Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138085 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #840 on: December 01, 2019, 09:15:13 PM »

Lily happily skipped over to where Liz sat and took a seat on her, but waited for Vanilla to leave before saying her piece.

"But will that fight really happen if I accidentally end up in some trouble that has me going away from here later today? I wonder....." Lily then giggled softly, it was quite fun teasing her like this.

"She makes it too easy, the truth is Liz that I've already recovered."


Elizabeth ran her fingers through Lily's messy hair, but it kept popping back up to its excited state. "That's one of the things I love about her, though!" Elizabeth chuckled, sitting up and pressing her breasts against the top of Lily's back. She felt the succubi's warm mounds press into her, making her feel all tingly and vaugely excited. "I figured you were fine, so please fight her sometime today. She's going to be a real pain if she gets too hyped up with no release."

She leaned forward, and kissed Lily's head. "But that's not what we're really here to talk about, is it? I seem to recall we need to hash out a contract between us..."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #841 on: December 01, 2019, 10:48:40 PM »


It was like tingles flowing down from the top of her head and she could feel herself squirm in the Succubi's lap distantly through the torrent of electric impulses. Eventually she just sank back and slid further down her lap. As she sank down, her shirt slid up and revealed her slightly swollen stomach.

If you didn't know better you'd think she'd had too much sweets and not her still being full of demon spunk from last night. Unlike the woman who's lap she was occupying, Lily's body didn't just automatically absorb it, but that undoubtedly had it's appeals too.

"Right...the contract....Let it all Lizzie! How much are you planning to sell me for hmm? Do I get to pick what types of things I'll do?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #842 on: December 01, 2019, 11:00:12 PM »

Elizabeth gave her another kiss and began to rub her swolen belly. "Of course, I value my cute daughter's training very much! I'm willing to pay you verry well to become my cute subordinate~"

A third kiss, sending more tingles through her body. "Now, what do you want? Name the price for your service."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #843 on: December 02, 2019, 06:57:21 PM »

"Awww... How about you make me the commander hmm?" That was the only question she asked between the content sounds she was making. The redhead was clearly enjoying the attention she was getting and her head was now resting on Liz' breasts, the soft hills serving as a perfect pillow for her.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #844 on: December 02, 2019, 07:02:13 PM »

"Now you must be joking! How could I just put you in charge without any idea of your leadership skills, Lily!" Elizabeth's hands moved upwards, slowly kneading her small mounds. "If you do well, you'll get more responsibilities. I can grant you great powers in the meantime, but you'll have to prove yourself to gain true authority here."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #845 on: December 03, 2019, 01:39:02 AM »

"Meh powers are pointless if you don't work for it so no thanks. Actually..." She pulled away from Liz and pushed her hands aside before turning to look at her. Lily's crimson hair had begun settling a bit more into its regular straight shape but it was still more curly than usual, overall she looked pretty serious right now.

"If you're really planning for me to be Coco's main instructor then maybe you could do something about my magical capacity. At the rate we're going she's going to surpass me in that field in weeks, maybe even days. There's not much I can teach about mana intense battles except how to deal with someone doing it against you..."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #846 on: December 03, 2019, 02:45:35 AM »

"Meh powers are pointless if you don't work for it so no thanks. Actually..." She pulled away from Liz and pushed her hands aside before turning to look at her. Lily's crimson hair had begun settling a bit more into its regular straight shape but it was still more curly than usual, overall she looked pretty serious right now.

"If you're really planning for me to be Coco's main instructor then maybe you could do something about my magical capacity. At the rate we're going she's going to surpass me in that field in weeks, maybe even days. There's not much I can teach about mana intense battles except how to deal with someone doing it against you..."


"Of course I can grant you that gift." Elizabeth answered, letting go of her breasts and getting straight to the point. "I'd also be happy to tutor you in your magic, if you feel that would be helpful."

She rested her hands on her shoulders, and began to massage them. "And, in exchange for your work, I'm willing to give you a chance. I'll give you a trial run in a high level position, and I'll decide whether it's a permanent position based upon your performance."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #847 on: December 03, 2019, 03:26:52 AM »

"Oh my, giving me a chance huh."

She just ignored how her new demonic employer was touching her now, it seemed like she wouldn't get the hint so why bother. And there was no need to present an image of being too bothered by it either.

"I could manage this whole federation in my sleep, even if you were to unite all the lands here it still wouldn't even amount to half the size of the Imperial Province I used to govern."

The heat was rising as the fir elemental was getting excited in a whole other way than before.

"With the resources I Know you have at your disposal, I could conquer it all in ten years easily, or one year if you don't care about appearances."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #848 on: December 03, 2019, 08:22:05 PM »

"Oh my, giving me a chance huh."

She just ignored how her new demonic employer was touching her now, it seemed like she wouldn't get the hint so why bother. And there was no need to present an image of being too bothered by it either.

"I could manage this whole federation in my sleep, even if you were to unite all the lands here it still wouldn't even amount to half the size of the Imperial Province I used to govern."

The heat was rising as the fir elemental was getting excited in a whole other way than before.

"With the resources I Know you have at your disposal, I could conquer it all in ten years easily, or one year if you don't care about appearances."


