Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Ring the fucking bell!"

The shop was immaculate, clean and structured, unlike anything it had looked like before. There were no piles of junk on the floor, everything was in order, everything except for the angry girl purple head marching up on the new intruder to her sanctum.

"I've had it with these motherfucking clients barging in like they own the place!"

She drew closer with every step, which only served to make the difference in height more and more pronounced. The owner of the shop was by no means short, no it was the other woman who was simply huge, huge enough to have violated some traffic laws on her way here, probably.

"Can't you read? It's after eight, we're closed. CLOSED!" She jabbed her finger into the exposed belly of the horrendously tall woman, was she a half breed giant or something? And then there was the indecency shown here, Neptune was quite scandalous herself but this girl was so lightly dressed it would have made her blush if she wasn't so annoyed.

Calm down, just breathe in, breathe in....

She had to calm down before her magic went even more out of control and they sent a team to check in on her. It was already cascading off her in massive waves that was even overpowering the presence of her workshop, if this kept it would be bad....

Neptune crossed her arms and breathed in.

"Why are you possessing her?"


"Why am I possessing her? You already know what I really am?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the bizzare little girl. Was it really that big a deal to come after closing...?

She hunched down to better fit inside the cramped building, crouching down to Neptune's height. She stared into the girl's purple eyes with a sense of wonder. "Are you the one, who's been letting off so much magic I could sense it?"

She smiled. "You're interesting! My name is Thorra!"

She reached out and grabbed Neptune's hand, shaking it vigorously, as if the girl hadn't been yelling at her. Neptune felt a calming feeling upon seeing her smile, relaxing her and making her reconsider if yelling at such a cute girl was really worth it.


"Pretty much yeah, my stuff is pretty amazing hehe..." She tapped her hair clips absentmindedly or at least it appeared so on the surface. In truth she was analyzing Thorra's composition, every second she glanced revealing more and more to her.

"Neptune.....That's my name." Her purple eyes met Thorra's.

"What? Is my magic that unpleasant?" It really shouldn't be, if anything it should be soothing to someone like her.


--- Quote from: Bern on October 18, 2019, 05:44:28 PM ---Neptune

"Pretty much yeah, my stuff is pretty amazing hehe..." She tapped her hair clips absentmindedly or at least it appeared so on the surface. In truth she was analyzing Thorra's composition, every second she glanced revealing more and more to her.

"Neptune.....That's my name." Her purple eyes met Thorra's.

"What? Is my magic that unpleasant?" It really shouldn't be, if anything it should be soothing to someone like her.

--- End quote ---


Thorra's lightning-bolt eyes gleamed, seeming to crackle with electricity when Neptune met her eyes. Thorra's body contained untold power and strength, but the real incredibleness of her was the godlike manufacturing of her-the hammer. She was truly alive, bursting with soul and energy.

"Nice to meet you, Neptune." The large woman sat down, stretching her arms before placing herself down upon her lap. "I don't know if it's your magic! It feels like there's magic everywhere, which is super weird! Where in the world am I right now?"


As the half giant sat down something odd occurred within the workshop itself. It was like the floor shifted beneath her until it become like a soft cushion that perfectly followed her shape for maximum comfort. Despite it did not change its visual appearance whatsoever.

The owner however, was having some real troubles of her own however. As the electrifying gaze met her she couldn't bare it for even a second. She to look somewhere, anywhere but directly at her. She could practically feel her cheeks flush.

Come on think something, anything!

"Ca-can I hold you?"

During the internal struggle, she had ended up looking right at the hammer with brimming curiosity.


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