Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: Bern on June 15, 2019, 10:34:54 PM ---Amanda

"Oh hush, and stop fooling around or I'll have to discipline you Eru sweetie~" Eru made the cutest faces when she got snubbed, it was just way to delicous to resist, which brought her to current idea. The elf had agreed to try anything on, so she was gonna squeeze as much as possible out of that.

""We're going somewhere much better, Where we're going they have authentic maid uniforms, I'v always wanted my own cute little elf maid, who does my bidding. And you're gonna looook juuuust perfect in it, Uwaaah, I can't wait to see how you make it pop out."

--- End quote ---


"Bwah? Maid???" Eru sounded shocked, even appaled. "I've never dressed up like that before, it's unbecoming!" She sounded legitimately upset and shaken, unlike her normal teasing tone of voice. "Y-you're going to need to do some pretty impressive stuff to get me to agree to putting th-that on, Amanda!"

As she protested, her breasts began jiggling with her movements. They swayed back and forth as she was dragged along towards the next destination.


"Pfft... you're not seriously expecting me to put something that boring on you. Oh no, the one you're gonna be wearing will have more frills than any dress you've ever worn, and it'll be even shorter than my skirt, and don't even pretend you don't like how short my skirt is." Amanda replied, sounding clearly amused. Meanwhile she kept dragging her along while ignoring the complaints, because they were almost at their destination now.

"Hmm... That does leave the question of Thigh highs or pantyhose open. The former does have its appeal, but you don't really fit the archetype for it. Pantyhose on the other hand, you certainly have the body for it, and your airheadedness lends itself well to fortunate accidents."


--- Quote from: Bern on June 16, 2019, 08:15:40 PM ---Amanda

"Pfft... you're not seriously expecting me to put something that boring on you. Oh no, the one you're gonna be wearing will have more frills than any dress you've ever worn, and it'll be even shorter than my skirt, and don't even pretend you don't like how short my skirt is." Amanda replied, sounding clearly amused. Meanwhile she kept dragging her along while ignoring the complaints, because they were almost at their destination now.

"Hmm... That does leave the question of Thigh highs or pantyhose open. The former does have its appeal, but you don't really fit the archetype for it. Pantyhose on the other hand, you certainly have the body for it, and your airheadedness lends itself well to fortunate accidents."

--- End quote ---


"I don't know what either of those are, but pantyhose sounds fun. I don't know what you mean by airheaded, though. I'm anything but!"

She thought about herself getting dressed up in a frilly maid uniform and screwing Amanda's brains out, and had to admit it was arousing. Plus, she enjoyed showing off her assets rather much.

She began to blush, her ears twitching in arousal.

"You'll be the one to lose, Amanda!"

Although maybe losing on purpose would be fun too.


--- Quote from: Aiden on June 14, 2019, 08:13:13 AM ---The Winter Principality

The guards, and the shoppers, were watching the two sorceress' back and forth from a safe distance. They were all trying of course not to draw attention to the fact that they were watching, and hoping for some sort of action to take place despite the early winter chill hanging over the snow-covered streets. But nobody thought to try to stop them, not yet anyway.


The Lapis Spire

12:30 PM

Christina seemed only to smile mysteriously at Sakura's subdued reaction to the tower's visual display, and it grew into an outright grin as Edelgard attempted to walk right up to and into the place. Despite its size and importance the Lapis Spire seemed utterly unguarded save for its wards, and so nothing appeared to try to stop the forsaken woman from entering.

Then she crossed the doorless threshold, and rather than an opening to the stone interior Edelgard found herself... somewhere else. Somewhere dark, and cold, and familiar - the Imaginary Abyss which Sakura had shown her before. And the next thing she knew, she was turned around and walking right back out the way she came.

The redheaded magus who led them there started to giggle.

--- End quote ---


Sakura raised her eyebrow, giggling at Edelgard with Christina. "Not bad. You set up a portal to deter intruders?"

The Lapis Spire

Christina let out a loud 'mmhmm~!' with a wink and a victory sign at that one. "Oh no, if I was trying to be rude about this you would have never gotten out of there. That was just a little joke. The College of Spatial Studies does a lot of good work with trans-dimensional spaces and portals."

Then she skipped on over to the threshold, bouncing slightly in her bodysuit, and tapped a few times on the stone. "Here, try again."

And indeed, the dark portal vanished to reveal the luxurious entryway to the tower's central chamber. Rather than single floors, each with ceilings dividing them, the interior of the Lapis Spire appeared to rise straight up to its pinnacle. Along the edges of the chamber were long spiraling staircases that let off onto a multitude of different floors, whose contents could be only partially seen from here. A few figures in various forms of robes or armor were levitating across the vast space between the walls, and they were accompanied by all sorts of figures - elegant humanoids of smoke and fire, tiny imps with wings and horns, floating orbs of azure light. It was a shameless display of power and ingenuity.

It was also an ideal configuration for an entire order of sorcerers to bombard intruders from every direction.


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