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The Citadel of Sorcery

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--- Quote from: YOLF on December 02, 2019, 05:06:01 PM ---Edelgard

She recognized a gesture of connection for what it was, and weighted it against her poor judgement in these matters. It wouldn't do to let Sakura think it was not reciprocal, regardless of how little Edelgard could offer in return. Nakedness did not demonstrate trust by itself, but in the bath their vulnerability was mutual. Edelgard would... follow that thought.

"Do you need - want help with your hair?" The warrior asked.

--- End quote ---


Sakura nodded with a face full of joy. "Sure! I'll help you with yours, too."

She felt like any social contact with her would be good for this broken girl. While she wasn't privy to the specifics or the depth of whatever traumatic experiences that had driven her to this point, and probably never would, Sakura was positive that with enough time, and enough paitence, she would be able to slowly pull Edelgard out of her shell. Her sister had done it for her, and now it was her turn to pay that kindness back to somebody else.

So, she sat down, a shadowy bench forming underneath her. She reached into it, and pulled out a full hairdressers kit for them both to use. It had everything even a professional might want, although only the brushes seemed to have been worn down.

Her long purple hair glistened with moisture as it hung loosely down her back, untangled and undressed from its usual drills.


The brushes were much finer than Edelgard was used to. She ran her calloused, tense fingers through Sakura's locks, stopping to slip them free whenever they hit a tangle of slight resistance, and thought of how she had done this in the past. Her teacher had only commanded her to do his hair when she could parry him while balanced over the needle pit, but disentangling that mane had been a trial of its own. She herself had allowed the foolish junior who called her master to do it in hopes of countering her stickiness, and had only made it worse.

Edelgard tested the weight and form of multiple brushes, but all she needed was one. She smoothed out Sakura's hair, from the roots to the tips, taking her time empty of thoughts, before she discarded the object and began to lace the tresses she divided into a braid. Braiding hair was like stringing a bow, to the Forsaken woman. It was like oiling and sharpening her weapons, like testing a move before battle until it was perfect in memory if not form. It was like doing those things for someone else.

She hummed for a moment as she worked, the softest sound the young magician had ever heard from her throat.


--- Quote from: YOLF on December 02, 2019, 11:11:52 PM ---Edelgard

The brushes were much finer than Edelgard was used to. She ran her calloused, tense fingers through Sakura's locks, stopping to slip them free whenever they hit a tangle of slight resistance, and thought of how she had done this in the past. Her teacher had only commanded her to do his hair when she could parry him while balanced over the needle pit, but disentangling that mane had been a trial of its own. She herself had allowed the foolish junior who called her master to do it in hopes of countering her stickiness, and had only made it worse.

Edelgard tested the weight and form of multiple brushes, but all she needed was one. She smoothed out Sakura's hair, from the roots to the tips, taking her time empty of thoughts, before she discarded the object and began to lace the tresses she divided into a braid. Braiding hair was like stringing a bow, to the Forsaken woman. It was like oiling and sharpening her weapons, like testing a move before battle until it was perfect in memory if not form. It was like doing those things for someone else.

She hummed for a moment as she worked, the softest sound the young magician had ever heard from her throat.

--- End quote ---

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura didn't say anything. She didn't complain about the lack of regard for her preferred hairstyle, nor did she compliment Edelgard's pleasently surprising skill at the brushing of the hair.

She just sat there, smiling, letting Edelgard brush and do her hair, and finally have a moment where she seemed to have put her guard down and be at ease.

She wanted it to last for as long as possible.


She allowed it to last much longer in the iron-walled confines of her mind than she was sure it had lasted in truth. When Edelgard came to, tying the end of Sakura's hair into the tail end of a volumous braid, she blinked and pulled her hands away. Instead of a hum, she grunted in affirmation that her work was done, hitting Sakura's shoulder lightly with her palm.

"Is it fine?" She asked.


Only then did Sakura finally turn around and allow herself to move. She'd even stopped breathing for a little while, although she certainly hadn't noticed.

Edelgard could see the evidence of her hard work etched onto her musculature now, and see the strength of her chisled body. She grabbed the braid and slung it ocer her shoulder, feeling the fine work.

"I like it a lot. Can you do this for me every day?" She asked. "I don't know if I can replicate it."


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