Cross Effects > Areas

The Citadel of Sorcery

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"You're cute but I prefer your other form, so you're some sort of shape shifter huh...." She scratched her head as she tried to figure out what it was. Not knowing something really got on her nerve and this was no different, and she had noticed the toys too. She was gonna pack then up Buuut....

She  grinned smugly and put her hands on her hips then leaned forward slightly as she called her customer on the claim. "If you're that good at seeing things why don't we make a bet? I'll give you a 10% discount for each one of my sizes you get right."


Nicole shrugged at Neptune's evaluation, the werewolf unable to help a slight smirk as the woman's frustration played out. Her offer had Nicole returning the smile as her eyes lit with mirth, however, Nicole reaching out to pull Neptune in closer. For a brief moment, her focus sharpened to a razor's edge, Nicole scanning Neptune one last time and comparing with her own measurements.

"Hm, your three sizes?" she said, relaxing again as she locked her eyes to Neptune's, "I'd say Bust 87, Waist 58, and Hips 85. While we're here, I'd say you're probably an E-cup and...48 kilos. Wonder how much work it is to maintain a figure like that around here?"


"He-hey! You gotta be cheating there-there's no way you got all of them right! And of course it's a lot of work, I have to keep my appeal up, at least half of it comes from looking like this, Running a business is all about appearances."

She pushed herself closer to the shape shifter and whispered in her ear. "And the ditziness is an act too.... Guys are way more likely to accept my prices if they think I'm a bit dumb. But I can't let you get away with a 50% discount either~"


The werewolf watched Neptune with just a little bit more smugness than she'd care to admit, her grin widening right up until the purplehead leaned in. Between the sudden switch to a more serious Neptune, her closeness, the way the purplehead's figure pressed up against hers, and the quiet whisper, Nicole could've sworn the woman's hair had just turned jet-black for a moment. A familiar voice crept into her ear for all of a moment instead of Neptune's, the shapeshifter starting to lean back before she caught herself, quickly shaking off the reminiscence.

"Seems like it's been working out pretty well for you so far," Nicole whispered back, pressing back against her in turn as a slight flush spread across her face, "As for the discount, well. I'll be fine taking a lower discount, but I wonder what you'll offer to make up for it~?"

She already had something in mind, of course, but what was the harm in letting her squirm for a bit?


The purplehead wore a far mor eerily smile now, she had noticed the reaction which meant her approach had been effective. So rather than pull back she pushed forward when the suggestive question was posed to her by her target. She wrapped a hand around Nicole's waist and another around her neck to prevent her from pulling back again. She would catch her.

Her hot breathe lingered over the side of her client's face as well as her neck, Neptune was breathing more heavily than before, that moment just before you reeled the catch in was so exciting. "Whatever you may want from me... Everything is negotiable with me, everything~"


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