Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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She frowned at the convenience of it. It rankled at her because it would have rankled at cloth-makers and weavers she knew to know it was so simple, and that the someone who made it so simple had no qualms in sharing her work.

Nonetheless, that vague bother was a world away, and she nodded. "Please."


8:00 AM Nexus Time

Thorra had flown straight to the Citadel. Gawking spectators took pictures of the nearly naked woman flying lazily through the sky carring a dragon's corpse through the air by its tail. It had taken her a little bit to go through customs, arguing briefly about paying them some sort of toll, she made it inside.  She carefully carried it to Neptune's, making sure not to bump into anything with the gargantuan corpse until she arrived outside the familar shop.

Carefully balancing the dragon on her shoulder, she wrapped on the door with her foot.


Thee door opened by itself for her with a slightly creaking but otherwise nothing else happened. What she would see, clearly visible from the entrance was Neptune's downed form on the top of a pile of junk.


She was fast asleep and she was holding something, no, upon a closer look she was clearly spooning a big blue blob. Her legs came around it neatly enough to hold it in place against her stomach, not that it looked like it wanted to get away either as it was rubbing against her too.


"Heeeeey! Wake up! I brought you goodies!" Thorra exclaimed, stomping her foot in the doorway. She didn't want to leave her prize unguarded! Who knew how hard it would be to find and kill another dragon if somebody stole it! They were on guard for her now!



The purplehead remained asleep even as the doorway magically expanded to let Thorra and her prize in, not only that but the interior grew as well with a whooshing and cranking noise of cogs

Yet the owner slept through it all.


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