Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Thorra frowned, and then took a couple steps back, until she felt like she was a reasonable distance away from Neptune.

"Is this better?"



She brushed her arm off to calm herself down. People getting that close, it had never been something she'd been good dealing with. While she enjoyed teasing her clients it was all a sale tactic, she never got physical with them.

"So... did you have any specific requests on the upgrades you wanted?" She asked in an attempt to regain control over the situation.


--- Quote from: Bern on October 23, 2019, 08:32:58 PM ---Neptune


She brushed her arm off to calm herself down. People getting that close, it had never been something she'd been good dealing with. While she enjoyed teasing her clients it was all a sale tactic, she never got physical with them.

"So... did you have any specific requests on the upgrades you wanted?" She asked in an attempt to regain control over the situation.

--- End quote ---


Thorra smacked her body's chest and pointed at herself. "Making this body tougher would be nice. But I'd also like to be able to shoot stronger bolts of lightning, like my father can."

Thorra seemed to be shrinking a bit, in Neptune's eyes, with various other small adjustments to make her more appealing to Neptune's specific tastes. "Hah~"

She reached down and grabbed the balls of the dildo that was still stuck inside of her. "As an aside, can I take this out now? It's still getting bigger..."


The smith wasn't really paying attention to the physical changes transpiring in front of her as she was much too busy racking her brain on what catalysts would be required to complete the request. She sighed as she realized that none of it was in stock.

"Yeah, you're already quite strong, I don't have the necessary reagents on me, but we're talking about rare quartz here and dragon parts, that sort of stuff. And sure sure go ahead, you've proven your point." 


Thorra immediately reached down, grabed the immense plastic dick and yanked it out of her with a loud, wet pop. She cried out in pain and relief as the two foot length came bursting out of her. Her vagina remained gaping after it was removed, and Thorra reached down and put her coverings back on.

"Dragons!" Thorra then exclaimed excitedly, standing up back to her full height before banging her head on the ceiling. "Give me a list of whatever you need, and I'll bring it to you, Neptune!"


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