Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She raised an eyebrow at the sheer dumbness of the line being thrown at her, was his script really that broken? Maybe she should really take off the kiddie gloves.

"Fool don't you know anything? When dealing with uppity girls, you should just jam it in.  Really though... You should have just told me you were that backed up. I have nice collection of sex toys for sale too, my pocket pussies feel almost like the real deal, but having a guy's opinion would be like really great too."

Throughout all that she hadn't moved out of her stance.


--- Quote from: Aiden on April 23, 2019, 01:33:23 AM ---The Scribe

After a moment of renewed scribbling with that fancy fountain pen of his, the scribe pulled out a sack from one of the drawers in his desk. Then he grabbed a handful of a fine green powder, and threw it into something behind his desk. A big green flame exploded out from it, and the smoke from it whisked its way out of the room by passing between Sakura and Edelgard.

"I have sent the message... for them to prepare for your arrival." The scribe pointed to the door they entered by with his pen. "You may await their delegate in the bazaar within House Antioch's territory, just beyond the gatehouse. They will know... how to find you."

--- End quote ---


"Hold on." Sakura held up her hand, not standing up. "Can you tell me a bit more about this House of Antioch? The rules here? I only know what I skimmed on the net right now, so I don't want to commit any faux paux."

The Scribe

The scribe let out a sigh. "House Antioch is... the magical family whose members have held the rights to defending this gate and processing its customs duties for three generations. You saw their retainers outside, with their focusing pikes and enchanted armors." The scribe pulled out some more paper, and dipped his pen again, and turned the bulk of his attention back to his work. "Keep to the areas marked for the public, and... take care not to aggravate the guards. That is all."


Her fingers tightened and relaxed rythmically around the handle of her weapon. Antioch. A dynasty of honor guards for a sanctum of magic. Her people had fought the likes of them before, and knew the importance of these roles. Had things been different, would she be heading such a group for the High King?

She shook her head of the thought and asked, "Their leader, who?"

The warrior wanted to know at least that much.


Sakura cocked her eyes back at the man, looking at him expectantly.


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