Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 139143 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1695 on: June 07, 2020, 11:40:55 PM »

Cuteness...Individuality... "I see. I understand! How wonderful, simply wonderful. I believe I finally have a grasp on this custom." He clapped and observed Valerie with extreme interest, even following her along with his back hunched. He slithered around the stalls like some kind of eel, bobbling left and right in anticipation.

Zeke blinked. Once. Then twice. Then thrice.

"My my. My, my, my, my, my..." Going from the knowledge he accumulated, the closest thing he could describe these robes as would be... hrm... what to say...

"That's hella cute."

He didn't really have a better line.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1696 on: June 08, 2020, 03:31:07 AM »

Hella cute....

"EEEEEH!...Are you even trying?" Valerie huffed and tapped her right in annoyance, her red eyes sharpened just a touch as fearsome pressure crashed down on the man who had belittled efforts so.


It was absolutely unacceptable and she would not let it stand. Oh no, not one second longer. With a final huff she spoke her mind freely and openly, letting out all the tension that had been built up since they came here.

"You- You.... You little rascal.... Do you have any idea how much effort I put into getting the colors to match, Huh DO YOU? HELLA CUTE MY ASS.... I wanted to impress you alright! And you just stand there nodding like a dummy and repeating what I said earlier. DID YOUR BRAIN TURN TO MUSH FROM ALL THAT MUD???"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1697 on: June 08, 2020, 04:33:41 AM »

E-eh? Whaaaaaaa? How ferocious! As he was brutally shaken, he smiled like a total goofus with his eyes spinning like an over the top spiral slot machine. Whaahwahahwaaaaaa~ Shake shake shake like a pepper shaker, until-

He grabbed her arm and stopped the shaking. It was all too sudden. His strength against her strength caused an incredible pressure to burrow deep in the air. Yet his dark eyes focused on her crimson gaze with an intensity that she hadn't even seen before in their match. It clashed with every evil ideal of his, his every accursed word. Even the very warped image of his vessel didn't fit this fierce, deep set of eyes. Eyes that focused straight into Val.

"No. I meant it. All of it. It's so hella cute I might die." He - Zeke, and not just his shell - smiled at her confidently.

"You make me happy. I'm glad I met you, Val."

He didn't make a speech out of it. But these few words he spoke felt true. Perhaps that was all he wanted all along. Someone who'd hold him like this.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 04:34:48 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1698 on: June 08, 2020, 01:11:23 PM »

The platform shattered, and the Wendigo's momentum shattered all remaining footholds for her. She fell down into the abyss screaming Mira's name.


Arena 3

And Mira? Mira reappeared at her next starting point, a grim satisfaction seeing her through the pain as she once more landed on her feet. Or well, foot - she put her one uninjured leg down first. She took the time allotted by her head start in 'respawning' to find another box. "Come on, not more cheap shit..."
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 01:30:50 PM by Aiden »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1699 on: June 09, 2020, 03:03:01 AM »

"Hey!.....You!..." Twist and turn. She struggled in his grasp. Why was this guy so strong anyway? Her face was getting all red now from the excretion, the fact he was taller than her by so much made it that much harder to break when he was holding her arms up like this.

"Let... go of me... Stop being so mushy and sweet, it is not fair..." She was really trying to break free now but why was it so hard? Was she really that embarrassed by his compliments.

No it couldn't be, and yet she couldn't met his gaze at all. no, she was couldn't be seen like this, she wouldn't allow it. Her red eyes slowly trailed over from the corner of the room to meet the gaze of his blue eyes. "I-i could easily break free from this, I am just doing this to make you feel better okay!"

« Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 03:06:50 AM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1700 on: June 09, 2020, 04:13:37 AM »

He raised an eyebrow and just watched her reaction for a moment. Whether it was amusement or pity, no one could tell. He put a finger to her pout.

"Hey, hey. Shhh." Zeke's grin was confident. It always was. But something about it clashed with his usual evil cockiness. They were both monsters, so maybe they could just be more honest to each other.

As if.

"I already feel great... do you? Come on Val, why don't you tell me what's really hiding in there?" His fist gently clashed against her chest, and for a moment it was like their hearts connected.

You don't get treated like this often, right? Cause you're royalty, master of your domain, and a woman to be feared. People are judgemental by nature, used to treating you differently.
If her heart was a fresh fruit, his was a ravenous beast.

"So what is it? An ancient skewed legend of lies, or a royalty that's impossible to reach? Don't make me laugh. We're still people with our own dreams." And for a moment, his twin dark eyes turned into black and gold.

"What do you wish?"

For now, he wanted more. Needed more. To learn more of her. To see what she saw and feel what was under her skin. It was a curiosity that would leave him panting and gasping if he were a maiden.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 04:19:14 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1701 on: June 09, 2020, 04:15:42 AM »

Mira suddenly found herself light on her feet, as if she were walking on clouds. 6 A voice intoned.

