Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Lawrence blinked, his face dumbstruck. For a moment, he just stared wide eyed at her scene, unsure of what to say. And there was nothing wrong with discussing philosophy in the first place. Morning had scattered away a while ago either way, so he felt justified in his cultured mannerisms. Perhaps she needed some tea to calm down.

"Ah? Well, um-"

"Pffffffffffffffft!! Kahahahaha! Damn right sister! Finally someone is talking some sense in this city! At this rate, I was going to jump off the roof or somethin'!"

The bird just guffawed before he could even muster a proper response, and flew around the two with a smug grin, cackling at the situation. "Here's one for you Shakespeare: quit trying to slack, cause dyin' is whack!"
Lawrence looked down and sighed at it all. But he assumed he had a point. If he were his original self, he'd probably had gone straight to the point and charged down. But alas...

"A powerful demon is being resurrected, and I need your help Neptune."


"Oh a demon you say...." She said with a sly chuckle to go with it. That bird was rather funny.

"What kind of demon are we talking aboout? The murderous kind, the scheming plotter felllow, or the pervert who prays on young girls with icky tentacles?"

She took a step closer to him, almost invading his prvacy now as she leaned forward slightly, her new pose was far more challenging than before. "But don't think you can worm your way out of that, I told you I'd help so I will. If you still don't believe me, then why don't you try to beat me at wrestling? If you win I'll let you have what you want for free, no fees attached..."


Wrestling? How interesting... The resemblance didn't stop at her face. But still, this was a bit more forward than he planned. Was she really someone he could fight?

"Hee hee! Look at the boy, he's all skin and sticks! You'd crush him!" Phenex seemed to find the prospect hilarious, and flapped his wings behind him with a big avian grin. Seeing Lawrence getting manhandled by the bosslady would make getting dragged all the way here almost worth it.

It didn't take a genius to figure it out, he stood no chance against her in a physical contest.

"Very well. I accept." Lawrence stood up from his seat with a calm expression. Just as she loomed over him with a challenging gaze, he too now leaned against her in kind, staring straight into her with a challenging gaze of his own. No, something about it was different. Resolute.

"Kahahaha- eh?" The bird gasped in shock. Wait wait wait, this couldn't be right. He wasn't seriously going to do this was he? He literally didn't have the strength to spare! Hello? Anyone in that thick skull? Lifting a chair was hard as it was, and now he was trying to be the next Triple H? No no no, nope, not happening.

"Hey hey hey, with all due respect, you're not exactly in top shape right now. You're not seriously into mopping the floor with your face at 12:00? I know she's cute and all, but you literally can't fight her."

"He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence; So it is written." He smiled curtly at the girl. Perhaps he had a point, but if there was one thing he had in common with his old self, it was the simple fact that he loathed losing.

"Shall we dance here, Neptune? Now?"


"Damn straight I'm cute, see even your birdie is better at complimenting ladies than you are, you're just way to stiff so I'll unstiffen you and don't worry...." She crouched down on all making it obvious she was gonna leap on him. "I'll make sure he enjoys every second of it...... And don't you dare call me that! Call me neppers, even sweetie or darling would be better since you're kinda pretty in that mopey guy way.... Hey Birdie what's his type? I bet it's something really boring. "


But the bird was hardly paying attention, for he was very busy cooking up a sweet, sweet pan of delicious buttery popcorn for the bash. It cracked and popped and snapped and about where he found it.... don't ask.

"Ah! Uh, definitely fierce ladies who can kick his butt! So don't you dare go easy on him! I wanna see blood and sweat, kahahaha!"

Meanwhile, he took a bit of distance and circled her, before settling on just the right spot. He picked his cane and tapped it on his palm, smiling.

"Very well... Neppers. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."


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