Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Who's the one with the collar? Little miss elf~"

She held her ground against Eru's insistent tugging of her arm, preventing the princess from rushing into the impressive store. "Come to think of it, that store's pretty garbage, and I wanna really see you crawl..."

With a determined tug of her superior reinforced strength, she pulled Eru allong with her, away from fancy clothes store.

"You won't even recoginize yourself once we're done ufufufu....."


"Collars are a high class fasion accessory!" Eru protested vehemently, running her fingers along the smooth leather. She pulled back against Amanda, but Amanda was stronger! Damnit, she really wanted to go into that store...

"Wait, noooo, I wanted to go shoppppingggg." She sounded defeated and sorrowful as despair filled her life. Those pretty clothes, noooo...

The Citadel of Sorcery

Hardly anybody gave Amanda or Eruraviel more than a second look. That, mainly, was due to the elf's abundantly desirable assets and their shamelessly open play with one another. Evidently this behavior with the tugging of collars and the declaration of somebody being somebody else's pet was also natural here. The guards didn't even bother looking to see if Eruraviel needed help!

And why should they?


Christina Verde

Then Christina reached out and pat Sakura on the shoulder, smiling. "Come on, once we get inside the tower you should feel better. The wards suck up so much mana that the stuff in the air won't bother a mage like you."

She grabbed onto Sakura's hand, and started pulling her along.

And, along they went for a time along the weathered path until they reached it:

The Lapis Spire. A misnomer, to be sure, for it did not look like lapis in any way shape or form. But to those who could see the flow of mana it was a different story - a magnificent aura of azure light enshrouded the ancient stone, firm and shameless in its power.

Christina's face lit up as they reached it, and she almost let Sakura run right into her chest as she stopped and turned to catch her reaction. "Well, here it is! The home of the Lapidarian Society!"


"No can do, ufufufu...." She kept dragging Eru in spite of her despairing cry, as if such a ridiculous act would stop her, no not when she was finally getting what she wanted at last.

"Shut up priness, you've already admitted defeat, so that's make you all mine~"


Sakura smiled politely, but wasn't particularly impressed. "It's amazing." It truly was amazing, but it wasn't-well, she was expecting a bit more, after seeing how immense and grandiose the mana crystal was. This wasn't as impressive as some parts of the clocktower that she'd seen.

"Mmm, shall we go inside?"


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