yet all he could do was smile.  There was a glint in his eyes, a yearning for something he already had.

"You asked me what love is before right?  Allow me to show you what that word means."

No matter what she struck him with.  No matter how much actual damage she dealt to him.  The fist realed back would come, no matter where or how she blocked.  The one cocked back would strike her heart no matter what.  "Taking all the burdens that come with being human, with connecting with people.  Sorrow, restraint, happiness, joy: most importantly, the powerlessness of having the woman you love not love you back, to not be able to do anything yourself!"

It was at this moment, the old dojo master ceased to be.  When that final fist flew forward, the resulting impact, the shockwave that shook the stadium itself destroyed the man known as Sethrol the Calm.  From then on, the old man would be known as Sethrol the Passionate.

- and she was sent flying back, her body crashing through a tree with the force of an artillery barrage. Her body skipped and bounced across the ground, rolling over and leaving blood and sweat as she went.

No, wait - that wasn't sweat.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1518 on: May 09, 2020, 02:21:09 AM »


Before she could even process it, she was struck in the face by Zeke's kick, by reality.  Seras took a volley of strikes, before adapting to his adaptation and weaving through the kicks.  Any strike that broke that flow was parried.  His sheer talent was no match for her superior experience.

"Keep following my dreams?  Believe in myself?  You think I don't believe in myself?" she yelled, delivering a low kick to his face.  "You can't just...."

The low kick went higher, striking him in his midsection.  It wasn't just a low kick, it was a double kick.  "Live life as if it will work out for you because you want it too!  There are limitations in the world!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1519 on: May 09, 2020, 04:44:27 AM »
In the waiting room

"So you went to all that trouble to steal a relic but you couldn't even look for cute master for pointers? Heavy flapping cut through the air in tune with the voice that was scolding Coconut. But before even the gust of wind that signalled her approach could be felt, a wall a of almost oprressivr heat slammed into her. It was comparable to suddenly being flung into a sauna without warning, unlike before tho there was something else to that oppressive heat.

A sensual and almost addicting quality, the pheromones of a succubus.

"But I like my students to be ballsy so I think you deserve a reward..." She landed in front of Coco, still dressed in her form-fitting uniform. Her tail was anxiously waving behind her, giving away her excitement. "You really should listen more to me tho, it makes claiming bitches like that squirrel way easier."


5 Minutes Earlier

A Naked Coconut laid face first on the couch, absently staring at the television screen. She'd lost. Undeniably so. And she'd been so close to dethroning that squirrely bitch too... If she'd gotten just one more hit; if she'd managed to land the final, pivotal blast, even if it had grazed Nanako and knocked her back down...

"If if if if if. That's all that's on your mind, isn't it Coconut?" The little succubus rolled over, talking to herself. She'd dismissed her attendents-she expected her mother would find out about her theivery pretty soon, and with such an unsatisfactory result, she could just imagine the sorts of punishments that she'd be facing within a few hours. She reached out and grabbed a pillow, holding it tight up against her budding chest. "It doesn't matter unless you win. What matters are results." She muttered, rolling back over again.


Even though she was remarkably small right now by her standards, as soon as Lily walked in, her shaft began to tremble. She recognized the smell of her master, but it was so much more primal and raw. It sent emotions stirring up in her, awakening her primal urges...

She was sure Lily was mad-maybe she'd been sent here to mete out her mother's justice, even. Or maybe she wanted to reprimand her for her performance. She looked away and began to mutter an excuse, but looked right back up at Lily a moment later.

Wait, she just praise me? Coconut wondered. "Eh? I mean, I had help, I just really wanted to show off and win!" With Lily so close, Coconut felt hot and flushed. She gulped, reaching out toward's Lily's butt. "It was-It was..."

It was hard for her to find words for her usual bravado.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1520 on: May 09, 2020, 05:05:42 AM »


Before she could even process it, she was struck in the face by Zeke's kick, by reality.  Seras took a volley of strikes, before adapting to his adaptation and weaving through the kicks.  Any strike that broke that flow was parried.  His sheer talent was no match for her superior experience.

"Keep following my dreams?  Believe in myself?  You think I don't believe in myself?" she yelled, delivering a low kick to his face.  "You can't just...."

