Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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The unchanging tone was no more unnerving than some of the enemies she'd faced in her lifetime. It should have been nothing. But to Edelgard, it was somehow no better than being alone. Maybe worse.

She spoke unsteadily. "Here is... fine. I will wait."

Pulling her feet up, crossing her legs on top of the couch, she forced herself to lean back. Edelgard wondered if Sakura would be upset for this abuse of her place. Maybe she would be frustrated, and regret giving her sympathy. What was the point of a warrior that was so brittle, or a protector that was so easy to fool?

She closed her eyes and breathed shallowly.


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 17, 2019, 07:08:55 PM ---Edelgard

The unchanging tone was no more unnerving than some of the enemies she'd faced in her lifetime. It should have been nothing. But to Edelgard, it was somehow no better than being alone. Maybe worse.

She spoke unsteadily. "Here is... fine. I will wait."

Pulling her feet up, crossing her legs on top of the couch, she forced herself to lean back. Edelgard wondered if Sakura would be upset for this abuse of her place. Maybe she would be frustrated, and regret giving her sympathy. What was the point of a warrior that was so brittle, or a protector that was so easy to fool?

--- End quote ---


Rin simply bowed. "Very well. If you have any need for me, please just call for me, and I will assist you at once."

The servant then walked over to a wall and melded into it, flattening against it before turning to the same color and texture of the wall.


2:00 am Nexus Time

Sakura, finding herself out of the grasp of the terrifyingly powerful demon, and still remembering the feeling of being filled up by her immense prick, how unearthly good it felt...

She shuddered, grasping herself to stop shaking. She was too powerful. Too enticing. She couldn't even hope to resist if Elizabeth decided to make her a concubine. She wouldn't even be able to think of such a thing.

It scared her a little.

The shadows ate her up, and she found herself at the foot of the lapis spire. She sighed, and slowly walked upstairs. She opened her door, and walked inside...

2:00 AM Nexus Time

The aimless warrior stirred to wakefulness, and after a moment, jumped to her feet. Edelgard was standing in front of Sakura, her face stained by exhausted lines and panicked shadows. Those feelings had settled in hours ago, like plaster on her otherwise firm skin.

"Sakura," she began, but soon trailed off, hesitating in how to phrase her request. In what her request even was.

Seeing the caster, belatedly realizing she did not know when she'd dozed off, Edelgard felt like it had been an uncountable amount of time since they spoke. It did not soften the harshness on her expression, but the little differences in Sakura's appearance, the shifts that might have gone unnoticed to a casual observer, made the Forsaken refocus slightly.

She extended a fist and opened it. On her palm lay splinters and dust that could only barely resemble a ghost of the weapon the girl had seen before, which in Sakura's mind had been equal to a legendary treasure.

"I don't... know why. It broke. I don't understand." Edelgard said quietly.


Sakura's crimson red eyes stared at Edelgard, her face filling with ever more concern. The door slammed shut behind her, latching once more.

Then, she understood. She grabbed the elf-girl and pulled her into a hug, pulling her head down to her chest.

She remembered feeling comforted by her mother, before she'd been thrown away. Edelgard could feel the girl's beating heart against her head.

"Magic is confusing and strange." She began stroking the girl's hair with one hand, her other hand resting against her back. "How long have you been here?"


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