Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Swears me." She immediately answered back without skipping a beat, as if she had been expecting such an answer. "I wouldn't say it if I hadn't given it a lot of thought. Every day at the Clock Tower, I faced constant discrimination for the circumstances of my birth. People would attempt to steal me or to take me away. To many, I was seen as a useful tool."

She suddenly flicked Edelgard's forehead, and it felt like Sakura was stronger than she previously had been. "But that's not an issue here. You wear your emotions on your face. You don't try to convince me of your benevolence with stupid platitudes and nice words. You're honest, and that's why I like you. That's why I've gone out of my way to help you out. Because I trust you'd do the same for me."


She blinked, and one of her hands came up on its down to slap away the fingers that had flicked at her forehead - but there was little strength to that rebuke. Instead, Edelgard felt, as if starting from that touch, all of her senses awaken in fire, the previous numbness of her perception painfully diminishing.

The Forsaken opened her mouth. A bundle of knots strained in her entrails, pulling her in every direction at once. For one instant though, they loosened. Enough for her to let out a breath she was holding in like a lifeline.

"Schemers. I hate them too," she said, miserable yet calm.


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 22, 2019, 02:42:51 AM ---Edelgard

She blinked, and one of her hands came up on its down to slap away the fingers that had flicked at her forehead - but there was little strength to that rebuke. Instead, Edelgard felt, as if starting from that touch, all of her senses awaken in fire, the previous numbness of her perception painfully diminishing.

The Forsaken opened her mouth. A bundle of knots strained in her entrails, pulling her in every direction at once. For one instant though, they loosened. Enough for her to let out a breath she was holding in like a lifeline.

"Schemers. I hate them too," she said, miserable yet calm.

--- End quote ---


"Hah. Yes, I hate them too. They like to make everything out to be so unnecessarily complicated."


Complex. Yes. It was... excruciatingly painful to have to think so backwards and twisted. Edelgard felt a headache come on just remembering her experiences, and wished she could just close her eyes and let it go away. Was she allowed to do that in Sakura's lap?

The forsaken groaned. "Should sleep. Tomorrow I'll... listen."


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 24, 2019, 12:28:03 AM ---Edelgard

Complex. Yes. It was... excruciatingly painful to have to think so backwards and twisted. Edelgard felt a headache come on just remembering her experiences, and wished she could just close her eyes and let it go away. Was she allowed to do that in Sakura's lap?

The forsaken groaned. "Should sleep. Tomorrow I'll... listen."

--- End quote ---


Sakura blinked. "Ah-I guess it is late, isn't it? I don't feel it at all..."

It was strange, feeling as wide awake as if it were 12 pm at 3 am. Like she was supposed to be up and about right now.

"Oh well." She shrugged before leaning back, allowing Edelgard to rest up against her. A shadow wrapped itself up around her before depositing a blanket over the exhausted girl, as well as the laptop Sakura had purchased.

She quietly began searching for a place selling one of these daylight rings. She'd send Rin out and make her buy her one before dawn.


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