Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138073 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2055 on: January 21, 2021, 02:40:26 AM »

The demonic sorceress immediately covered her little sister with her body, a magical barrier forming around both of them. Adrenaline surged through her veins, and she kept her eyes for a moment sharply focused on the intruder, a hand burning with sulfuric hellfire stretched out ready to incinerate the intruder!

And then she heard her, and took in the sight of her, and Hannah's mouth fell open. "C-Chotto matte!" She got off of Coconut, up on her knees, and looked the girl over. "Who do you mean by Mommy? Wait, is that a Milim Nava cosplay?!"

Her tail was holding tight onto Coconut just in case she decided to do a runner.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2056 on: January 21, 2021, 05:18:06 AM »

"Noooooooo!!!!!!!! Whyyyyyyyy!!!!!!" Coconut squealed as soon as she heard the door crashing open, grabbing her head in her palms and kicked her legs around against the bed. "Hannnaaaah! Free me! I need to run!"

The small girl shivered atop the bed, praying upon her big sister's benevolence that she'd allow her to escape, just this once.

Because if she didn't, she knew she had no chance whatsoever.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2057 on: January 21, 2021, 05:51:28 AM »

"Oh my what do have here? An anime lover I see, you must be Mommy's new adopted child, Hannah. And Mommy? She's Mommy of course. But if want the boring titles then it's Overlord Elizabeth of the demon clans or something like that, no one here really calls Mommy that tho, and I don't really sit on those stuffy political meetings, now where was i?" She really did have a thing for rambling on.

" Oh right. " She approached them with her own tail wiggling happily. I'm Ellie, that's shortening of my true name but I'm not giving that tehee.." She put her hand down on Hannah's head since she was kneeling so cutely. And rubbed her hair a bit." Now whatever you do, don't listen to her. My little sister is a foolish child, no that's too nice. She's a little nympho slut and should be treated as one..."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2058 on: January 22, 2021, 03:43:08 AM »

Hannah glanced back down at Coconut, drawn in by her plaintive pleas with a soft and vulnerable heart. One could keenly discern the compassion, the concern...

And then the distraction because fresh and shiny new sister. "Mommy? Wait, then who's the daddy? I didn't think Liz - er, I didn't think father ah, did that part." She looked back and forth between who were clearly now both her adopted sisters, and couldn't help but smile and shake her head after a moment to escape the head pats. Not too fast, though.

She sat up a bit and patted down on the side of her bed ""Yeah, I'm Hannah. And she is a bit of a brat, but I think with a little tender loving care Cocopuffs can be a good girl."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2059 on: January 22, 2021, 03:46:27 AM »

"Nooo! Staaahhhp!" Coconut began to grab at Hannah's tail, attempting to force it off of her before Ellie could notice-if she pathed well, she'd be able to dodge out of the way and into the halls, and using the power of her father's portals, maybe, just maybe, she could get away.

And maybe, if she acted badly enough, Ellie would punish her, and free her from this fresh new hell.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 03:48:06 AM by SINIB »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2060 on: January 23, 2021, 06:41:31 PM »

"Yup mommy carried me all by herself!" By her tone she was almost too happy to serve them with this knowledge, like there was smugness to it or perhaps a sense of pride. Then her gaze shifted to Coco, that little brat was up to no good and she wouldn't allow for one more second. That's why in the very next second-

Her tail slithered around Coco's hips slowly, just hard enough to secure her there, but the heart shaped tail went further south and trailed down the length of Coco's not so impressive cock, it brushed it up and down in a teasing way.

Then she sat down on the bed next to her newly adopted sister.

"There's an easy way to control Cocopuffs, you just gotta exploit her libido like this..." She glanced over at her younger sister and smiled, there was nothing devious about just genuine kindness. "Hey Cocopuffs... If you behave and be a good girl, I promise you can fuck my tail as hard as you want~" Now that if anything should get her slutty little sister's attention with how sex crazed she was.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2061 on: January 25, 2021, 12:22:17 AM »

"Wait, did she use her tail? Or, was it portals...?" Hannah tilted her head, squinting her eyes as she visibly contemplated the mechanics behind Elizabeth reproducing with herself. "So you aren't cosplaying your appearance at all then, huh?"

