Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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It was a clipped and silent affair, for Edelgard felt not the need to speak of the relief of washing away the grime and gore. She took a basin and dipped hot water and soap over herself, ignoring the scratch of absence in washing away what clung to her skin, until she was satisfied, then sank into the opposite end of the bathtub of her companion.


Sakura idly watched her companion scrub away the grime, watching in rapture as she found herself able to count the grains that were falling off her with her newly enhanced senses. It was only stopping after almost a minute.

She sighed, shaking her head as Edelgard entered next to her. "It's going to be hard. Adjusting to this new body."


She looked up from the disarmingly hot water, not bothering to push away the wet hair that fell on her face like crumpled curtains. "Didn't think it would? Or regretting?" Edelgard asked, the gently rising steam and other things placing a sliver of pressure in her tone.


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 29, 2019, 02:45:36 AM ---Edelgard

She looked up from the disarmingly hot water, not bothering to push away the wet hair that fell on her face like crumpled curtains. "Didn't think it would? Or regretting?" Edelgard asked, the gently rising steam and other things placing a sliver of pressure in her tone.

--- End quote ---

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura knew she was not going to get the most complex answer from her partner, but she knew that she would at least be listening. So, the fledgling vampire began to talk.

"No, I don't regret it. I can't. How stupid would that be, having regrets before the first night was even over?" She shook her head. "No, I'm quite happy with it. I no longer age. I'm immune to diseases. I'm stronger, and naturally regenerate. I have an unlimited period of time to research my magic. No, I don't regret it at all." Clicking her tongue, she paused before continuing her monologue. "It's just-I don't know how to say it. It's a bit more intense than I expected. I can see things with clarity far beyond what I've ever experienced before. My reflexes are similarly improved, and I can hear the quietest whispers. Imagine not being able see, and then, one day, you make a choice and boom!" She slammed her fist against the water. "Suddenly, you can see perfectly."

Sakura sank deeper into the water, submerging her chin. "It's a little bit like that."

Then, she sank deeper, leaving only her glowing red eyes staring at Edelgard's face, waiting for her inevitably curt responce.


She stared intently at Sakura, holding her limbs closer to herself. When Edelgard answered, her words were lined with exhaustion. "Big choices have never done good for me. I make the wrong ones. And they are... are irrevocable."

The warrior's gaze fell away, drawn to the polearm left just outside the bath. "Those things - becoming stronger in those ways, those matter to you?"


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