Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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Neil cocked an eyebrow at how quickly the door was answered, his other eyebrow soon following as he took in the great forgemaster he'd been hearing so much about. She was younger than he'd figured, but he'd been expecting that. More surprising was that he could've sworn the woman's lilac hair had been raven-black for a moment. Blinking as she did, Neil met her gaze as she went from bubbly to dead silent so fast that the werewolf had to hold back a laugh.

Ah, she's open from head to toe. Either she's got defenses in place or she just doesn't care. Probably both.

What she said finally tipped things over, Neil allowing a brief chuckle and a warm smile as he took his hat off.

"Well, I haven't met a forgemaster as cute as you in a long time," the werewolf mused, "So I'd say we've both got something to be surprised about. Mind if I come in?"


"I'd mind if you didn't come in. come on don't just stand there!" She nodded and bounced on the spot like a set of fireworks that was about to go off prematurely. Then she latched onto his arm like a starved puppy, begging to be noticed and fed her favorite appetizer. "You sure you don't mean smoking hot or drop dead gorgeous? I'm not really the cutesy type. Aye, maybe when I was younger."

Her workshop was a... cluttered mess, that was the only way to describe it. Yet there was something to it, some method to the madness. "Wadda you want? I hope it something that goes booom... I haven't made a kick ass weapon in tooo long~"


The werewolf's balance was hardly disturbed as the purplehead latched onto his arm, Neil watching her bounce with that warm smile still on his face. His eyes almost seemed like they were shining in whatever light there was in the workshop, the way a wolf's eyes might at night. Almost idly, the his free hand came up to gently pat her on the head, taking in the feel of silky smooth hair and the way she was practically pressing herself against him.

"Let's go with smoking hot, then," Neil said, looking over Neptune again before taking a moment to survey the cluttered mess. He was sure there was some hidden order among the chaos, but that would be better left to the maker of this mess.

"Sorry to say, but weapons are the second thing on my list," he admitted, "First things first, I'm looking for a new suit. Something nice and light, armored, and it'll need to fit a couple different sizes. Preferably something that'll mend itself, if that can fit."


"Aww that's a shame, your bod is way too good to just hide away.... Hmm... You're about 9 inches taller than me already just how big do you grow? You're not human are you."  It wasn't a question as much as a statement of fact. She poked his chest playfully and then pulled back before pulling something out of her pocket.

The purple head happily twirled it around in her hand like it was some cool item to show off when in fact it was nothing more than a piece of measuring tape. "Any abilities or so I should be aware about? Seeing as you needed to look me over twice I could throw something in to boost your senses~" She said humorously as she wrapped it around him and begun taking mental notes.


"If that's how you feel, I wouldn't be opposed to the suit being form-fitting," Neil said, watching Neptune make a show of measuring him with a bemused glint lighting eyes, "It's more that I'll need it to fit a smaller form as well."

With that, Neil shrank down and filled out, blue eyes blinking as dark hair now framed her face. Nicole stared at the purplehead, locking her gaze with Neptune's for a moment before relaxing with a warm laugh. The olive drab uniform changed with the werewolf as well, tightening itself against her smaller frame, giving her a much sharper look.

"As for other abilities, I can breath fire and mold it to my needs, and I've got a couple other forms. Don't think my senses need a boost though, not with all the sex toys you've got lying around. Doesn't seem like you were the only one testing them either," Nicole mused, putting her hands behind her back and arching up just a bit, "Do you need to take measurements on this form, or can I change back?"


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