She looked back down to Coconut, then back to Ellie, and let out a considering hum. "See, the whole point was not giving her what she wants, though. She needs to learn better frustration tolerance if she's going to be anything like a functioning adult!"

But then Hannah tapped her chin, and looked Coconut in the eyes. "Do you want that, or do you just want to keep getting taken advantage of because you're so easy?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2062 on: January 25, 2021, 08:19:26 PM »

"Yup mommy carried me all by herself!" By her tone she was almost too happy to serve them with this knowledge, like there was smugness to it or perhaps a sense of pride. Then her gaze shifted to Coco, that little brat was up to no good and she wouldn't allow for one more second. That's why in the very next second-

Her tail slithered around Coco's hips slowly, just hard enough to secure her there, but the heart shaped tail went further south and trailed down the length of Coco's not so impressive cock, it brushed it up and down in a teasing way.

Then she sat down on the bed next to her newly adopted sister.

"There's an easy way to control Cocopuffs, you just gotta exploit her libido like this..." She glanced over at her younger sister and smiled, there was nothing devious about just genuine kindness. "Hey Cocopuffs... If you behave and be a good girl, I promise you can fuck my tail as hard as you want~" Now that if anything should get her slutty little sister's attention with how sex crazed she was.


"Wait, did she use her tail? Or, was it portals...?" Hannah tilted her head, squinting her eyes as she visibly contemplated the mechanics behind Elizabeth reproducing with herself. "So you aren't cosplaying your appearance at all then, huh?"

She looked back down to Coconut, then back to Ellie, and let out a considering hum. "See, the whole point was not giving her what she wants, though. She needs to learn better frustration tolerance if she's going to be anything like a functioning adult!"

But then Hannah tapped her chin, and looked Coconut in the eyes. "Do you want that, or do you just want to keep getting taken advantage of because you're so easy?"


"Nnnggg..." Both of them could see Coconut's arousal growing, even feel it with their powers. While they were too strong to be effected by it, her aura had flared up, making the air feel humid with arousal and lust. Her prick subconciously began to grow, and she splayed her legs out to accomidate its growth. Ellie could feel it throbbing against her tail, filled to the brim with need and ready to explode.

She was inexperienced. She knew that, and clutched at the sheets feeling a mixture of shame and anticipation. She wanted to show off how well she could control herself and that she was a mature young woman just like them, but also, she really wanted to just grab Ellie's tail and pound it until her cock grew soft. "I-" The brown-skinned girl began before swallowing her words. "I, well... Maybe sort of... both? Honestly." She looked away from Hannah bashfully, turning her attention to the pink-haired twintailed disaster whom just happened to be her older sister.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2063 on: January 25, 2021, 09:37:15 PM »

"Ah but dear sister, that's terribly boring. A succubus who abstains is no Succubus at all, I'd rather put her our of her misery if you neutered her like that, no.."

Her long slim tail wrapped tightly around Coco's cock, making sure that it remained hard with just the necessary amount of pleasure given to her.

"We should do both! Seal away her climax and then pleasure her until she begs for forgiveness. Just think of all the delicious tears she'll spill  fo us, doesn't that excite you Hannah? Cocopuffs may be a little brat but she's also the perfect little slut, few high class Succubi are as submissive as her, and that's a big hit with some clients, so don't go around and tell her to change that! "

Her sharp gaze softened after she made her point and she continued on as if she hadn't just lectured someone older than her. "Now do you have any magic suitable for sealing or will I need to go fetch someone?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2064 on: January 26, 2021, 05:11:42 AM »

Hannah just stared at Ellie for a moment, her feelings inscrutable. Then that moment passed and she was roughly grabbing Coconut by the cock and whispering something in some language the younger demons weren't entirely familiar with. She kept that up for several moments, trusting in the older of her two little sisters to keep the younger in check. What it looked like was nothing short of a sinisterly glowing ring filled with runes surrounding the base of the youngest demon's cock and tightening, hard.

