Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"Hmm hmm.."

The forger of the Stars had whipped out a notebook out of seemingly nowhere and was furiously writing into it, then scratched out some lines with her pencil even more furiously. So focused was she on her writing that she wasn't paying the Hammer any mind.

"There, that's all of them I think, I hope whew...."

She shoved the notebook towards Thorra...

In it was listed a lot of ingredients, most notably dragon bones, pure demon essence and soul shards.


Thorra's body reached out and took the notebook, studying it closely. Each line brought a wider and wider grin to the hammer's face, electricity crackling with excitement around her eyes.

"That's a lot of stuff!" She handed the notebook back to Neptune and waved goodbye to her. "I'll see you later, once I get you the stuff you need, great smith!"

5:15 AM Nexus Time
Continued from Longdale

Edelgard had reasserted her footing as soon as they walked out of the dark gate, squinting to spare her eyesight the blaring mess of the Citadel of Sorcery. This late, it was less so, but sorcerers no doubt kept eerie schedules even by the standards of someone used to uneven sleep. The only saving grace was each caster's experiments or mystic research appeared sequestered in the boundaries of their sanctuaries.

The bloodied woman unattached herself from her companion as they passed one of the gates of the tower towards the residences they'd been given. It was not she didn't welcome the familiarity, or the easy assurance. Edelgard should not be sticky. The gruesome tracks she left on these floors didn't matter, but she should not be an unwilling inconvenience, nevermind a willing one.

She paused, with a confused look around. "Clothes... need cleaning, also," she remarked to Sakura. It would be convenient if she could simply use part of her quarters for it. Edelgard didn't have another set of clothes - but this one was remarkably resistant to stains, a necessity in her usual activities.


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 20, 2019, 03:43:01 PM ---Edelgard
5:15 AM Nexus Time
Continued from Longdale

Edelgard had reasserted her footing as soon as they walked out of the dark gate, squinting to spare her eyesight the blaring mess of the Citadel of Sorcery. This late, it was less so, but sorcerers no doubt kept eerie schedules even by the standards of someone used to uneven sleep. The only saving grace was each caster's experiments or mystic research appeared sequestered in the boundaries of their sanctuaries.

The bloodied woman unattached herself from her companion as they passed one of the gates of the tower towards the residences they'd been given. It was not she didn't welcome the familiarity, or the easy assurance. Edelgard should not be sticky. The gruesome tracks she left on these floors didn't matter, but she should not be an unwilling inconvenience, nevermind a willing one.

She paused, with a confused look around. "Clothes... need cleaning, also," she remarked to Sakura. It would be convenient if she could simply use part of her quarters for it. Edelgard didn't have another set of clothes - but this one was remarkably resistant to stains, a necessity in her usual activities.

--- End quote ---


Sakura blinked, uncaring of the blood and viscera getting anywhere, certain that there was magic at work that would simply clean it up with no inconvinence to anybody. "Well-yes. I can make you some stuff while we put them through the wash, Edel. But first, we should bathe."


She nodded stiffly. "Wonder if... clothes in the closets," Edelgard said, as she sauntered off towards the door to her quarters. There was nothing else to discuss right now.


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