Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 137397 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2019, 12:08:16 AM »

Eru began petting the girl's tail, touching her special place only she would know about, having plundered everything about her from the extended look at her soul.

"We could also work together, you know. Lizzy promised to teach you magic, right? I could heeelp out, for just a small, trifling price."


"She did- Ahnn~!" Hannah found herself instinctively pressing her hips back against the elf molesting her, the special spot at the base of her tail she didn't like to advertise. Just how much of her did Eru know?! And now her own full ass was rubbing against something all too prominent too.

"W-What kind of, ah, price?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2019, 12:31:30 AM »

Eru began petting the girl's tail, touching her special place only she would know about, having plundered everything about her from the extended look at her soul.

"We could also work together, you know. Lizzy promised to teach you magic, right? I could heeelp out, for just a small, trifling price."


"She did- Ahnn~!" Hannah found herself instinctively pressing her hips back against the elf molesting her, the special spot at the base of her tail she didn't like to advertise. Just how much of her did Eru know?! And now her own full ass was rubbing against something all too prominent too.

"W-What kind of, ah, price?"


Eru's soft rod rubbed against Hannah's butt. The young woman giggled. "Well, I specialize in souls, and I just can't help but notice the qualityy of her soul there, and her body. They'd make excellllent materials, Hannah. You don't like them anyway, right?"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2019, 01:04:24 AM »

Eru's soft rod rubbed against Hannah's butt. The young woman giggled. "Well, I specialize in souls, and I just can't help but notice the qualityy of her soul there, and her body. They'd make excellllent materials, Hannah. You don't like them anyway, right?"


At first the half-blooded sorceress was distracted by the elf's enormous length, somehow hidden beneath her outfit. The filthy part of Hannah's mind asked what it would be like to be taken right in front of this demon she'd summoned, right now - or better, what if she made the demon let Eru do it to her instead?


The demon's eyes blazed with hellfire at that, and her wings wrapped protectively around her body. Fangs and clawed nails revealed themselves at the very thought of that.

And then the demon's reaction hit her, and Hannah's eyes widened in realization of just how fucked up her mind was there.

"You, that, you can't just-"

But the demon didn't let Hannah finish her words. "I believe you had best release me, half-blood. Before you do something that will see the Great Duke Astaroth's wrath fall on even your head!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2019, 01:08:26 AM »

Eru's soft rod rubbed against Hannah's butt. The young woman giggled. "Well, I specialize in souls, and I just can't help but notice the qualityy of her soul there, and her body. They'd make excellllent materials, Hannah. You don't like them anyway, right?"


At first the half-blooded sorceress was distracted by the elf's enormous length, somehow hidden beneath her outfit. The filthy part of Hannah's mind asked what it would be like to be taken right in front of this demon she'd summoned, right now - or better, what if she made the demon let Eru do it to her instead?


The demon's eyes blazed with hellfire at that, and her wings wrapped protectively around her body. Fangs and clawed nails revealed themselves at the very thought of that.

And then the demon's reaction hit her, and Hannah's eyes widened in realization of just how fucked up her mind was there.

"You, that, you can't just-"

But the demon didn't let Hannah finish her words. "I believe you had best release me, half-blood. Before you do something that will see the Great Duke Astaroth's wrath fall on even your head!"


"You'd best be quiet." Eru glared at the demon with a frown, hugging close to Hannah, pulling her close, rubbing against her. "Whatever the result of what we're discussing ends up being, your life is forfeit." Eru turned her attention back to Hannah, her fingers sneaking downwards, towards the girl's panties. "You hate your father, and these demons are terrible terrible scorges, right? What's so wrong with letting me tweak them a bit, make them into better creatures than the scum that they are?" She pressed her length right up against Hannah's ass.

"Thiiink about it just a bit, okkkaaaaaay? I could even help make you a better body if you did..."

She sounded like she genuinely wanted to help.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 01:14:25 AM by Sinib »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2019, 01:46:03 AM »

"T-T-Tweak them?!" Hannah squeaked as Eruraviel shamelessly played the cambion's body like a piano. Whatever the elf had done truly did give her a thorough image of just what Hannah enjoyed, what she was like, and it was almost too much. "T-Tweak them how? What would you... be doing to them~?"

She glanced back at Eru, looking away from the demon as it began to shake in well-deserved fear.

"You... you plan on trying to escape Her. You are trying to betray the Duke!" The succubus clenched her hands together, drawing blood from her palms with wide panicked eyes. "No, on this you overextend, mutt! I shall report you to her imme-!"

And then Hannah's eyes narrowed, sharpening with a demonic malevolence only terror could ignite in her tortured soul. "▅▅▅▅, ▅▅!"

The circle of fire twisted and writhed as it rose up in tendrils of sulfuric suffering, wrapping themselves around the conjured demon and forcing her to the ground.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2019, 01:53:02 AM »

"T-T-Tweak them?!" Hannah squeaked as Eruraviel shamelessly played the cambion's body like a piano. Whatever the elf had done truly did give her a thorough image of just what Hannah enjoyed, what she was like, and it was almost too much. "T-Tweak them how? What would you... be doing to them~?"

She glanced back at Eru, looking away from the demon as it began to shake in well-deserved fear.

"You... you plan on trying to escape Her. You are trying to betray the Duke!" The succubus clenched her hands together, drawing blood from her palms with wide panicked eyes. "No, on this you overextend, mutt! I shall report you to her imme-!"