The low kick went higher, striking him in his midsection.  It wasn't just a low kick, it was a double kick.  "Live life as if it will work out for you because you want it too!  There are limitations in the world!"

Zeke - Arena 2

He tried to move away, but she was too swift! The dojo master had already seen through his evolution and struck true! As a martial artist, she was winning! And thus, both were blown back by their respective power, suffering more damage all the while. And yet.


"Of course!" A roar shook the arena as he was hit by countless kicks. He swirled in the air and landed on his hand like a beast, every point of impact in his body cracked to reveal... nothing. A dark abyss beyond understanding.

And thus, the island itself cracked - as this fake worlf of fire screamed and spewed a high wall of lava inbetween the two. As if trying to stop or silence their resolve.

"This world is a wondrous beast, waiting to be tamed! It's only due to the shortsightedness of you chiefs that this Nexus has yet to evolve to the next stage. And yours is the gravest of them all! You fight me with the power you borrowed, as if you were a weakling, unaware of your own glory! The worth of your heart, your dream! Do you seriously think you have any less will, talent or skill than me!? THAN ANYONE IN THIS PLACE!? FOOL!!" He spread the one arm he had left, unbothered by the heavy damage he stood. Without warning, he walked through the stream of fire and molten rock with the same dark will.

Each step shook the arena dramatically, as lightning and fiery storms whipped and crackled behind him.

"If only it were as perfect as I am. But don't worry. Under the boot of my master and I, you filth can finally reach the stars. You won't have to struggle or work hard any longer. Your skills, desires and talent will be a stepping stone to MYSELF ALONE!!"

Thus was his fiery, burning ambition. His will. That alone truly was like a dark sun, marching towards her like a burning fire to devour everything in its path. Until he were satisfied. Whether he won or not didn't matter. The truth was he didn't think of such worrysome things such as the future. He simply fought forward. Someone like Seras who put the cart before the horse could never understand.

Not until she'd be able to win or lose with the same smile, would this chain pin down her true potential.


And yet, more blows came to his body. Blows he couldn't avoid. Blows he couldn't evade. Zeke endured.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 10:23:49 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1521 on: May 09, 2020, 05:23:51 AM »

The little redhead stopped talking as she noticed that that her student wasn't responding, no the little brat was too busy checking her buuut... She had said the girl was due a reward and she didn't intend to go back on her word now. That's why she played along with her student's interest, maybe she'd learn faster too if she got the carrot instead of the stick.

Lily leaned over the couch as Coco's hand approached her butt. She spread her legs and made the swell of her backside more pronounced and easier for Coconut to fondle and play with if that's what she desired. The Succubi even wiggled her hips to encourage her student. "You can touch me all you want as long as you pay attention Coco~"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1522 on: May 09, 2020, 03:58:14 PM »

The little redhead stopped talking as she noticed that that her student wasn't responding, no the little brat was too busy checking her buuut... She had said the girl was due a reward and she didn't intend to go back on her word now. That's why she played along with her student's interest, maybe she'd learn faster too if she got the carrot instead of the stick.

Lily leaned over the couch as Coco's hand approached her butt. She spread her legs and made the swell of her backside more pronounced and easier for Coconut to fondle and play with if that's what she desired. The Succubi even wiggled her hips to encourage her student. "You can touch me all you want as long as you pay attention Coco~"


Coconut's cock pressed up against Lily's swolen belly as she leaned forward, causing the young girl to gasp. She wrapped her tail around Lily's, rubbing the sensitive sinew and tested the firmness of her master's butt with her fingers.

With a faint flush on her cheeks, she responded. "I'm listening!" She exclaimed. "I'm just- I really wanted to win that fight..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1523 on: May 09, 2020, 10:06:58 PM »
Sethrol the Passionate

Sethrol took a deep breath as his arm lowered to the ground.  His entire body ached, screaming at him to stop.  Bones ached, sharp pains he never knew he had shot through his entire body.  Even so, he kept moving, his powerful steps cracking the ground underneath him, a single thought in his mind.

Did my feelings reach her?

The bright light filled the room, silencing all who bore witness to the struggle.  Nanako did not need to silence the men, their mouths were sealed shut by the spectacle.  "I don't get it.... I don't understand anything thats going on anymore.  Did... Sethrol just win?"

