Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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The Lapis Spire

The man in his robes began making his way across the rest of the open chamber, which the two newcomers quickly noted was bereft of anything resembling cover either. And yet Christina was still smiling, and moving her way next to them. "Aren't you excited?! If you've got the talent you're a sure in!"

When Hassan reached the center he tapped his staff on the ground once, twice, three times - and then a black rip in the air opened before him. It felt cold as it stretched wide enough for three people to walk in side by side. Christina grabbed them both by the hands and led them in. "Come on!"



It was a room. A simple floor, perfectly level. It had chairs, a desk covered in papers and nick knacks including a little bird dipping its beak against a flat surface. It was well lit by dozens of spheres gently orbiting over their heads, each one filled with a white light of pure mana.

That platform was floating in the center of a transparent crystalline sphere. Beyond it was a void - utter darkness.

At the center of it all, sitting at the desk, was their host.

She looked up from her papers with a smile, and stood from her chair with the grace that seemed to fit her youthful age. A staff appeared in her hand with a magnificent gem at its peak, and she walked around the desk to greet them. "Ah, Magus Verde - you have brought the candidate then?"

The woman, presumably Magister Mantala, motioned with her free hand to either of Sakura or Edelgard.

"Mmhm!" Christina, of course. "This is Magister Mala Mantala - you can introduce yourselves, right?"


It was like a spirit sanctum more than a mage's abode, and Edelgard could not help but shiver at the complexity of the sorcery woven in around them. The presence of its master was not light to those who could see, but it was still not like the other she had met and sworn to, recently. The Edelgard of now would only bow towards her.

She banged her first over her chest, nodding lightly to the magister. "Edelgard," she said, eyes flitting towards the young woman with her. "Sakura's companion."


Sakura took a deep breath. She closed her eyes before clearing her throat. Edelgard may not have understood what was happening in this room, but she did.

It scared her. To know how much better they were than her in this field.

"Sakura Edelfeldt. I'm applying to join."

Mala Mantala

Christina took a step back, looking between the Magister and Sakura from a spot next to Edelgard. She was grinning and holding her hands together almost as if in prayer.

The Magister smiled beatifically at her, a glimmer of mischief shining in her eyes as Sakura so admirably hid her nervousness. Her free hand extended itself, palm held up. "Please, have a seat, Miss Edelfelt and companion. I always have time for new potential."

Once they did she returned to her own chair, legs crossing beneath her magnificently made dress, and moved her hand in a circular motion atop her desk. A cup rose from a blank, lightless disk atop her desk, and the air rippled with warmth as she heated up... something. It smelled like tea. Two more cups appeared opposite her, ready for her guests. "Help yourselves. Our discussion of your admission, and where your potential would rightfully place you, begins."

She lifted her cup up to sip her tea, and sighed. "Tell me why you seek us, to start."


--- Quote from: Aiden on July 20, 2019, 07:24:45 PM ---Mala Mantala

Christina took a step back, looking between the Magister and Sakura from a spot next to Edelgard. She was grinning and holding her hands together almost as if in prayer.

The Magister smiled beatifically at her, a glimmer of mischief shining in her eyes as Sakura so admirably hid her nervousness. Her free hand extended itself, palm held up. "Please, have a seat, Miss Edelfelt and companion. I always have time for new potential."

Once they did she returned to her own chair, legs crossing beneath her magnificently made dress, and moved her hand in a circular motion atop her desk. A cup rose from a blank, lightless disk atop her desk, and the air rippled with warmth as she heated up... something. It smelled like tea. Two more cups appeared opposite her, ready for her guests. "Help yourselves. Our discussion of your admission, and where your potential would rightfully place you, begins."

She lifted her cup up to sip her tea, and sighed. "Tell me why you seek us, to start."

--- End quote ---

Sakura Edelfeldt

"I want to, need to go home. Both me and her. Starting here seemed like a good place to start."

Sakura said down, taking a cup of tea. She took a sip, taking the taste in.

"It's good, thank you."


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