Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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The blue enveloping the tower was brighter than the unclouded sky she had seen in the land that was once their own, where their empire stood before even their name was forsaken. It made Edelgard's stomach twist in a familiar way, like many things here.

Sakura and Christina's words didn't register fully before the warrior was allowing herself in, walking without a twitch of recognition on her face.


--- Quote from: Bern on June 12, 2019, 10:12:19 PM ---Amanda

"No can do, ufufufu...." She kept dragging Eru in spite of her despairing cry, as if such a ridiculous act would stop her, no not when she was finally getting what she wanted at last.

"Shut up priness, you've already admitted defeat, so that's make you all mine~"

--- End quote ---


"Juuuust because you have decent clothes doesn't mean that you've won, Lady Harrington~" Eru continued on in the exact same tone of voice, grasping at the ever shrinking clothing store. Her ears twitched in longing.

"You have failed to impress me enough, so that makes you mine!"

Amanda could feel Eru's shadow creaping up her leg, tickling her behind the knees.

The Winter Principality

The guards, and the shoppers, were watching the two sorceress' back and forth from a safe distance. They were all trying of course not to draw attention to the fact that they were watching, and hoping for some sort of action to take place despite the early winter chill hanging over the snow-covered streets. But nobody thought to try to stop them, not yet anyway.


The Lapis Spire

12:30 PM

Christina seemed only to smile mysteriously at Sakura's subdued reaction to the tower's visual display, and it grew into an outright grin as Edelgard attempted to walk right up to and into the place. Despite its size and importance the Lapis Spire seemed utterly unguarded save for its wards, and so nothing appeared to try to stop the forsaken woman from entering.

Then she crossed the doorless threshold, and rather than an opening to the stone interior Edelgard found herself... somewhere else. Somewhere dark, and cold, and familiar - the Imaginary Abyss which Sakura had shown her before. And the next thing she knew, she was turned around and walking right back out the way she came.

The redheaded magus who led them there started to giggle.


She halted mid-step already out of the threshold, like she'd walked out instead of in. The hold on her spear tightened. Disgraceful. She hadn't even looked at the threshold, assuming the mage woman's invitation made her moving forward fine.

"Rude," Edelgard clicked her teeth, cheeks puffing slightly.


"Oh hush, and stop fooling around or I'll have to discipline you Eru sweetie~" Eru made the cutest faces when she got snubbed, it was just way to delicous to resist, which brought her to current idea. The elf had agreed to try anything on, so she was gonna squeeze as much as possible out of that.

""We're going somewhere much better, Where we're going they have authentic maid uniforms, I'v always wanted my own cute little elf maid, who does my bidding. And you're gonna looook juuuust perfect in it, Uwaaah, I can't wait to see how you make it pop out."


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