Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She stiffened. But the forsaken woman's breathing remained solid, even as she allowed the hug to continue. "Not concerned," she spoke, pausing for an instant after though her mouth was still open. And then she contiued. "Feed on me, if needing."


Sakura leaned down and pressed her lips againstthe base of Edelgard's neck. "You don't mind? That makes everything a lot easier for me."

She sounded relieved, and then bared her fangs, pressing them against Edelgard's neck.

"You're a lifesaver. Thank you."

Sakura's fangs sank into the girl's neck and began to slowly drink from her best friend in this strange world.


She was going to hum in affirmation and let Sakura take what she needed, but Edelgard was expecting pain. A sting. And a vague tremor of invasion to tolerate. Not whatever it was that instead crashed down her neck like electricity, making the warrior choke on a disarmed whine instead.

Lest she be able to reconsider, her blood thrummed and spilled from between her taunt muscles. She squeezed the haft of her spear, as her other hand twitched, claw-like, without respite. Heat pulsed in her body like a drum, and Edelgard bit down on her lips pointlessly, only adding to a mess of sensations she was already failing to herd. She knew sexual feeling, but this was sexual pleasure.

And for the life of her, she wasn't quite sure why she knew there was a big difference there.


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 30, 2019, 04:29:21 PM ---Edelgard

She was going to hum in affirmation and let Sakura take what she needed, but Edelgard was expecting pain. A sting. And a vague tremor of invasion to tolerate. Not whatever it was that instead crashed down her neck like electricity, making the warrior choke on a disarmed whine instead.

Lest she be able to reconsider, her blood thrummed and spilled from between her taunt muscles. She squeezed the haft of her spear, as her other hand twitched, claw-like, without respite. Heat pulsed in her body like a drum, and Edelgard bit down on her lips pointlessly, only adding to a mess of sensations she was already failing to herd. She knew sexual feeling, but this was sexual pleasure.

And for the life of her, she wasn't quite sure why she knew there was a big difference there.

--- End quote ---


Sakura drank. She climbed into Edelgard's lap, straddling her friend as she fed on the surprisingly tart and sour blood. She gently grabbed onto Edelgard's shoulders, a bit of her spit sliding down it as she did so. Edelgard could feel the thick, weighty addition that Sakura most certainly had not had during their duel the day before pressed right up against her thigh-

But then, Sakura broke contact and pressed herself against Edelgard to hide the sour face she was making. "Your blood-it's got a unique taste, Edel..."

Sakura's large breasts were pressed right up against Edelgard's smaller ones, and she could feel Edelgard's arousal awash against her. "S-see, it feels good. I was surprised at first too..."


Another drop of blood fell from Edelgard's lips as Sakura parted from her, and then pressed closer as if it was natural. There was relief, and at the same time a suffocated sigh from the Forsaken's lips. Her thighs quivered, unseemly, under the mage, and she became dreadfully aware of every patch of burning skin her friend was touching, directly or indirectly.

"Is... it done?" She asked, voice faded. Things Edelgard expected and others she didn't, soft or hard against skin and thin clothing, were distracting even to her breathing now.

She inhaled, turning her head just a touch, such that Sakura's hair rubbed against her cheek. "You. Shaft. When did you get one?"


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