Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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And then, just as Christina was so confident in her victory, Sakura clapped. The mist suddenly focused around her, closing in on them, nearly instantly draining all of Christina's magic. It ate away at her spells, but it wasn't nearly at a level where it ate at her lifeforce anymore. Sakura's arm streaked out, grabbing at her leg.

The wall also didn't disappear, instead morphing in shape, into more of an amorphous blob of black hole.


"Nnnn... damn it!" And then something seemed to snap in Christina, and her other leg spun around in Sakura's grasp to strike at her side with an unnatural amount of force. Her eyes wide, ferocious, the redhead tried to wrap that leg around the other sorceress' side and use it to lift herself up so she could punch the purple head right in her pretty smug face!


Oh, she's pretty good. That's the thought that flashed through her mind at that moment. She hadn't expected her to be trained in the feminine art of close quarters combat.

A corner of Sakura's mouth curled upwards.

"Very well! I'll take your challenge!"

The mist dispursed, and Sakura ducked underneath the girl's swing. She sprung upwards, slamming her arms into Cristina's midriff and lifting her up, leaping into the air herself. "As a properly bred Edelfeldt Lady, I accept your challenge!"

There was a new fire to her voice as she slammed Cristina into the ground.


They struck the platform hard enough to make it tremble oh so slightly, but with the mist gone it was simple for Christina to draw on the mana in one of her armor's crystals, protected by their housing from direct contact with the siphoning mist, and reinstate her reinforcement.

Once she hit the ground she, with a red burning tint to eyes, used her legs to shove Sakura several feet off her of her with a howl of challenge! "That's fine by me!"

In that same moment she returned to her feet, and moved in to strike as many opportunistic blows as she could.


Sakura leaped back, landing on her feet. She grinned at her opponent as she got caught up in the heat of it all. She instantly took a defensive stance, ready to catch Christina's attacks on an instinctual level, as if it had been physically beaten into her by somebody. She dodged out of the way of the first blow, turning her body and transferring her momentum into a powerful roundhouse kick at the redhead's side.


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