Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Eruraviel was extremely surprised at first, but it didn't show. She just curled her lips upwards, holding back a giggle at Amanda's expense. She clearly wasn't in control, and after a moment, Eru figured it out. It was her! She was nearby, wasn't she?

Her ears twitched as she figured it out, and then she nodded. "I'm nearby, so I'll stop by now, ok?" She looked at the measuring device, and poked it. "That would be Neptune, although I guess you might know her better as the um, forger of the stars, was it?" She looked back up to Amanda, bringing her finger to her chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think it's that. You said you wanted to meet her, so it works out."

She looked to the left of Amanda, and then to the right. "Um, can you let me up, though? I can teleport us there, but this position is a bit awkward..."


"But I'm not even holding you...."

Amanda took a few steps back before...

"Wait you know the forger of the stars?? How is he? No wait, where is he????" she was almost jumping on the spot, meanwhile the measuring device had lost all life and fell to the ground with an odd clanging sound.


--- Quote from: Bern on June 26, 2019, 01:21:57 AM ---Amanda

"But I'm not even holding you...."

Amanda took a few steps back before...

"Wait you know the forger of the stars?? How is he? No wait, where is he????" she was almost jumping on the spot, meanwhile the measuring device had lost all life and fell to the ground with an odd clanging sound.

--- End quote ---



"Hohohoho~ Of course I do! Great minds attract, you know! He called my work trash! Trash! It was hilarious!" She began giggling, laughing as if the mere thought of it was hilarious. Her breasts jiggled, threatening to escape her dress through the window as she chortled. The elf walked over to Amanda, giggling still. "And she was right. Compared to hers, I'm just an apprentice."

The gem on her skull flashed, and the scenery changed. They were suddenly inside a shop, selling many magical items, fameous through the Nexus.

"Hehehehe..." he She found that the funniest. Boy, would Amanda be in for a surprise.


The purple wonder was not pleased, of course it had to disappear just as she was looking for it. Hmppffff.... It couldn't be that to find could it? And seriously, where did all this junk come from? She could literally swim through it.

Which is exactly what she was doing, diving through a 2 meter tall pile of magical junk the size of a baseball court, all so she could fine one simple toy.

She didn't even notice the bright flash and the thunk of a certain Chief falling over from the sudden teleportation.

"Ahaha! I found it!"

The only thing visible was her arm sticking up from the pile of junk, holding the toy she'd been looking. "Now I just need to....." A tumbling was suddenly heard in the distance, it rumbled, growing in intensity as it came ever closer.


The Purple wonder was swept up by the tidal wave of collapsing junk, plowed through the entire shop and delivered right to the entrance, but half buried under a pile of armors.

"Yikes when did I tell you you could just teleport right in like a dumb dumb, That's like way too ru-"

"Can you please tell us where the Forger of the Stars is, you must be his assistant right?"

Amanda cut her with an expectant look.

"He's not too far away, in fact he'll be arriving very very soon!" Neptune rapidly replied with the most absolute most serious of serious voices, then she got to her feet with an athletic jump, her massive boobs bouncing and looking like they were about to burst out of her jacket. This was completely contrary to the clumsy girl of just a second ago. The armors slid off of her and hit the ground with a loud crash, one of the m even shattering from the impact.


--- Quote from: Bern on June 26, 2019, 04:30:08 AM --- Shop

The purple wonder was not pleased, of course it had to disappear just as she was looking for it. Hmppffff.... It couldn't be that to find could it? And seriously, where did all this junk come from? She could literally swim through it.

Which is exactly what she was doing, diving through a 2 meter tall pile of magical junk the size of a baseball court, all so she could fine one simple toy.

She didn't even notice the bright flash and the thunk of a certain Chief falling over from the sudden teleportation.

"Ahaha! I found it!"

The only thing visible was her arm sticking up from the pile of junk, holding the toy she'd been looking. "Now I just need to....." A tumbling was suddenly heard in the distance, it rumbled, growing in intensity as it came ever closer.


The Purple wonder was swept up by the tidal wave of collapsing junk, plowed through the entire shop and delivered right to the entrance, but half buried under a pile of armors.

"Yikes when did I tell you you could just teleport right in like a dumb dumb, That's like way too ru-"

"Can you please tell us where the Forger of the Stars is, you must be his assistant right?"

Amanda cut her with an expectant look.

"He's not too far away, in fact he'll be arriving very very soon!" Neptune rapidly replied with the most absolute most serious of serious voices, then she got to her feet with an athletic jump, her massive boobs bouncing and looking like they were about to burst out of her jacket. This was completely contrary to the clumsy girl of just a second ago. The armors slid off of her and hit the ground with a loud crash, one of the m even shattering from the impact.

--- End quote ---


Eru simply took a step back as she watched the junk careen towards her. Her shadow formed a semicircle around her and Amanda, protecting them from the avalanche of trash. She turned to look at Amanda, waiting to see her reaction, when she mistook the girl for his assistant!

"Bwahahahaha... hehe, hahahaha..." She burst out into uproarious laughter. "A-amanda... Pffftttt..."

She couldn't stop laughing. Not that she could blame her, but seeing her fooled by the girl's excentricities was just hilarious. "She-he'll be right out. Yes. You could say he's almost in front of you. You just can't see him."

Unable to contain her giggling any more, she contented herself with checking out Neptune's amazing proportions. Her eyes raked over her body like an elf in heat.


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