Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138130 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2070 on: February 05, 2021, 04:17:15 AM »

Hannah's hand moved to her belly, and her fingernails dug into the mark of her pact with the demon lord of this great tower. She took a deep breath, eyes closed, and then opened them to the surprise of Ellie's new form. She did a double take. "M-Madoka Kaname??" Her mouth was hanging open at the audacity of it, and then she started laughing.

"O-Oh, wow, you have her down good." She motioned as if to wipe her eye clean, and then sighed. "Don't mistake this for being looked down on. Just can't let myself be a pushover, you know?"

Ignoring Coconut now except for maintaining what she'd done to punish her, Hannah moved to place a hand on the side of Ellie's face. Her other guided Ellie's hand to the mark on her stomach, glowing steadily as it was. "I think daddy likes your idea."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2071 on: February 05, 2021, 09:09:33 PM »

The room was steeped in their father's power, permating every pore, and ensuring absolutely, for sure, that Coconut would not be able to escape under any circumstances. She was stuck here unless she experienced an explosive burst of power.

So, Coconut resigned herself to her fate-that being her inability to release until Hannah decided she was worthy to do so. A deliciously sharp pain arced up through the length of her cock, permating the rest of her body with a dull, thudding arousal which kept her constantly in need and permanently without release.

What a devious power.

"You really are something, Hannah. Daddy's really taken a liking to you." Her little sister stood up on the bed, using her position to tower over the other two woman and flip her hand through her long white hair. "Why don't we play a game, then? To decide who's the best of us three sisters? The winner gets to do whatever they want with the others until we play the game again next month." The loli succubus smirked."Unless, that is, you're chicken."

She spoke with bravado befitting her station, as if she hadn't simply been toyed with and bullied by her sisters for the past fifteen minutes. As if her dick wasn't constrained by a ring that was trapping all of the bloodflow inside the erection and keeping her from calming down.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 09:15:50 PM by SINIB »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2072 on: February 06, 2021, 05:43:42 AM »

She felt her power wash over them but all it made her do was roll her eyes and sigh. "Mommy if you keep spying on us I'll cut you off on 'that' ". A vaguely worded threat and perfect for a princess. Here she showed both her leverage while giving away as little as possible. And knowing mommy she'd value that more than a little peeping show, besides she already was told evrything her good girl Ellie did. So maintaining this would only show that Liz didn't trust her and that's why she was certain Mommy would withdraw.

Then her attention was once more drawn to her noise little bray of a sister. The tough act she was putting on wasn't fooling anyone. "And this is why you're called a stupid slut only good for taking dick. You come here with this challenge but you don't actually have anything to offer. We can already do whatever we want to you, whenever we want. So what you're offering has 0 value, no less than zero even because you shamefully pretend it's something you have hnpfff.." Ellie reached out for Coco's hard shaft with her free hand and begun stroking it to coax out some precum. She'd just gotten the perfect idea for a gift to her bigger sister.

After a few strokes, she scooped up the leaking precum with her index finger and and the put it in her own mouth. Heh Coco tasted just as sweet as ever. Then with the precum still on her tongue, she leaned in and kissed her older, she shoved her precum covered tongue into Hannah's mouth to let the other girl get a taste of Coco.

Ellie pulled back just as quickly to continue talking, her attention now fully on Hannah. "Don't get me wrong I really appreciate how you handled Coconut. And I see you really like this form I'm in. So I'm feeling like you deserve a reward, hmm... Would you like to do that? I guess I wouldn't mind you taken me right now. I did kinda smash your door so it's only fair you smash me right? "


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2073 on: February 07, 2021, 04:11:50 PM »

The oldest demon in the room seemed uncharacteristically distracted by the great demon Elizabeth's power present in the room. Not in a fearful manner, or even necessarily one of arousal or helplessness. No, it was just an odd tension in her shoulders, in the flicking of her tail behind her, in the way she tentatively responded to Ellie's filthy kiss.

But then she mentioned a reward, and Hannah was glancing between her and her poor, pulverized portal to her private sanctum. "You think that will make up for my door, eh?"

Her tail slithered its way up along Ellie's back to touch the base of her neck, and she slowly made to wrap it around the throat of the girl wearing that pretty face.

"Will you even feel it if I get a little rough? I wonder."

She squeezed tight, making to pull her new older little sister down into place with that tail of her's right in front of Coconut. Just to see if she could, if it would work, if when beneath the gaze of the great demon lord there was a difference between this one or that one at all.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2074 on: February 07, 2021, 10:42:45 PM »

A faint chuckling noise filled the room. "Fine, fine." They had a sense of her waving dismissively even in the absense of her physical presence. "I'll play along. Have your fun and I'll fuck off." Her power sucked back into Hannah's tatoo, filling her with a warm feeling of oneness with her father before it disappeared entirely.


Coconut laid agape. "Hyuuu... That's not true!" She insisted, shaking her dick around in front of her sister's faces. "I thought it'd be a fun, nice bonding activity we could get to know each other! The stakes are just to spice it up, uuu!" She shut up as Elisheva began to run her thumb along the length of her member, scooping up a small taste of her from the wheeping prick.

She squatted back down onto the bed, holding her dick between her knees. Her sisters would decide to use her as they wanted, and all she could do was wait. She understood her situation well enough.

