Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Lightning excitedly ran down her skin, making the air sizzle and glow a faint blue around the giantess. "It'd be wonderful if you were my tailor and my smith!" She exclaimed. "Examine whatever you want!"


"It's been done, my shop automatically scans everyone who enters, but don't tell anyone that. It's supposed to be a secret~" She put a finger before to tell the girl to be hush about it.

"Oh and put me down, I can't do no nothing from all the way up here."


"Bwahahahahaha!" Thorra chortled. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" She put Nep down and thumped her chest. "I'm great at keeping fun secrets!"


10:00 AM Nexus Time

Damn I'm getting old.

It was a lie, of course. All the same, it was the only answer Neil could really find to his current situation, having somehow sleep-walked from the district's border gates all the way to the gaudy edifice of Neptune's shop. Even switching over to wolf senses hardly helped matters, dulling the colors but making them shine all the brighter. Shaking his head, Neil quickly checked his pockets and pouches to make sure nothing had been misplaced while he'd been sleep-walking.

Much as Neil wanted to blame it on last night's hunt, he knew that wasn't why. He couldn't even blame the blonde who'd started haunting his dreams again. Well, not that he would blame her even if it was her fault. The border crossing had just been that boring, even while mulling over the various ways he might have killed the guards, too unmotivated to even bother suppressing that instinct.

Yawning quietly, Neil straightened out his olive drab outfit, knocked on the door.


"Welcome to Neptune's Fabulous Forge!"

Right after he knocked, a quirky purplehead had slammed opened the door with much anticipation. After her latest client she was way more pumped up than usual. However, her excitement died the moment she saw him and the bubbly girl froze while her mouth widened comically.

She blinked.

"Whoaaa... I haven't had a total stud like you come over in so loooong-"


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