Then it stopped, and Hannah moved her hand up to flick her long black hair coolly over her shoulder. "Don't underestimate my power, little sister. That will tighten and stop her any time she gets too close."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2065 on: January 27, 2021, 01:25:44 AM »

"Gah! Hannah! You!" Coconut couldn't hide the big grin or her own arousal from being dominated so fiercely from displaying on her face or seeping into her tone. She was excited, it was true. The brown-skinned anime-loving little sister which Hannah had only known for a few days; whom Elisheva had known for Coconut's entire life, kicked her legs in excitement, more than happy to serve as a submissive plaything for her elder siblings.

"One day, I hope I'll get to become as cool and as powerful as both of you. In fact, I'll get stronger than you two! You'll see!" Coconut chortled, trying to hop up onto her feet to perform an ojou laugh. Of course, it was entirely up to her sisters whether such an attempt would be allowed.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2066 on: January 28, 2021, 10:27:21 PM »

"Oh fiesty."

Her tail tightened around Coco's stomach and held her in place but it wasn't her younger sister that got her attention. No it was her older one this time. That annoyance, and that tone she'd taken when addressing her as little sister. Oh she definitely hadn't earned that, but this was a nice challenge, and seeing her actually rise to the occasion and put a cage on the brat just made it sweeter.

So as Hannah was occupied with putting it on Coco's dick, Ellie took the chance to slap her older sister's butt. "I like girls with spunk, but call me Little Sister like that again and you'll regret it... You haven't earned the right to talk to me like that yet. But if you're as strong as you boast maybe you will...."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2067 on: January 29, 2021, 02:21:21 PM »

The oldest of the three caught her hips as they pushed forward with the momentum of Ellie's smacking with a soft 'Hey!', but didn't let it stop her from finishing her work on the youngest. Whom she punished with a snap of her fingers by tightening the seal around her dick until she felt like she was going to explode, and holding her there.

"What, I can't call a little sister a little sister?" Hannah smiled at the challenge Ellie presented now. "I did graduate from college after all. But if power's all you care about, we can settle that later. When we aren't putting-"

She gave Coconut another squeeze, a bit lower this time. "- Cocopuffs in her place."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2068 on: January 31, 2021, 07:42:13 PM »

Coconut squirmed, leaning forwards onto her knees and falling onto all fours, holding her painfully erect cock behind her thighs and wagging it like a second tail, begging for her sisters to claim and dominate her. She was excited. She liked the idea of being "put in her place." It gave her the chills, and sent a spike of arousal running down her spine. She didn't really understand the latent tension between her big sisters, beyond the fact that they were vying for dominance over one another. It didn't matter much to her. She knew that her husband Lily was stronger than either of them, and that she'd be able to carry her babies just fine when she grew up.

Suddenly, Elizabeth's insignia which had been burned into Hannah's stomach began to glow with approval, carressing Hannah's mind with the familiar feelings she'd encountered last night. It was clear Liz was paying close attention to her children now, and that this would be more than just a simple first meeting or disciplining of Coconut.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 07:43:42 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2069 on: February 02, 2021, 07:20:56 PM »

"Oh she's in her place alright sis, besides going your room I take it you like anime how about this?" It was true the pinkette had been taking around her surroundings as Hannah had been busy working on Cocopuffs but lit looked like she was done now. And it was getting just a little annoying how much attention she was paying to her her younger sister.

That's why she had a plan to change that now. With a bit of work from her own magic, her form shifted into something different yet somewhat similar. Now this form was another favorite of hers, and it was really popular too. She moved around Hannah so she'd enter the older girl's view. "This form is really popular with a lot of my clients, what do you think Hannah? I'm pretty cute now right? Heh.. I know I'm younger than you, I just dislike being looked down upon but.... I wouldn't mind having an older sister to put me in my place from time to time..."