At least she'd get a frontline seat watching Hannah claim her domineering elder sister.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2075 on: February 08, 2021, 11:35:57 PM »


The pinkette remained standing despite Hannah's efforts and as the presence of their parent receded sh still smiled sweetly as her older sister tried to choke her. She tried speaking but no such luck with her airways restrained like this, she could barely breathe. Thankfully she didn't need her vocal chords to speak her mind to her sister.

"I gave you permission to smash my pussy, not abuse me like this. Keep it up and you'll regret it. Cocopuffs doesn't fear me because I'm older than her, and don't want to hurt you, so please stop before I get violent." If the smile Ellie wore was disarmingly cute, then this message broadcasted to her mind was like a cold knife ready to stab her.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 12:58:39 AM by SINIB »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2076 on: February 09, 2021, 01:02:47 AM »

Her tail immediately loosened up, and Hannah blushed in embarrassment more and more as the warning went through her head and shot down her spine. "R-Right. Sorry about that!" It quickly whipped back behind the sorceress' back, and she brought a hand up to rub the back of her neck while smiling awkwardly. "Well ah, if you're still up for it we can..."

She bit her lip.

"Give it another go."

There was a bulge forming in Hannah's lacy black panties.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2077 on: February 12, 2021, 03:37:37 PM »

"Nah you need to learn some discipline too, maybe tying you up like Cocopuffs would do you some good... Buuut..... I feel like you need a more personal touch. Or of you're really that pent up you could just take her. it would be the perfect punishment don't you think. Besides I'd rather see how good you are in action before I take you for a ride." The pinkette slid around Hannah and nudged her forward towards Coco.

"Be a good girl and put her in her place okay~"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2078 on: February 24, 2021, 03:15:18 AM »

Hannah groaned in frustration at getting cock blocked by yet another girl who was invested in her little sister's development in some way. But, far be it for her to disappoint.

"I guess I'll just have to live up to your expectations, as your new big sister." She tossed her hair over her shoulder, and turned to address the youngest of the three...


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2079 on: February 26, 2021, 01:13:13 AM »

After she finished playing around with her new sibling. she did some light stretching and then wished goodbye for now and left the room through the door that had mysteriously repaired itself while they were playing.

However the moment she crossed the boundary to the hallway, something happened. And it wasn't the hallway she found herself in.

It was her mother's room.

Elllie instinctively shrunk in size by about half a head as she patiently awaited the punishment that was sure to be bestowed upon her.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2080 on: February 26, 2021, 04:59:04 AM »

As soon as she walked in, she found her face smooshed right up in between her mother's titflesh. Her mounts absolutely smothered her, dominating her view and getting a full musky scent of Elizabeth's demonic power.

"What was that before! Threatening to deprive me of what I rightfully own, Ellie?" Elisheva found herself wrapped tightly in Elizabeth's embrace, with overwhelming demonic power seperating them from the rest of reality. "First you focus on brawling, now this? Are you trying to go through a rebellious phase now?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2081 on: February 26, 2021, 05:18:17 AM »

"Hmmppff..." Ellie pushed her face out of her mommy's big boobs, she could have easily answered with her mind but her brute forcing it physically would surely annoy her more and that's precisely what she did it.

"Stop shitting on fighting styles mom, you're just jealous that I'd totally kick your ass if you took that barrier down. Of course you're not gonna do that cause we both know you're too much of a chicken to ever show even a hint of weakness." The pink haired Succubi in the shape of the famous magical girl grinned in a way that said magical girl would never do, but in a way that only enhanced her beauty. She wasn't gonna take her mommy's bullying like a doormat. She'd show her she was capable and then mommy would have to listen to her.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2082 on: February 26, 2021, 05:26:17 AM »

"Pfffhhhwahaha! Are you challenging me to a fight, my adorable little child?" Elizabeth chortled. She reached up and mussed up her child's hair, running her fingers through a pink twintail and playing with her ribbon. "Do you seriously think I need to use even one percent of my power to defeat you, when you have such a long way to go?" Elizabeth's tone revealed her absolute sense of superiority within this tower. Here, she still remained an undefeatable goddess. It was her safe haven.

"Even without my passive defense, I can still make you run circles around yourself." Elizabeth's pink eyes gleamed. "Of course, if this is a serious bid for power, I'll happily take you on right now."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2083 on: February 26, 2021, 05:35:45 AM »

"Since when are challenges held in someone's private quarters moooom?" She drew it out as deliberate mocking, this was the Succubi king talking and she was clearly trying to twist things here.

Oh she had hit the jackpot here alright, even the ruffling of her hair wouldn't avert, she actually like that tho but would never say it out loud, not where her mother could hear at least. Ellie stood firm, her grin only widening at how well it worked. Her mother had walked right into this. "Are you really saying you're gonna break your own rules? The one that states all challenges are to be held in the Arena by the rules an d conditions of the Arena as well as the ones issued by the challenged itself?  I wonder how the public would react if they found out the Succubi king breaks own rules in this so called safe haven..."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #2084 on: February 26, 2021, 05:54:27 AM »

Her father's fat thigh brushed up against her crotch, sliding between her leg before Elizabeth plainly sat down upon the air. She rested her elbow against nothing and then planted her chin on her face, grinning. "Hoho, that's a nice attempt at lawyering my own rules against me..." Elizabeth chuckled, her defenses already back up. "I can break my own rules if I want, or rather, I make the rules in the first place, however, you're right that it would be a chore..."

Elizabeth kicked up a long leg, holding a perfectly smooth foot in front of her daughter's face. "You shall be giving me a massage as your punishment, in light of your silver tongue. Use it well, and master its use to wrap mortals around your fingers."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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