Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She shook her head, and rose out of the water, clambering from Sakura's arms. "I am fine," Edelgard said, pulling herself out of the tub, one leg after the other. She turned to the girl, throwing lines of dripping hair over her shoulder, and looked into her eyes with composed finality.

"Maybe... later."


Sakura felt helpless. Edelgard needed speech therapy or something. She just couldn't always communicate effectively with her, and it made her feel bad.

None of this showed in her mannerisms, however. She simply nodded, and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, this is also pretty new to me. This having a friend thing. I don't know what sort of boundries I should be using."


She inhaled sharply. "No, not your fault," Edelgard said.

Edelgard, daughter of Eirun, daughter of Tymros, son of Thorin, son of Lothrin, son of Lothbrok, son of Ratan, was like a chipped blade that insisted on damaging itself against things that could not be cut. Her sharpness could impose respect, and her toughess would let lesser blades break against her. But no matter how she polished, how she filled it in the gaps, the more she did the more scars she gained.

Sometimes, just sometimes, she felt she wanted for more, but had no name to give that impulse.

"I'm glad," she continued, breathing through all of her lungs. "That you're here."


Sakura got out of the bathtub and stood in front of her. She nodded, patting her on the shoulder. "Same to you. I'd feel lost without another woman I felt safe talking to, Edel."


She recognized a gesture of connection for what it was, and weighted it against her poor judgement in these matters. It wouldn't do to let Sakura think it was not reciprocal, regardless of how little Edelgard could offer in return. Nakedness did not demonstrate trust by itself, but in the bath their vulnerability was mutual. Edelgard would... follow that thought.

"Do you need - want help with your hair?" The warrior asked.


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