And then Hannah's eyes narrowed, sharpening with a demonic malevolence only terror could ignite in her tortured soul. "▅▅▅▅, ▅▅!"

The circle of fire twisted and writhed as it rose up in tendrils of sulfuric suffering, wrapping themselves around the conjured demon and forcing her to the ground.


The elf gently began to rub Hannah's back, still pressing herself tight against her. The hug seemed to get a bit more protective of Hannah at the same time. "Look, she's trying to ruin everything already. Would it really be a loss if I tweaked their souls, added some good to them?"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2019, 02:21:41 AM »

The elf gently began to rub Hannah's back, still pressing herself tight against her. The hug seemed to get a bit more protective of Hannah at the same time. "Look, she's trying to ruin everything already. Would it really be a loss if I tweaked their souls, added some good to them?"


It wasn't hard for Hannah to latch onto that bit of comfort, her body trembling as her sudden surge of fear receded. Its aftershocks left her breathing hard, feeling like she needed to throw up. The cambion could feel Hell's essence seething throughout the makeshift summoning chamber, slithering into the walls and floor with great enthusiasm. It felt right at home in the abode of a greater demon.

"She... she definitely can't live after this..."

But that was a given. That was what Hannah had summoned the succubus for to begin with. She swallowed at the thought of how easily she'd thought that idea up.

"... I don't know.."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2019, 02:23:06 AM »

"There's nothing wrong with what you're doing, Hannah." She received a friendly poke in the side.

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2019, 02:29:37 AM »

"Nnn." The poke brought her back to her senses, somewhat. She turned to look at Eruraviel, even as the restrains of hellfire solidified into some kind of web of obsidian threads that sealed the demon's mouth shut. Golden eyes were wide with panic, and muffled sounds of terror filled the room.

Something wrong in Hannah thought it felt like music.

"L-Let's... conclude our current business before we make any further deals."

Yes. Yes, she needed time to think about this. Hannah needed to think.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2019, 02:34:52 AM »

"Sure, sure." The elf smacked Hannah on the back in a friendly manner, hitting her just the perfect amount of too hard in a way that made her feel just right, and walked over to the succubus. She crouched down, taking ahold of her chin and looking over her, eyes glowing.

The demon was being violated, and she could feel it.

"Hey, tell her to obey my every order to the letter, without question or delay, okay?"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2019, 02:44:57 AM »

"Sure, sure." The elf smacked Hannah on the back in a friendly manner, hitting her just the perfect amount of too hard in a way that made her feel just right, and walked over to the succubus. She crouched down, taking ahold of her chin and looking over her, eyes glowing.

The demon was being violated, and she could feel it.

"Hey, tell her to obey my every order to the letter, without question or delay, okay?"


She knew the elf was playing her. Hannah just knew this was totally, utterly wrong. She also knew that this was her first real chance, maybe her last real chance, to be free of Astaroth's tainted blood forever. And so, with a dry mouth and a heavy heart, Hannah began to speak.

"Obey the elf's orders to the letter, without question or delay."



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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2019, 02:51:48 AM »


Eru smiled sympathetically at her. "Thanks. Otherwise I'd need to restrain her."

She turned to the demon, and without emotion, pressed her down to the ground. "Lay down." She said, taking off the scarce amount of clothing the demon was wearing, tossing it to the side. She pulled a tiny piece of fabric from between her breasts, unfolding it and sticking her arm into it, withdrawing a piece of charcoal. She began drawing on the demon, tiny, impossibly eccentric magic circles, covering her entire back with impossibly complex sigels. They connected, weaved together, told a story. They composed a mixture of several languages, some lost to the annals of time.

After about thirty minutes of drawing, she pulled out a small empty crystal vial, placing it down upon the back of the demon's head.

"Don't move even a milimeter." She ordered, before turning to Hannah.

"Hannah, do you mind taking off your clothes now? I need to get you ready too."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2019, 03:01:08 AM »

10:30 AM

Watching had been painful, but Hannah did her best to examine what Eruraviel was doing throughout. As confused and conflicted as she was about all of this, even as turned on as the gorgeous little elf's knowing manipulation of her made Hannah, she didn't turn away. She needed to be sure through her own magical senses, her own knowledge, that what was happening wouldn't just lead to new chains.

New suffering.

But she also thought, Elizabeth would punish this elf quite thoroughly if she had somehow gone against the greater demon. And so Hannah just... waited, until it was time to take off her own clothes. "Okay," she answered softly as she stripped down naked in front of Eru.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2019, 03:04:13 AM »

The writing was utterly incomprehensible to Hannah, the words forming together formed an inintelligable mess to her eyes. The elf smiled at Hannah, standing up, and taking her hand. Gently. "Don't worry. I'm not about to pull a fast one over you, Lizzy would kill me if I did it, anyhow." She winked at Hannah. "If you could just lay down next to her, and take ahold of her hand."

She gave Hannah's full butt a light smack. "Rejoice! These are your last moments in servitude to your sire!"
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 03:05:33 AM by Sinib »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2019, 03:10:27 AM »

With a soft 'eep', Hannah pouted at the elf and did her best to steady herself. She firmed her body up just a little, once last time. She wasn't going to be using this one anymore soon enough. Soon the only thing human about Hannah Longway would be her spirit...

As the thought settled in for her, she laid down on her back and grabbed hold of the captive succubus' hand.

Tears dripped from demon eyes.