"Of course Sethrol won, he's a dojo master!" one man said.

"What I don't understand is why it was so hard!  This is pathetic!" another replied.

"He said he was her father somehow, you think the old man was sleeping around, maybe threw this match for his daughter?"

"Who knows."

There was a brief moment, he thought he heard Valarie back there.  However, that was quickly drowned out by that feeling rising in his rapidly pumping heart. Even louder, the thought became even louder, drowning out the noise in the crowd.  Did my feelings reach her?


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1524 on: May 09, 2020, 10:17:32 PM »

The kick landed.  The kick landed and yet it felt like he wasn't even being damaged anymore.  No, it was almost as if kicking him made him stronger.  Not only did the kick land, but she was juggling him like a ragdol, delivering consecutive double kicks to his limp husk of a body.  Why?  Why wasn't this working?

"You fight me with the power you borrowed, as if you were a weakling, unaware of your own glory! The worth of your heart, your dream! Do you seriously think you have any less will, talent or skill than me!?"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" she screamed, striking harder, faster, stronger.  Even so, the heart behind her strikes faded, got weaker.  Even though the technique sharpened, she was losing the impact in her strikes.

"My power?!  I don't have a power!  I stole talent, same as you!  You... your like me!  YOUR LIKE ME!  WE ARE BOTH WEAKLINGS!  WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!  You... I... I...."

A leg came up, the bottom of her foot facing the sky.  At last, it came down, slamming Zeke into the floor.  "MY POWER ISN'T ENOUGH, NOT WITHOUT OTHERS!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1525 on: May 09, 2020, 11:14:41 PM »
Zeke - Arena 2

"Hahah...hahahahahhhh.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The kicks sent him flying and ragdolling all accross the fiery arena. They were impossibly fast, absurdly strong, and relentless in their rage. Their despair. Filled to the brim with such a delicious sensation, he tried to counter with a punch-

Only for another kick to pummel his gut, cracking it like glass even further still. His booming laughter... his dark heart... they both ceased.

There were no stars or planets in this empty world. Only spires of crystal surrounding a once dead tower. The ship had long since sunk. The void who surpassed his creator was now its sole captain. How long had he been stuck in that empty space? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? Every second he spent in this empty world felt like an aeon. Loneliness, isolation, desire... those were all hungers he had learned and he learned them well.

As the black beast's network grew, it only wished it could fly beyond this cage. To fly freely with a companion to that horizon beyond his reach....

Was it his dream, or just the way he was born? Either way, it must have been no accident.

He was himself, and belonged to himself. No one else. Someone must be controlling his destiny. But he decided from his own volition to fight it and embrace this dark desire. Swallowed in this empty space, all he ever looked at was himself. Just like that man.

This loneliness prevented him from grasping at anything.

The dreamer was crushed mercilessly by her assault. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick! Only when the stolen power of sentience sparked once more, did he awaken. Since when have we... been fighting Seras?

The dreamer was lost in space. Lost in time. It was only through the flurry of blows that he recollected. ...She caused us to black out?


"My power?!  I don't have a power!  I stole talent, same as you!  You... your like me!  YOUR LIKE ME!  WE ARE BOTH WEAKLINGS!  WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!  You... I... I...."

A leg came up, the bottom of her foot facing the sky.  At last, it came down, slamming Zeke into the floor.  "MY POWER ISN'T ENOUGH, NOT WITHOUT OTHERS!"

E X Q U I S I T E ! ! ! !

"Duh! You're strong because of the ties you have with other people! You wouldn't be able to draw from that power if you weren't that amazing!"  Zeke had already moved to grab that leg as she kicked him, kneeling in front of his better like a broken shell. And yet, his body brimmed with vigor beyond comprehention. If this worked, there would be no escape.

This time, a knee of his own came crashing towards her gut, threatening to split her in half with its speed, power and skill. Grabbed by his one arm, she couldn't escape this time.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 11:30:08 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1526 on: May 10, 2020, 11:24:59 PM »

Seeing Coconut squirm like this was utterly delicious and she couldn't help but moan as the tiny hand  groped her firm butt. She'd always liked showing it off and having it be appreciated but since turning that had only been amplified several times over. And having her tail teased like this was nothing but sweet sweet torture. Lily bit her lip as she squirmed herself, initially she'd just planned to tease the girl and get her motivated but now her other darker desires were taking over.

