Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She leaned towards the mage.

"Can I come?" Edelgard asked, her expression back to a monotonous lull. "Safer."

The Forsaken had no interest in learning, so the justification was a genuine one. She had a talent for magic, she'd been told, but it had never been a path that spoke to her. What Edelgard knew, she had learned like weapons, meant to aid her in battle, and she forgotten basics that had been impressed upon her once.

But then, one of those had been useless against Sakura, hadn't it? She hadn't probed the girl about it, but if like their worlds, her magic was different too, then her arsenal had a hole in it. This could be the occasion to fill it. Later.

The Scribe

After a moment of renewed scribbling with that fancy fountain pen of his, the scribe pulled out a sack from one of the drawers in his desk. Then he grabbed a handful of a fine green powder, and threw it into something behind his desk. A big green flame exploded out from it, and the smoke from it whisked its way out of the room by passing between Sakura and Edelgard.

"I have sent the message... for them to prepare for your arrival." The scribe pointed to the door they entered by with his pen. "You may await their delegate in the bazaar within House Antioch's territory, just beyond the gatehouse. They will know... how to find you."


--- Quote from: Bern on April 22, 2019, 03:10:17 AM ---Neptune


"Snoooore....... Snooooore....."

The fanciful room presented when the door opened itself before him would have looked so much better, it would have looked so much better if it wasn't covered in various lying around everywhere. How could anyone work in an environment? It was complete chaos.


No it wasn't empty. The strange was coming from human. More precisely someone was lying on her stomach on top of a pile of books. The girl would have been real beauty for sure if she was ust dressed differently.... but how could she even sleep on the books? They didn't look comfortable at all.

--- End quote ---


When the ashen man stepped in, he hummed a pleasant tune. It was....difficult to navigate this labyrinth, he had to admit. Where paper did not block his path, he tried exercising as much carefulness as he could to not step on anything undesirable. "Where could she be...ah." He smiled, turning his eyes until he finally caught the sleeping beauty on her bed of paper.

"You looks well."

But his companion had caught something else in the corner of its eyes, and cackled in glee at the sight of it all. Gold, jewels, swords, a whoopin' treasure den all for him. Seeing all this plunder ripe for the taking, it glowed and flapped his wings, ready to dive and take it all for himself. Not like Lamespeare'd care about the good stuff, what a lame-o.

"Yes! Kyahaaa! It's free real esta-aghrhraghrhrgggrrhhh.." Before it could dive down to get its fiery claws all over that sweet treasure, a claw of its own clutched straight into his throat. Lawrence spun his cane and reeled the bird back in, plunging him down the ground to pin him with a light thud. The bird struggled, scandalously indignant. How dare he! Being manhandled by a mere human. But despite their difference in power, something imperceptible kept him from resisting the hold.

Lawrence put a finger to his lips and smiled, before releasing the creature. "Shh. The lady is sleeping."

The bird grit his teeth, and shook the dust off his fiery plumage. Oddly enough, he showed enough restraint not to burn all the paper around him, somehow.

"Oi oi, Hello? Anyone? This is what we've been looking for numbskull. With all due respect, are you just going to stand there? She's right there. "

But Lawrence didn't seem preoccupied. Smiling, he painstakingly walked up to one of the toppled chairs and pulled it back in place with a struggle. He sat, and simply opened his book.

"I can wait." It was all he needed to say. And with that, he turned to a new page.




She rolled around and almost fell off the desk. It was really hard to sleep on but It did help her coming up with more creative ideas like nothing else. She took her time and stretched her legs and then her arms, yes her whole body in fact. Being relaxed was key for having a productive day after all! She thought about checking the clock, maybe she'd actually woken up in the morning this time.

So she turned her head slightly to the right and opened her eyes for the first time that day, revealing her purple orbs.

"...... H-hello?"

There was a man sitting on a chair next to her, what were the odds of that even? She probably forgot to lock the door again, although leaving it open like that was quite exciting and it looked like she'd gotten an interesting type here.

" hehee.... Did I keep you waiting for long?"


12:00 AM

The reading kept him occupied, and for a while his familiar behaved. For a moment, one could wonder if he seriously planned to stay here all day. That is, until the girl's voice caught his attention. But he didn't turn to look at her, instead he kept reading with a satisfied smile.

"Mountains toppling evermore, into seas without a shore. Seas that restlessly aspire, surging unto skies of fire." And with that, the book was closed, the thud a period to the sentence.

"Merely two hours. Your rest seemed to be pleasant, to disturb it would haunt me for years."


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