Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Edelgard sat warily, holding both her weapons - her own and the lent, wrapped up one - on the crook of her arm, and reached forward with a sigh for the tea. There were people she knew to drink such things around home the Wasteland, but it was purely medicinal. She knew some foreigners and humans especially, liked it as a leisure drink, but her worldview could not help but find it an affront against need.

The Forsaken raised the cup to her lips and did not sip, merely inhaling the flowering, mild scent. "Help Sakura, help myself," she said against the tea. "Learn about casters here. My countermeasures apparently... outdated."

The warrior glanced meaningfully at the girl besides her.

Mala Mantala

One of the Magister's elegant eyebrows lifted in curiosity. Or possibly bemusement. Mala placed her hands atop her desk, folded, and seemed to consider both of them. Her eyes flicked over to Christina, who even now looked a tad downtrodden after hearing Sakura explain herself. Then the older woman with black hair sighed. "That does make this a touch more difficult, then. You are asking to learn our secrets, to partake in our traditions and our lore, for the purpose of... abandoning us the moment you get what you want."

Her staff seemed to float by her side on its own, upright.


"I don't see it that way, Magister."

She took another sip before putting her tea down.

Knowing the nature of this Nexus, leaving it would prove fairly problematic. During that time, I'll be sharing my secrets with you as well, will I not? It would be more of a trade than anything."

Sakura flipped her hair with the pomp of a noblewoman. "Furthermore, although I cannot speak for my friend, if the accomidations prove favorable for me, I am quite happy to return here after I pick up my sister."


The forsaken closed her eyes, pondering on her words. She unfurrowed her brows and directed her straightforward gaze at the magister. "Still long-term investment. For both sides."

The Lapidarian Society

Christina seemed eager to interject there, poking her head forward to remind everyone she was still present. "Well if it's the benefits you're worried about, you don't have to worry about those at all! There are so many!"

As she made a peace sign the Magister sitting behind her hid a smile behind her fingers. "Yes, that shall not be a concern. A trade then - one in which we shall hope to see results for all parties involved. Miss Verde seems quite eager," Mala said with a Look sent the chipper redhead's way. Christina blushed in embarrassment and pulled herself back, putting her arms behind her back and wiggling a little from being put on the spot. "So I shall have her explain the benefits on our end. Then, I shall examine what you have to offer us."

Christina coughed into her hand at that, and straightened herself up. "Right. So, since you're interested I'll explain the way our ranking system works. The benefits you get depend on how high you go." She motioned to Mala at her desk, who waved politely. "Magister Mantala is one of the seven Magisters, the ones recognized as the greatest of each of our seven colleges of magic. The colleges are: Alchemy, Binding, Elementalism (I'm here!), Geomancy, Rejuvenation, Spatial Studies, and Warding. Miss Mantala is the Magister of Spatial Studies, and you can see why."

The crystal sphere hung ominously, beatifically, in the abyss.

"Below the Magisters are the 77 Magi, like me! Each oversees the work of 11 of us. We each teach up to 7 apprentices, and we receive all kinds of benefits in exchange for sharing our work with our college." Christina leans in toward Sakura, and smiles mischievously. "I have so much grant money. And so many helpers!"

Mala coughs into her hand, interrupting and taking over. "Yes, that is essentially the gist of it. A Magus will take on apprentices, and the most capable of those is elected by the other Magi of their college to take the Magus' place should they retire, move up, or otherwise be... indisposed. The same is so for reaching the position of Magister."

Christina was all but hopping on her heels as the explanation from the Magister wrapped up.

"Even as an Apprentice you still receive financial and material assistance with your research - and should you graduate without the opportunity for advancement, you are given a position in one of our satellite enclaves in one of the other districts. Should you so desire, of course."

A big redheaded grin topped it all off.

"Sounds pretty great, right?!"


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