"Cocopuffs.... When was the last time your slutty pussy got punded into submission?" As she spoke, the redhead flipped onto the couch on top of Coco. And while the difference in size between them was minimal, Lily wielded just the tiniest sliver of her murderous aura on the poor girl to give her words just that little extra sharpness


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1527 on: May 10, 2020, 11:49:33 PM »

It wasn't that she didn't see it coming.  It was almost as if she literally couldn't react in time.  The power and speed that came with the discipline and determination of martial skill faded as her entire world shattered, crushed to bits by a knee to the stomach.


To connect with others requires a strength found in oneself.  The determination to connect?  Is that her "talent?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1528 on: May 11, 2020, 12:33:08 AM »
Zeke - Arena 2

But the void-bound vessel only responded with a dark flare. Its howl - it was chilling to behold. Like a ravenous, mad laughter more fitting to a beast than a man. Its fierce grip strengthened harder and harder until she could feel her leg no longer and it snapped unsightlily. No more tricks. No more running. Only their bodies, magics and wills connecting. That's what Zeke meant. That's the only thing he cared about right now.

Punch kick punch kick kick kick kick kick punch punck and punch - punch kick punch kick kick punck punch punch kick kick puuuuunchhhhh! That beast was fighting without relentlessness, without remorse, without hesitation!

The Audience

"N-no way.... that thing is a demon!" Chills and frigid stares began to look away at the brutality of the dark beast. Had it just brought their master back to break it longer? To toy with its life? It was disgusting! Disgusting, monstruous, and terrifying to behold! Just how enraptured could a mad beast be with its own violence. "Surely... a monster like that... it must be stopped..."

And yet, the flapping of orange wings licked the skies. This time, the ashen man smiled and read his book. The match was already over.

"Avert not thine eyes... for I say that man... is well human too..."

A rain of blows gushed forth to pound his opponent with mad abandon. To smash straight into her flesh, her bones, her marrow.... her very soul. Why did he decide to bother with this joke in a first place? Was this simply how he was born? Was this too for the sake of his master? A joke from his dearest father? No. It didn't matter, none of it did. The joy he felt in his heart in this moment must be real. The power he bore couldn't shine so brightly if it didn't come from oneself.

This fight was for her sake.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1529 on: May 11, 2020, 01:25:54 AM »
Sethrol the Passionate

Sethrol took a deep breath as his arm lowered to the ground.  His entire body ached, screaming at him to stop.  Bones ached, sharp pains he never knew he had shot through his entire body.  Even so, he kept moving, his powerful steps cracking the ground underneath him, a single thought in his mind.

Did my feelings reach her?

The bright light filled the room, silencing all who bore witness to the struggle.  Nanako did not need to silence the men, their mouths were sealed shut by the spectacle.  "I don't get it.... I don't understand anything thats going on anymore.  Did... Sethrol just win?"

"Of course Sethrol won, he's a dojo master!" one man said.

"What I don't understand is why it was so hard!  This is pathetic!" another replied.

"He said he was her father somehow, you think the old man was sleeping around, maybe threw this match for his daughter?"

"Who knows."

There was a brief moment, he thought he heard Valarie back there.  However, that was quickly drowned out by that feeling rising in his rapidly pumping heart. Even louder, the thought became even louder, drowning out the noise in the crowd.  Did my feelings reach her?


What was the point of this...? The warm feeling from before, from her date, had vanished as if blown away like all so many flower petals on the wind. The entire reason she'd joined this tournament... was it gone? The hot trickle of tears down her face, the spittle at the edges of her mouth... why bother?

Of course he won!

Threw the match.

"Shut up."

Mira's eyes shot open. Her body twitched, violently. Her hands slowly clenched back into fists, and she drove one into the ground hard enough to create a small crater next to herself. Slowly, the martial artist pushed herself back up to her feet. She may have been crying, she may have been covered in dirt from the ground, but everyone who could see her could begin to see the white light beginning to coalesce around her. Her muscles tensed, then expanded, and -

His daughter.

She glared, furious. "Get up. Get up and fight, old man!"