Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She looked at him inquisitevly, he hadn't even looked back at her, was he here on official business? It was entirely possible and would explain why he was acting that way. "Are you from the order? You can tell them to go fuck themselves before I'll ever join them! I'm a free girl!" She nodded along with her statement.


"If I find someone from this so called order, I'll be sure to pass the word along." He spoke softly, like silken smoke over saltwater. "But alas I am not. Forgive the disappointment, I am but a man of no consequence." His lips curled into a wry smile, and he turned to look directly at her. And perhaps, it would have been better if he did not.

His eyes were pale, of a sickly lifeless grey, yet they were as sharp as they could get. And they narrowed as if to pounce and swallow her whole, as if there was something he was trying to see past her.

"They call you the forger of the stars, and I couldn't deny that the title piqued my interest. Someone who can create anything from nothing. Anything? I asked, and they answered: Everything."

Basically he was really just asking one thing.

"Are the tales of your skill true?"


Even if he was sickly pale and gave off a completely unpleasant aura, she wasn't phased much at all. She'd dealt with scarier customers in the past and this guy didn't seem so ad even if his presence was what it was. But she understood that had more to do with his eing than his actual demeaner.

As he questioned her about her skills, her eyes roamed over his body once more before she confidently met his gaze and cut him off by answering his question with one of her own. "Let me guess, you want to make your body more stable?"


Lawrence shook his head.

"You are a perceptive one. But... no. If it were so simple, I wouldn't have needed to come all this way. I believe the expression would be.... barking at the wrong tree?" For a moment, he grimaced. This wasn't the most pleasant of topics, but for her to notice already...

"My body is fine for what it is. You work with many different materials, yes? In this case, think of my existence as more like the iron meant to be smelted. If left outside carelessly for too long, the rains and winds will scatter down on me and shatter me into dust. That is the will of this world."

But despite the grimness of this topic, for a moment he smiled at her sincerely. Meanwhile, the fiery creature just watched in silence.

                                             to be human
"That is what it means to accept mortality, no?"



She leapt of the table and landed on her feet, only to tower over his sitting form. "You're clearly not okay if you're discussing philosophy this early besides... Mortality is way overrated. You sound like a total pessimist, but rest assured, I'll fix you up in no time. I swear that on my name as the Forger of the Stars."

"So why did you really come here?...."


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