Meanwhile, her opponent's roars continued as she fell into the abyss.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1702 on: June 10, 2020, 03:31:58 AM »


The moment he let go of her, her right hook met his face like a rocket. Nothing was held back, it was the refined power of not just a master but a master among masters. The trajectory wasn't perfect, no it curved in a lazy way as if she was drunk yet it didn't lose an ounce of power, if anything it felt heavier.

"Stop talking about shit you do not understand. My boys and girls treat me like this all the time. You are not special and you never will be. So will you cut the awkward grandpa play cause it is seriously pissing me off."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1703 on: June 10, 2020, 04:03:15 AM »



"Girl. Chillax. It was a joke. Frankly, I don't give a hoot." The fist was lodged in his cheek like a head on a soft cushion, but he just stood there unharmed. No, even if back then he managed something like that, this strike would have definitely caught him off guard.

But the vow of pacifism in this place was a powerful thing.

"Well, I was just wondering why calling you 'milady' pissed you off that much. Just trying to be nice to you. How cold-blooded.That's right... Aruna did ask something like that too...

He looked even happier than before though. His eyes were gleeful as a kid's. Because she surprised him. The fact his assumption was wrong just made her even more exciting. "If I pay for dinner after shopping, will you forgive me?"

His expression wasn't the kind that looked like it even wanted to be forgiven.

Nothing's ever special.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 04:07:33 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1704 on: June 10, 2020, 04:06:41 AM »

Mira suddenly found herself light on her feet, as if she were walking on clouds. 6 A voice intoned.

Meanwhile, her opponent's roars continued as she fell into the abyss.


Arena 3

The first thing Mira noted wasn't the freedom of motion, but rather the freedom from gravity and pain from having to put weight on her injured leg. That dealt with, it gave her time to regain her focus and maneuver so that when Wendy reappeared the martial artist could take her down immediately.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1705 on: June 10, 2020, 06:07:04 PM »
Audience - Arena 3

The question sunk in like a rock on a muddy lake. At first sending waves that shook the furrowed lines of his eyes, and then disappearing below the surface like he hadn't been rattled. The murmurs and cheers around faded into the edge of the waters, and Zhang Liu found his eyes drawn back to the combat instead of his master's face. Though saddled with an undignified injury and forced into a vexing fall, Mira's eyes didn't cloud with complacency, but burned bright with motivation. He expected to feel forlorn, or scratched by impatience, but he found a shallow pull on his heart instead.

"Inner strength... can be nothing else but the resolve and the strength of mind to follow the path you have chosen." Liu said.

If he despised anything, then it was those who shamed their way of life by turning on the martial path with trickery and laziness, though they swore to work as much as anyone else to attain the power it offered.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 08:15:12 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1706 on: June 10, 2020, 11:11:04 PM »


Her flying fist saw no desired response as the pacifism barrier did it's job to her dismay. Always, always it got in the way like an annoying little bug, every single time. That's why, yeah that's why-

She hated this place.

Even so, she could still do something to him, and that was to tug him down by the cheek so they were face to face. Valerie would not stand for being talked down to by such a nonchalant fool, but soon he'd get what he was due.

"I will go on your dinner but that alone is not enough to earn my forgiveness, let alone my attention. You see, I am a very needy woman, self absorbed even some would say. And that is why I will not humor you unless I see full dedication."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1707 on: June 10, 2020, 11:22:46 PM »

"...But I already have your attention." And with unprecedented boldness, he pecked her on the cheek. She put herself face to face, so this was pretty self explanatory.

And she had his full dedication.

"Hehe, you're just adorable Val."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1708 on: June 11, 2020, 01:38:23 AM »

Mira suddenly found herself light on her feet, as if she were walking on clouds. 6 A voice intoned.

Meanwhile, her opponent's roars continued as she fell into the abyss.


Arena 3

The first thing Mira noted wasn't the freedom of motion, but rather the freedom from gravity and pain from having to put weight on her injured leg. That dealt with, it gave her time to regain her focus and maneuver so that when Wendy reappeared the martial artist could take her down immediately.


The demon fell into the abyss and found herself spawning in fairly close to Mira. She knew she had a bit of time left, and that if she could just get a single good hit in, she'd win! With her enhanced strength, there was no way for Mira to actually contest her.

She needed to finish this. But that little ant had grown wings, and was flitting about oh-so annoyingly.

She couldn't let her knock her down. She wouldn't allow it!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 11:17:21 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1709 on: June 11, 2020, 02:24:03 AM »



She slapped his hand away like someone would swat a fly. Her red eyes sharpened even more, how that was even possible when they were already slits was a real mystery, yet the undeniably did. Of course her cheeks flushed the slightest red but not because she liked hearing, no it was totally the dambed heat.

"You do not get to call me adorable like some little girl. I am a powerful creature and the ruler of the night, not some blushing maiden for you to toy with. I have slept with more people than half the fiends here dammit!"