Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: Aiden on June 19, 2019, 03:33:42 AM ---The Lapis Spire

Christina let out a loud 'mmhmm~!' with a wink and a victory sign at that one. "Oh no, if I was trying to be rude about this you would have never gotten out of there. That was just a little joke. The College of Spatial Studies does a lot of good work with trans-dimensional spaces and portals."

Then she skipped on over to the threshold, bouncing slightly in her bodysuit, and tapped a few times on the stone. "Here, try again."

And indeed, the dark portal vanished to reveal the luxurious entryway to the tower's central chamber. Rather than single floors, each with ceilings dividing them, the interior of the Lapis Spire appeared to rise straight up to its pinnacle. Along the edges of the chamber were long spiraling staircases that let off onto a multitude of different floors, whose contents could be only partially seen from here. A few figures in various forms of robes or armor were levitating across the vast space between the walls, and they were accompanied by all sorts of figures - elegant humanoids of smoke and fire, tiny imps with wings and horns, floating orbs of azure light. It was a shameless display of power and ingenuity.

It was also an ideal configuration for an entire order of sorcerers to bombard intruders from every direction.

--- End quote ---

Sakura Edelfeldt

Ah, so it was like this... That made sense. Showing off one's power so blatantly was something they muzt look down on here. She nodded. Bragging about being nobility and ohohoing like Luvia wouldn't be a good idea.

She nodded, shivering a bit. She reached into her shadow, and pulled out Sapphire. She didn't want to be shut out by more powerful mages. Sapphire made her feel stronger, safer.


"Just give up, you're completely at my mercy fufufu...." Amanda chuckled as she waved her hands and directed the movements of the device. Through the link to it, she could directly feel the texture of her skin, the fat under the skin, and the hard muscles hiding beneath it all.

Damn that's bigger than me and I'm taller! It's not fair. She frowned briefly as she thought about the results.

 "Having this much body fat, in the right places while being fit, you can't believe how jealous I am." With another wave of her, the device whirled up Eru's body before squeezing her waist tighly.

"Whiiiir... 55 centimeters...."

"Was your world made by lewd gods??"


"Fufufu..." Eru chuckled at Amanda's inferiority. While she was a fije specimen for humans, it was only natural for her to fall in despair when comparing herself to an elf. "No, not at all. There are many different species, all made by different gods. Us elves were made by Damara, the goddess of fertility, lust, love, nature, and power. As her beloved children, it's simply natural that we'd be blessed with superior physices."

She reached up, balancing on the tips of her big toes in order to better look at Amanda. "For a human female, you'd be considered as a peak beauty in my world." She patted Amanda apologetically on the head.

"I'd be happy to make you a body on par with mine, however~"

She giggled, thrusting her chest forward. "I take it you want to measure my puppies, too."

The Lapis Spire

A figure in black robes appeared out of a black rift from beside the entryway, and Christina turned on a heel to greet them with a smile. "Hello there, Hassan. Is your Magister in right now?" She tilted her head, and leaned in closer to the man who refused to show even an inch of skin.

His raspy voice replied. "Is this about the new applicant? Strange, that you should ask for her and not your own school..."

Christina shrugged her shoulders at that, and motioned to Sakura. "This one looks like she's got some nice talent in your area. She'd be wasted throwing fire around all day like me."

Hassan let out a sigh. "I will contact Magister Mantala, then. She will wish to review the applicant herself."

The redhead who'd led them this far looked back at Sakura again and asked, "Is that fine with you?"


Amanda smirked and waved her hands one more time in response to that. "Don't mind if I do-"

"Whiiir.... No those puppies are mine. Only I can molest my elf." The measuring device said as it gave Amanda the finger. Yeah, it actually curled itself together into a hand like form and gave her the finger. Then it turned to 'look' at Eru before speaking again. Amanda's hands had stopped moving as she gaped at it, she wasn't doing any of that.

"You still haven't given me your eggs miss Eru huh HUH? Do you expect me to like work for free or something, maybe I should just break your stuff hmm hmm?.... Why don't you come over and get that sorted out, that reminds me. I got this kinda pocket pussy toy I was working on recently, but none of my clients wanted to help me with it, would you mind giving it a go?"

Meanwhile Amanda just stared at the now.... talking piece of she didn't even know what to call it at this point, she'd gotten it as a joke gift from a noble back in Pine Garden, but clearly it was something more, and Eru seemed to know whoever was talking. "Who's that?"


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