Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She stared intensily at the scribe, and only stopped when Sakura finished speaking, directing an inquisitive glance at the edges of her expressions. Finland was not a familiar name to her, as expected, but Edelgard didn't hope that anyone would know her birthplace either.

"I am a Forsaken. From the Wasteland which borders Illyris," she said, and rested on her next words for a moment. "Combat specialist. Magic to murder mages."

The Scribe

The man in his robes dutifully penned down everything Sakura stated, though in more words it seemed than she had used. There were also some motions that resembled someone checking off boxes as well. However, the scribe's pen paused when Edelgard revealed her own specialty. The man took a deep, wheezing breath at that, and then let out a cough. "That... is not a field which will make you many friends in this place, miss. But, I suspect you will find ones who would court you soon enough."

His attention shifted back to Sakura. "Not... with me, no. I will say your stated specialty in Mineralogy has... flagged you for interest by at least one order already. There is a..."

He paused. "... standing request by the Lapidarian Society to alert them of prospective recruits with a background in the field. Shall I place you down as desiring a meeting?"


"Hrm. How odd. I thought this place was open."

He thought he was being courteous, but it seemed this place was vacant after all. What a shame. It couldn't be helped though. That hesitation seemed to be hilarious for the fiery bird, who had to try its hardest to resist the most violent fit of guffawing in the whole Nexus. Cackling, it flew around him, keeping its flaming wings on its beak in shock and trembling in the most obviously fake fright imaginable.

"Eep! Oh shit! It's our arch enemy, the door's back with a vengeance! What will you do, we are so screwed. Okay, don't panic bud! You know this is too much for you, we can always run. Running's aaaaalways an option. No shame in it, nope. I mean, what if a breeze shut it on your fingers? Huh?"

The man sighed, of course he'd have to remain as insufferable as ever. And yet, he shook his head and spun his cane with a simple motion, grabbed the doorknob by its edge and hooked the door open with a graceful arm motion.

"Leave my loneliness unbroken—quit the bust above my door. Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door. Quoth the Raven Nevermore." And with that, he smiled. He pulled it off smoother than he thought, maybe this would silence h-


"Must you be so loud?" He pressed his middle finger against the bridge of his nose, hoping it might just get the ringing off his ears. "Of course! It might just wake up your 'noggin baby! Or wis pwoww Wawencwe twoo swy... kyehehehe~"

Well, two heads are better than one they say. At least, as long as he didn't lose his. So with that the two waltzed in, one strolling and the other flying.



"Snoooore....... Snooooore....."

The fanciful room presented when the door opened itself before him would have looked so much better, it would have looked so much better if it wasn't covered in various lying around everywhere. How could anyone work in an environment? It was complete chaos.


No it wasn't empty. The strange was coming from human. More precisely someone was lying on her stomach on top of a pile of books. The girl would have been real beauty for sure if she was ust dressed differently.... but how could she even sleep on the books? They didn't look comfortable at all.


--- Quote from: Aiden on April 22, 2019, 12:37:15 AM ---The Scribe

The man in his robes dutifully penned down everything Sakura stated, though in more words it seemed than she had used. There were also some motions that resembled someone checking off boxes as well. However, the scribe's pen paused when Edelgard revealed her own specialty. The man took a deep, wheezing breath at that, and then let out a cough. "That... is not a field which will make you many friends in this place, miss. But, I suspect you will find ones who would court you soon enough."

His attention shifted back to Sakura. "Not... with me, no. I will say your stated specialty in Mineralogy has... flagged you for interest by at least one order already. There is a..."

He paused. "... standing request by the Lapidarian Society to alert them of prospective recruits with a background in the field. Shall I place you down as desiring a meeting?"

--- End quote ---


Sakura nodded. "That would be quite amicable to me. I wish to engross myself in the world of magic with the utmost haste once more."


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