Lily could feel Elizabeth's shaft pressing against her behind. "Hooo... You're making some very bold assertions, Lily. I'm looking forward to your status report already."

She produced a piece of parchment out of thin air, and Lily could feel the incredible power of the magic in each word on the piece of fabric, even without looking at it. "So, is there anything else you desire? Or are we ready to formally strike a deal?"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #849 on: December 03, 2019, 09:16:13 PM »

"Oh I do have one my desire that's unfulfilled...."

The fire elemental leaned forward to look at the contract  and as she did her round butt happened to trap Liz' majestic rod against her stomach. She wiggled a bit as her eyes darted across the content and then a quill of pure flame appeared in her hand, with which she signed the contract. However, it didn't burn it as one might expect, instead it signed with a crimson and golden hue, infused with both her blood an magic.

"... I Cucked your wife, then I cucked your daughter, and then I cucked the m both at the same time. Which leaves only one thing. Soon I will cuck you too Liz, and you will like it."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #850 on: December 03, 2019, 09:24:14 PM »

"Oh I do have one my desire that's unfulfilled...."

The fire elemental leaned forward to look at the contract  and as she did her round butt happened to trap Liz' majestic rod against her stomach. She wiggled a bit as her eyes darted across the content and then a quill of pure flame appeared in her hand, with which she signed the contract. However, it didn't burn it as one might expect, instead it signed with a crimson and golden hue, infused with both her blood an magic.

"... I Cucked your wife, then I cucked your daughter, and then I cucked the m both at the same time. Which leaves only one thing. Soon I will cuck you too Liz, and you will like it."


As soon as Lily signed it, she felt a burning sensation briefly on her stomach. She felt Elizabeth's magic mark itself onto her, binding her to the terms she'd agreed to, and then, she felt the rush. She felt herself gain access to a small fragment of Elizabeth's might, empowering her magic and opening up pathways previously closed.

Elizabeth leaned forward, kissing the back of Lily's head. "I look forward to it. Netorase is a truly high level fetish." She whispered, stroking Lily's hair.

A pink heart tatoo glowed faintly on the skin above her crotch.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #851 on: December 03, 2019, 09:36:55 PM »

The quill burned out as her magic went completely haywire, fiery wings bigger than ever before burst out of her back and then the returned into her along with her aura until everything was a deathly still.

It was at that moment she exploded.

Not literally exploded, but a shock wave of heat and fire burst out out of her body and charred everything in the room, or would have if it was normal furniture. Her flames seemed more potent before, their color had also gone from a deep red to a more softer blue.

More important to her was the burning sensation above her crotch, which was odd since she couldn't get burned in the first place, making it an odd experience for the Fire Elemental. Her shirt was still hiked up, so the change was evident and she couldn't help but stare at it in wonder.

"So......Is that supposed to do anything besides making me look way sluttier?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #852 on: December 03, 2019, 09:49:00 PM »

The quill burned out as her magic went completely haywire, fiery wings bigger than ever before burst out of her back and then the returned into her along with her aura until everything was a deathly still.

It was at that moment she exploded.

Not literally exploded, but a shock wave of heat and fire burst out out of her body and charred everything in the room, or would have if it was normal furniture. Her flames seemed more potent before, their color had also gone from a deep red to a more softer blue.

More important to her was the burning sensation above her crotch, which was odd since she couldn't get burned in the first place, making it an odd experience for the Fire Elemental. Her shirt was still hiked up, so the change was evident and she couldn't help but stare at it in wonder.

"So......Is that supposed to do anything besides making me look way sluttier?"


The fire simply avoided the great demon, parting ways from her as if in deference. The furniture wasn't even singed, and remained as clean as it had been when Lily had entered.

"It signifies your connection to me, and isn't it just cute?" Lily heard the demon's voice in her head, and then felt the demon begin to rub it. "I can't read your thoughts, so don't worry about that." She added verbally. "I just thought you would want to know about this in case you need to contact me in a hurry."

She cleared her throat, shifting her weight, causing Lily to slide down her cock right up against her. "It also provides you a connection to my reserves, while you're within the district, as well as forcing your magic to have the potential to grow. I'll help you learn to manage your new powers, if that is acceptable."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #853 on: December 03, 2019, 10:09:33 PM »

"Hah, of course you'd find it cute, I'm just a tail away from looking like a good little Succubi loli. I guess you'll want me to wear something skimpier too." Lily shrugged as she as she took in the second statement.

"Learning from you is very much acceptable, but do you really have the control needed for that, just look at how hard you've gotten. Maybe you're losing your touch~"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #854 on: December 03, 2019, 10:16:36 PM »

"Hah, of course you'd find it cute, I'm just a tail away from looking like a good little Succubi loli. I guess you'll want me to wear something skimpier too." Lily shrugged as she as she took in the second statement.

"Learning from you is very much acceptable, but do you really have the control needed for that, just look at how hard you've gotten. Maybe you're losing your touch~"


As Lily teased her, Elizabeth's cock began to soften, shrink, and then droop down, returning to a completely flaccid state. "Who doesn't have control?" Elizabeth snarked back at her with a chuckle.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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