Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Accompanying Sakura, whatever she needed to do, sounded good. Yes. Distracting. She nodded against the girl's shoulder, but held herself. She didn't unattach from her yet.

"You're still flushed. No problem?" Edelgard asked, as though her breathing was not yet imperfect and her own skin still flushed.


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 30, 2019, 08:25:57 PM ---Edelgard

Accompanying Sakura, whatever she needed to do, sounded good. Yes. Distracting. She nodded against the girl's shoulder, but held herself. She didn't unattach from her yet.

"You're still flushed. No problem?" Edelgard asked, as though her breathing was not yet imperfect and her own skin still flushed.

--- End quote ---


"You're one to talk, you're still hot and bothered from my bite..." She teased her friend a bit before freeing herself from Edelgard. "I'm fine. Great, even. I think it means that I recently fed."


So it was obvious. Even if it wasn't, Sakura would know, she knew how it worked, and she wasn't stupid.

Edelgard shook her head out of it, re-winding her fingers around her spear. Sakura gave her space, and she returned it. Sitting up, pacing silently in place, until her breaths were not so obvious, and her sullen expression was returned to life.

"Good," she said. And stared, expectant.


--- Quote from: YOLF on September 30, 2019, 08:39:46 PM ---Edelgard

So it was obvious. Even if it wasn't, Sakura would know, she knew how it worked, and she wasn't stupid.

Edelgard shook her head out of it, re-winding her fingers around her spear. Sakura gave her space, and she returned it. Sitting up, pacing silently in place, until her breaths were not so obvious, and her sullen expression was returned to life.

"Good," she said. And stared, expectant.

--- End quote ---


Sakura reached out and rubbed Edelgard's head with a wide smile. "Good, good. I feel invigorated and strong, thanks to you. I don't know what I would do without you."

Hopefully, that would make Edelgard feel better. Sakura reached out and lifted her up off the couch, holding onto her hand gently. She gently patted her own chest, making sure that Sapphire was comfortable inside there before pulling Edelgard onwards. "Come on, let's go find something to kill and make some money. My blood's boiling, I want to test my new powers!"


6:00 PM Nexus Time

Thorra was lost. The tall woman walked down the streets of this strange new city, in this exceptionally strange world. She couldn't contact Arn, which wasn't too strange, she was sure her attendant was going to show up anyway of her own accord. What was strange, though, was the overbearing abundance of magic. She could feel it, sense it in the air.

She tightened her grip, ready for the inevitable magical enemies to strike her. She wanted to give whomever had created this place a good clobbering.
8:00 PM Nexus Time

But, that never came. She was getting tired of their cowardice, but no matter.

She walked right into the first shop she saw, trusting fate to send her towards an interesting person.


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