Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: YOLF on November 29, 2019, 05:03:58 AM ---Edelgard

She stared intently at Sakura, holding her limbs closer to herself. When Edelgard answered, her words were lined with exhaustion. "Big choices have never done good for me. I make the wrong ones. And they are... are irrevocable."

The warrior's gaze fell away, drawn to the polearm left just outside the bath. "Those things - becoming stronger in those ways, those matter to you?"

--- End quote ---


Sakura slowly nodded after several long seconds. "Not the physical boons so much, but I don't want to age if I don't have to. I don't want to grow old. I don't want to die before I manage to find my sister. And having to drink blood instead of eating for nourishment isn't a terribly bad price that I had to pay."

She suddenly perked up. "Oh, I also got us a job! Guarding the vampire king, she's offered to pay us well!"


She titled her head in turn. "Vampire king? One who made you a bloocksucker?" Edelgard asked.

Guarding a king was not such a new concept for the Forsaken, yet it made her spine tingle coldly. How many enemies did this one have? Was she hunted for their consumption practices, or other things?


"Yes, she made me a baron. It should give us some connections to work with, as well as a healthy sized steady paycheck on top of whatever the citadel provides us." Sakura answered. "If she needs us, we can take a portal to her."

She slid over to Edelgard on the other side of the bath and pullrd her into a loose hug. "Everything will be fine, don't worry." She said.


She frowned at the term. Title-granted nobility was always stranger to grasp than lines of birth and role. But whatever Sakura decided they were to do, she would follow. They were sworn to a common goal, and for it they needed assets.

Edelgard wanted to believe it was that simple. She didn't avoid the loose embrace, but merely leaned weightlessly on her companion in response.


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 30, 2019, 08:11:41 PM ---Edelgard

She frowned at the term. Title-granted nobility was always stranger to grasp than lines of birth and role. But whatever Sakura decided they were to do, she would follow. They were sworn to a common goal, and for it they needed assets.

Edelgard wanted to believe it was that simple. She didn't avoid the loose embrace, but merely leaned weightlessly on her companion in response.

--- End quote ---


Oh, she wasn't going to miss that social cue! She pulled Edelgard closer. "What's wrong?"


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